Ch. 21 -Bullies?-

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It was 2 weeks after you started school, everything was going good, until you noticed a couple of kids giving you an odd look one day.

"OK, kids, go play!" Ms. Sakura shouted after lunch. Everyone clamored to the doors to the sweet outside. You and Natsu head for the swingset, but you felt a rather strong nudge from another kid racing past.
"Watch it, Mutey!" The kid said. You froze, confused. What did he call you? Natsu looked back and asked what happened. You glance at her, then back at the kid.
"Did someone say something to you? I'll beat them up!" She pounds he fist into her hand for demonstration. You smile and shake your head before she laughs as well. You'll tell your brother later, he'll deal with it, right?

It was a Wednesday, which meant Aone would pick you up. He was a few minutes late, which meant staying around other kids for longer. A boy comes up and pokes you harshly, making you wince. You still don't say anything.
"Why don't you talk?" He said bluntly. You figured he didn't know about your medical issue, so you opened your mouth to tell him, but him being the little shit he is, decided to tell you to hurry up. You stammer silently, but he left before you could get a word out.
"Bye, Mutey!" He shouted before running to his parent.
Your mouth hung agape in confusion before you spotted Aone walking towards you. You decided to think about it later. For now, Aone hugs are for you right now. Later at dinner, you were busy thinking about what happened earlier. Your face looked like you were constipated as you were deep in thought.
"Honey, what's wrong?" Mom asked, bringing you out from your daze. You looked up with a questioning look as rice fell from your utensil.
"You've been thinking all dinner long, what's on your mind?" She continued. You debate whether or not to tell her, ultimately doing so.
"There was a boy who poke me hard, an called me a 'mutey'?" You spoke clearly. Aone freezes mid-bite to look at you, utensil near his mouth with the bowl raised. Mom drops hers in her dish and swallows before talking;
"And when did this happen?" She asked, voice laced with venom.
"Today." You answered before taking a bite of now semi-cold rice. Her and Aone looked briefly before she took a breath and spoke,
"Well, as long as it is just today, I think it'll pass......hopefully. but if it starts up or continues, you tell someone, ok?" She states. You nod your head in understanding. It was cheery again at the dinner table in high hopes the teasing would stop.

It did not.

It had been 3 weeks after telling, and it didn't seem to stop like mom said. In fact, it got a bit worse each time. The kid has been leaving notes, telling other kids to call you 'mutey' and strange looks from the rest of the class.
Natsu stuck by your side through it and scared off anyone who dared to hurt you. Although, she could only do so much with you around her.
(B*lly warning ⚠️)

It was after school, and Ms. Sakura was walking to the pick-up place with you, but you had to go pee. She said to meet her afterward.
You did your business and left, only to be shoved to the side against the wall. You easily bruise, so there'll definitely be marks later. You open your eyes to see the same kid who was teasing you.
"So you're finally alone, eh? Took long enough." He snarled. You look up to him as he stands over you. You get up to leave, but he kicks you back down. He laughs at your pathetic way of getting up and continues to push you back down.
"I've got an idea." He smirks before ripping off your backpack and throwing it to the side. You lunge to grab it, but he punches your stomach. You gasp at the pain, guarding it immediately with your arms. He continues to punch whatever he can, avoiding your face.
After a few minutes, it stops, and he leaves.
You pick up your backpack, make sure the plush inside is safe, and continue to the pickup area. You wince at the already forming bruises, but still the feeling as you walk out the door.

It's at home that you stopped eating dinner. Both mom and Aone notice and worry about you. You stare at the half full plate of food before pushing it away and going to your and Aone's room. Aone gets up to follow you, but mom holds his hand to give you some time.
You slowly take the jacket off, holding your breath as you move to not cause pain. You were tired and wanted to sleep. After you changed and got ready, you lay down until you felt Aone come in and go to bed. You felt tears down your cheeks but didn't cry as to wake up anybody. Slowly, you fell into a dreamless sleep.
The next few days, nothing happened. It was all silent. The teasing would continue as usual. You'd deal with it as quietly as you could. Aone suspected more but didn't want to push you, so he waited. Turns out, he didn't need to wait long.
3 days. That's how long it took until you were alone again.
(B*llying warning again ⚠️)

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