Ch. 2 -More Friends?-

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It was about 8 in the morning when you woke up. It was Saturday, so no volleyball practice for Dateko. You felt something holding you down, an arm of Aone, wrapped around protectively. He wasn't kidding when he said he'd protect you apparently. You slipped out of his grasp, holding a pillow like a stuffed animal. Wandering through the sunlit kitchen, you tried to find a snack to eat, quickly remember seeing fruit snacks in a cupboard as the lady was putting away dishes.
Aone woke up shortly after feeling emptiness beside him, quickly getting up to find you. He found you looking up at a cabinet and gesturing for a snack. He thought about what would be suitable for a snack and thought of the fruit snacks they had. Getting one from an upper cabinet, he handed you one and you started cheerfully eating the gummy snacks. You stopped suddenly and pick one out for Aone to have. You hold out your palm with the snack and gaze in his eyes as to say 'here, have one'. He blinks, and smiles as he takes the gummy and eats it. Both of you sit in comfortable morning silence as you eat the gummies, and Aone listens to the birds. He gets up suddenly, fishing out some lettuce, cuts it to medium size, and gestures you to follow him. He walks down the hall to a different room, filled with these glass boxes.

He soon takes one of these boxes, and lifts it to put it on the floor. You peek inside and saw a Turtle! You've never seen a turtle before but on TV, and this was a real green turtle! You coo in fascination, watching as the creature comes out of his shell. Aone grabbed the green vegetable, and carefully set it down in the tank. You watched as the turtle start to munch on the lettuce, seeing its tiny mouth open. This was so cool to you, you glance at Aone, then back to the turtle. Once it was done eating, Aone carefully picked it up, and placed it on the floor. He gestured on how to pet its shell, and you felt the rough, but smooth texture of the turtle.
"Reggie" you heard Aone said. It's name was Reggie. You tried saying the name, but ended up coughing. It was gonna be some time before you could talk again. You yawn, now tired again. Aone picked up the turtle, placed it back in the tank, and put it back where it was. He then picked you up again, to go back to bed. Once in the room, he placed you down and you crawled to the pillow pile at the head of the bed. You fall asleep quickly and Aone joins you, not falling back asleep yet. He admires your sleeping face before pulling out his phone to call his pediatrician doctor.

Around 11 is when you wake up again. This time, Aone picks you up and takes you to the breakfast table. Bowls of food cover the tabletop, and the Lady from yesterday smiles at you again. "Well good morning you two, I hope you slept well." Emi cheers. You slept pretty well considering your trauma.
"Go-mmernin" you managed to get out before coughing again. A glass of water was handed to you before you sipped it. It hurt to talk, and both Emi and Aone looked pitiful at you before starting to eat.
After your breakfast, you were dressed in other clothes of small Aone, before being picked up, and out the door into a large machine with wheels. You didn't know what it was, but Aone was there to calm you down if you started panicking. A long, silver seatbelt was placed on you, before you heard a loud Roar of an engine. It startled you a bit, but Aone was quick to ease your nerves. Soon, everything outside the window was moving past, and it was like this for a good 10 to 15 min before the car stopped outside a building. It looked really tall, and you started to shake with anxiety. Entering the building, you could smell the concrete walls, and the waxed floor. You were really curious, but also cautious. You've never been to a place like this, so you hold onto Aone's leg as you walk.

Once you went through a door, the colors of the wall changed, and there were toys all over the floor, along with a colorful carpet that had interesting shapes for your eyes to follow. You liked how friendly it seemed. Maybe there were new friends to make. You look around and see other people behind a big table, waving at Aone and Emi. They greeted them, and stood to take a look at you. You could hear the 'aww' and 'oohs' they made. Shyly, you hid behind Aone as the other people giggled. Aone smiled reassuringly at you, and hoisted you to his lap. The couches in the waiting area were different colors, and you sat on the lime green couches, apparently waiting on someone.
It wasn't long until a woman with auburn hair, in a ponytail, came out and asked for 'Takenobu'. You, Aone, and his mom stood up and followed the doctor. The doctor motioned to wait in a room and shut the door, saying she'll be with them shortly.
5 minutes later, same woman comes in and introduces herself. "Hi, I'll be your doctor today, my name is Aiko, what can I do for you today?" She states. You're clinging onto Aone by his arm. "Hi Aiko, long time no see! I'm hear with my son who found a child and we were hoping you could take a look at them." Aone's mother started. "He found them yesterday after school and by the looks of what we saw, they had been abused. We didn't want to jump to conclusions so we wanted a professional opinion before doing anything." She ended. The doctor motions for Aone to show you, bit you whined, not wanting to meet the scary person. Aone apologized and whispered reassurances into your ear. You looked at the doctor who wore a bright smile. You eased a bit as you allowed her to take a look at you. After doing the basic temperature, ear check, etc., she shifted her focus on your arm, which was covered in a bandage. Carefully, she felt around, squeezing a tiny bit to further feel for anything broken, she took an overhead small x-ray machine and geared you up. After taking a picture, she concluded that you had a spiral fracture, most evident of child abuse. She then asked Aone and his mother to step outside so she could check your abdomen. You started shaking, she was gonna find out. You didn't want her to touch you anymore, so you scooted as far into the corner as you could, and cried if the doctor came close.
After some crying and reassurances, the doctor could continue her exam. Based on the defensive behavior you showed, she had a hunch that you were s3xu4lly 4ssaulted. It wasn't long before she found evidence of said actions. She gave you a hug and a lollipop as a reward, but you were too shaken up to eat it. You wanted to go home, you wanted to hide, away from the world. The doctor had to do a DNA test of the "evidence" found, and take a sample of your DNA to match who your birth caretakers were. After everything, she apologized to you, and shared the results of her exam to the Takenobu family. You would stay in their care until further notice.

Dr. Aiko put the samples into the machine, and started the process. It was about 10 minutes until a match came up, then a phone call from the police station.
"Hello, this is Dr. Aiko of (prefecture) Pediatrics, how can I help you?" She started.
"Hi, this is (prefecture) police department. We've gotten a hit from a DNA test you performed, the grandparents are longtime criminals, is there a reason why you did this?" Asked Officer Sawamura Sr.
"Yes, there was a patient here brought in by a family, apparently the teen boy found a child, who was abused by their grandparents. I'm afraid I can't give you who found her, but with the evidence I found of s3xu4al trauma, it's enough to bring in the grandparents for questioning. Rest assured, the child is with a good family. If wished to proceed further officer, then a warrant is needed, sir." Aiko replied.
"Thank you for clarifying, I'm sure you want to help this child too, we'll get the warrant just to ask some questions. We want to help the kid too." Sawamura Sr stated. The phone call ended with a click. Dr Aiko was quick to send a message to the Takenobu family, letting them know an officer might want to ask questions about how they found the child.

End of Ch. 2

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