Ch. 3 -School-

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It was Monday, 7 am, when you were woken up by Aone. He gestured you to get up, since you were going to school with him. The doctor's told the Takenobu family you were about 7 or 8, but was no where near ready for  school by yourself. They gave Aone a card, saying that you were in the care of the Takenobu family until further notice, and to allow you to be in daycare at the Highschool. It allowed Aone to come see you throughout the day, and to sign you out when school was over. Aone already talked to the school's staff about it, and it was allowed. You got dressed in tiny Aone's clothes, and were eating breakfast at the table. Once you were done, you and Aone headed out the door, to be greeted by the brunette, Futakuchi. You recognized him as one of the teens who found you. He was happy to see you slightly better. The way to school was a 10 minute walk, so the building came into view quickly. The teens walked in and split ways, for Aone was heading to the in-school daycare for teens who had kids, or siblings too young for school. Aone made sure to give you the Dateko jacket of his, to comfort you throughout the day. He signed you in, gave the people the doctor's note and walked in with you on his hip. You both enter the daycare room, and it looked comfortable, with all the small beds around, along with the huge amount of stuffed animals as well.
Aone told you he would visit you throughout the day, and take you to volleyball practice as well. You never heard of volleyball, so you were curious. He left to go to class, while you decided to go back to sleep. It wasn't like Aone's bed, but it'll do for now.
As to his word, Aone visited you whenever he got the chance, giving comfort to you. No one has tried to make you comfortable as Aone did, and you were grateful. At lunch, Aone brought tiny dumplings for you both to eat, as well as some rice. You'd sit in his lap as he took altering bites, feeding you the bites he didn't.
Soon, he had to leave for his last classes of the day, then he'll take you to practice. You were sad, but not for long as toys occupied your mind. There was a blue bunny stuffed animal, that was the size of you, that you really enjoyed. The caretakers of the daycare noticed how attached you were to the stuffie, so they let you keep it. With Aone's jacket around you and the stuffie in your arms, you fell asleep again for a nap.
About 3 hours later full of snacks, toys, and naps, it was the end of the school day. Aone came by with Futakuchi to sign you out, and off you three went to the giant gym. It was a relatively short walk, and the gym doors creaked open, revealing about 13 other people. A man, who you assumed was the coach, approached you and Aone.
"Aone, who is this?" He asked. Futakuchi replied; "they're a child he found, he has a doctors note saying they're in the Nobu family care until further notice." The coach, Oiwake, had a stern look on his face. You turn to hide in Aone's neck, letting out a whine. Aone rubs your back in reassurance, also heading to the locker rooms. He sets you down near a pile of mats, leaving to change into practice clothes.
Suddenly, 3 boys burst in breathing heavily, barely making it to the gym on time, before the coach yelled "KAMASAKI, MONIWA, AND SASUYA!! YOU HAVE 2 MIN TO CHANGE AND START RUNNING!" hearing a 'yes, sir' from the three second years, only stopping to gaze at you sitting near the mats. The dirty blonde, Kamasaki, picked you up abruptly, scaring you. He twirled you around, babbling how adorable you were. The other two were trying to tell him to stop, before freezing. Kamasaki looked at them with question, before feeling a hand on his shoulder. He turned around, and Aone, with the coldest glare he could muster, stared deep into the older's soul. You made grabby hands towards Aone, ignoring the chill he was giving off. Aone broke his gaze, eased it, and smiled as he took you easily from kamasaki's arms. The latter was still frozen in fear, as Aone walked away from them toward the coach.
You were hesitant to sit next to the scary man, but Aone seemed to trust him enough to place you by his coach's side. He places you down, and heads to warm up, while you hold the stuffie in your arms. The coach gazes at your small figure, wondering how you came to be in Aone's care, but was pulled to attention as the second years finally showed through the locker room door.
Everyone was busy practicing, you saw the ball they used in the game being spiked, blocked, and received. The loud banging made you flinch everytime, but the ball moving kept your attention on not having a panic attack. You followed the ball with your eyes as best you could, but what really caught you was when it was spiked. Seeing the person almost fly off the ground, almost made  flight seem possible. You cooed in wonderment, catching the spiker's attention in a blush of embarrassment. Other players giggled a bit before continuing the game.

After practice was over, you deemed the coach alright to sit by. Aone was pleased with you accepting his coach as a person to trust, even though no words were said between you and Coach Oiwake. His presence was calming, almost father-like. It's been a minute since you've had a father figure.
As you were leaving with Aone, you heard Kamasaki shout "BYE TINY-CHAN!" Aone froze, the nickname suited you quite well, as he didn't know your name, so having a nickname was good.
The walk home in the sunset was a comfortable silence, taking in the noise of people coming home from work or school. As the two teens talked, you felt at ease. It was a brief feeling of vulnerability that shocked you. You weren't able to feel that way in a long time, with your parents gone, and your grandparents behaviors. It was enough for you to shed a few small tears, but still have a smile, finally in a family that actually suited you. You didn't want to leave, but you knew things couldn't last, so you just wish it was a little longer to stay.
Aone carefully turned your head, wiping the tears away. He also wanted you to stay, but he knew it wasn't as simple as that. He knows certain steps had to be taken before you could be part of his family. He promised, before you went to sleep, that he'll see to it to have you a member of the Takenobu family. He also promised to take care of you and never abandon you. Needing to hear those words, you fell asleep with a smile on your face.

End of ch. 3

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