Ch. 22 -Suspension days-

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When you got suspended, this wasn't what you were thinking.

Currently, you were sitting in Aone's class, in the corner, doing an elementary school worksheet. You were bored out of your mind currently, and no one was able to give you attention.
If this was school life, why would you think to apply?
You refocus on the worksheet, easily finishing it. You already knew some of this stuff, so you were free of work for the rest of the day. Aone was reading his book, too focused to see you climb onto his lap quietly, as to not disturb others. He didn't look away as he held you in his lap, allowing you to fall asleep.

You woke up in a daycare bed, around 2. It was almost the end of the day, so you would be joining Aone in his volleyball practice. You were groggy for longer than usual but woke up fully when Aone arrived. You mindlessly open your arms and call him.
"Niii-chaaan." You whined a bit, which was new. Aone immediately noticed and picked you up. Immediately nuzzling his neck, you calmed down slightly, and you wouldn't let go.
On the way to the gym, you continued to whine. Aone was confused as to why. You had a headache, and when Aone went to brush your hair with his fingers, you flinched at the touch. Futakuchi nodded at Aone and headed to the gym. Aone headed to the nurse's office to see if she was still there. To his luck, she was.
"Oh, hello! I was just getting ready to leave! What's one more student, eh?" She said. She immediately noticed you, squirming around in irritation.
"Oh, poor thing. It looks like a simple headache. They should be fine as long as there's no loud noises or bright lights, and staying hydrated is also key!" The nurse said before softly patting your head and leaving. Aone turned around to leave and thought of how to null your headache during practice. Surely, the coach would know what to do.

"You can leave them in the club room today and turn on the lamp in there, too. It's soft on headaches but still bright enough to see. Unfortunately, I can't give them my headache medicine."
"Why?" Futakuchi chirped.
"It's alcohol." Coach said nonchalantly. Both kids widen their eyes.
"I'm kidding! It's adult Tylenol." He said quickly. The pressure is immediately released on the teens' shoulders.
Aone took a couple of spare jackets from the box in the storage room and a small mat. He'd cover the mat in the jacket so it creates a nice place to lay instead of the bench or floor. He'd then found a spare pillow for some reason and put that under your head. He turned on the odd looking lamp coach described and made sure to check on you periodically. You whine at the loss of your brother's warmth but quickly find his jacket around you. He smiled and quietly closed the door. The banging of the volleyballs were very muted and made you smile in comfort. If anyone were to protect you, it would be the boys. You fall asleep to the sounds of volleyball and have a dreamless sleep.
The next time you wake up, you're in bed with mom on your side. She was worried when you didn't wake up when getting home. You immediately sat up and hugged her, still feeling a ping of pain in your head. Mom brushed your hair barely, but you still flinched in pain. She thought you might have a concussion from hitting the wall at school, so she got an ice pack with her and put it up to your head. The cold immediately soothing you, you let out a sigh of relief. Mom sat there, periodically switching arms to hold the ice, and once it was melted, she wiped your wet forehead with a towel. She also got the children's Tylenol in case the pain was too much, but you wanted total relief, so you took the medicine.

Falling asleep with a concussion is no easy task, let alone being a child with one. You didn't sleep much, and it was evident on the light dark circles around your eyes. Unlucky for you, Aone had school and mom had work. Luckily for you, Dad was home in the rare instances. Papa Nobu was reading when you woke up and walked to the living room.
"Good morning, sweet pea, I hope you're hungry, I made eggs with rice! And I also got apple juice for you." He said quietly, knowing your headache. You smile weakly at him and slowly trudge to the table. You weren't in the mood for eating, but you managed to take a few bites of everything to make Papa happy.
He gives you medicine again, and you take it with water. With meds and everything covered, you lay on Papa's lap for a little while before he picks you up and puts you to bed. The cycle repeats until bedtime. Where you're definitely asleep under 2 medium stuffed animals, 2 blankets, and Aone's body. You were hidden like a gem. You heard Aone play on his phone for a little while before putting it down and holding you close. The heat from everything was comfortable, and you finally fell asleep.

You were done with your suspension, but your concussion made you stay an extra day at home. Papa Nobu was home again, taking care of you. Your headache seemed to be getting worse, so he called your doctor.
"Hello, am I speaking to Doctor Aiko?"
"It's Papa Nobu, here with (y/n). They recently got a concussion about 3 days ago, and I'm concerned because it seems to be getting worse. We've done everything we could to try and calm it down, but we don't know what to do."
"You said they got a concussion?"
"Take them to the children's hospital, I'll meet you there." She said as she hung up.
Papa nobu looked at the phone, then you.
"Guess we're going to the hospital." You whined as he said that. He got dressed and looked around for something to cover your head.
A red and blue expandable scarf was left on a chair in the dining room.
"That'll do." He grabbed it and wrapped your head to comfort you. You weakly nod a 'thanks' to him.
Once you arrived, Doctor Aiko was waiting in the emergency room, signing in. Papa and her greet before she ushers you into a room. She grabs a couple of free nurses to start an IV and requested an MRI for you. The pain was slowly subsiding because of the medicine, but it made you groggy as hell. It also made you slur your words.
"Maaaaa heeadd, maba." You slurred. Everything felt woozy, and you wanted to sleep, so you tried. No luck. The meds made you sleepy, but you couldn't sleep. You couldn't focus on anything, really. Papa placed his hand on your shoulder as you wiggled in the woozy feeling. The next thing you register is the bed moving.
"Weeeeeee!" Your drugged mind said, putting your hands in the air like an actual ride. Papa nobu already called mom and brother, and they'll visit after they're done with school and work. The nurses giggled at you doing the arm thing all the way to the MRI.
The big machine came into view, and you were not having it. You started to cry and panic at how big it was.
"Waaaaa! No, no, no!" You cried, starting to slightly thrash around. The nurses were quick to calm you down, trying to explain what was needed.
"The big scary machine would eat you, and then realize you're not tasty, and then spit you back out, ok?" A nurse tried to say, but only made matters a bit worse. The pain in your head was back and in full throttle. Another nurse was quick to suggest putting you to sleep, which Dr, Aiko agreed to. The nurse gave a little anesthesia in your IV, and you went silent, then fell asleep. Papa Nobu was worried because he heard your screaming, but a nurse assured him you were safe.
A little after the scan was complete, it was time for results. By the time you woke up, Mom and Aone were chatting with the doctor.
"They should be fine. It's a minor concussion and should heal in a couple of days. If the symptoms continue, don't hesitate to call or visit." Doctor Aiko said before handing a medicine that would elevate your pain.

After leaving the hospital, Mom breathed a sigh of relief. Her youngest was ok. After heading home, your mom called you in sick at school and didn't go for another 2 days.
After 2 days, you were fine and ready to go back.
Natsu screamed at the top of her lungs in happiness when she heard you were coming back, and when you did, she gave you the tightest hug she could muster. You patted her arms to let you go, and she did, holding your hand to your desk before returning to her own.
Everyone in the class was curious as to what happened, so Natsu had helped explain what went on after she was told by you. Everyone was super nice about it, and promised to look after one another if that happened again.

Who should your love interest be? Or if you want an aromantic character that is fine. Let me know what you would like to see next. See ya ✌️

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