Ch. 9 -A gentle Giant-

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It was a few days after the volleyball incident, and Aone explained to you that he needed to study really hard, and can't have anything to distract him. He reassured you weren't a burden about 10 times as he explained it. You weren't bothered at all, so you got up early in the morning, gathered what you needed for 2 days, and was excited to see who this friend was. Aone pulled out his phone and texted his friend.

We're heading to the train
R u ready to meet them?

Good morning
I am ready as I can be
I hope I will not disappoint 👍

You'll love them
I trust you enough to ask for this

I sure hope so

Aone put away his phone and got on the train with you, and sitting with you on the bench. You got up at 5 to get ready, so you were very tired after getting on the train. You fall back asleep, holding your bear and leaning on Aone's shoulder. He felt a weight on his arm and looked at you sleeping peacefully. He got his headphones out and listened to some soft music, also to keep an ear out for you. The train ride was only an hour, but you've never been on a train before, so this was new to you. It was an easy ride, you barely even noticed that Aone picked you up with your stuff and head off the train
It was about 6:30 am, and the sun was starting to rise. Aone looked around the small crowd at the station for Ushijima, and spotted him entering the platform in a big coat. The coat was a trench coat made for winter, but it was subtle in detail and could easily blend in with crowds. Ushi had a light gray turtleneck on and black track pants, he was also wearing his volleyball shoes. He spotted Aone and headed toward him.
"Morning Aone-kun, how're you?" Ushi asked, Aone replied with a smile and a very small grunt. Aone turns to you and tries to nudge you awake. You slowly blink, as the first sun's rays are visible. You yawn, turning your head at the person in front of you.
"I am Ushijima Wakatoshi, I'll be the one babysitting you until your brother's tests are done." He introduced, you were still half asleep when he said that, so things didn't register right away. You nodded in acknowledgement and promptly went back to sleep. Both males chuckled at your response. Aone started to tell Ushi about your schedule, and how to handle episodes of crying if ever happened, he also said to slowly introduce anyone new to you, since you were still a bit anxious around new people. Ushi nodded, keeping mental notes as Aone continues.
"They don't like loud noises, but volleyball is fine. And please try not to curse so obscenely." He asked. Aone didn't want to expand your curse word vocabulary any more than Kamasaki. Ushi nodded and promised to take care of you to the best of his abilities. Aone smiled and handed Ushi your bags, and handed you to him. You open your eyes to wave Aone 'bye' and held onto Ushijima's arms.
After driving back to his dorm, he entered the room and laid you on the bed. He opened the group chat for the volleyball team and told them about you.

Good morning everyone, hope you all rested well
If you see a child with me, please don't worry
I am babysitting for a friend of mine for 2 days as his exams are coming up
This is the little sibling of my friend and I promised to take care of them for the time being
There are things he has asked of you guys as to give the child space, to slowly introduce yourselves, and absolutely no cursing whatsoever is this clear? If it is, I expect the best behavior from you. If not, I will ask the coach about 1 on 1 practice match between you and I. Thank you for your time

He closed his phone and got ready for the day. First was practice, so he wrapped you up nice and warm, before getting ready himself. He picks you up and makes sure you have the proper stuff to keep you busy. He walks out his dorm and heads to the gym.
To everyone's surprise, Ushijima was late. It wasn't everyday the future captain was late, but it was always important why he was late. He walks into the gym backwards to open the door and to hold you.
"Wakatoshi-kun! You're late! Wait what're you holding?" The redhead asks, not seeing your face yet. Ushijima puts a finger to his mouth to shush him. You were squirming a bit to find a comfortable position, but to no avail so you just woke up, peering over the jacket Aone gave you to keep warm, and holding your plush bear for comfort. Everyone looked shocked at Ushijima, his text actually true. Coach Washijō glances and returns to his office. You look around the big gym, noticing how bigger it is compared to Dateko's gym.
"Woooa" you cooed, the bright green catching your eyes. You didn't notice a certain redhead walking up, but he didn't scare you thankfully.
"I'm Satori Tendou, pleasure to meet you tiny-chan." He said, you were too busy looking at his hair, and made grabby hands towards his head. He was surprised you wanted to feel his hair, most kids he sees are afraid of him. He leans down, allowing you to touch, and it felt like fuzzy soft threads. You looked in amazement at how red his hair was. It reminded you of apples.
"Mer appo. (Mr. Apple)" you say to him. Tendou widens his eyes and almost started crying. No one has given him a good nickname, much less a proper one. He was happy he had a good nickname for once. He smiles at you and rubs your head. "Yea, I can be Mr apple." And backs away for others to greet you. He had small tears running down, from being so accepted from a child. The next person was a guy with wolf colored hair. You didn't show any interest until he spoke.
"Semi Eita, nice to meet you." You look in wonderment and wanted to see if he could sing for you, but didn't have the opportunity because of coach Washijō coming out of his office.
"Alright, enough chitchat, let's get to practice. Ushiwaka, put the child down somewhere and get ready." A soft 'sir' came from the players, before heading to the locker room. You were placed on a nearby bench, near the wall. You busied yourself with the iPad Aone brought for you. And you made sure to turn down the volume to not distract the players, although with someone as tiny and cute as you, distractions always happen. Coach Washijō comes up and glares at you. You were too busy on a math game to notice him, but he walked away before you saw him.
About 5 minutes later, everyone was busy practicing. Ushijima with his spikes, Tendou with his blocks and so on. It was now 9 am, and all the players changed and got ready for class. You were still on the bench, but sleeping. Ushijima picked you up and started to walk to class when coach shouted from his office, "Ushiwaka, take after school practice off, clearly you're gonna be busy." Before shutting his office door. Ushi smiled a bit, finally getting to hangout with you. He heads to his first class, you having headphones on to soften the chatter of students around you. Ushi goes into the class, and the teacher looks at him dumbfoundly. He reassured the teacher before sitting at his desk. The routine goes over and over again until the end of the day.
Walking out the gates to the dorms, Ushi goes to his room, and goes to the common kitchen to get a snack for you. He finds a gummy pack and heads upstairs to start on his homework. This was going to be an easy 2 days, he starts doing his homework for a few hours before his roommate came from practice. The door opens.
"I'm here to get this week's issue of 'JUMP' baaack!" Tendou sings.
"I'm still reading 'leaves your skin feeling silky smooth'."
"Can't you just read the actual Manga instead of the ads?"

Then what would be the point of the ads?"
"For you to spend money on something useless and never getting your money back." Tendou stated, silence fills the room for a few moments before Tendou tells what Ushijima missed at practice. You were eating the gummy snack Ushi got you, but you were still hungry. It was about dinnertime anyways so he brought you downstairs with Tendou and got some food. After eating, you wanted to take a bath, so you ask if Ushi could help start it. He nodded and led you to the baths. He helped getting you ready, but you didn't want him watching you clean. So, after he set up the bath, you grabbed him and motioned him to basically guard the door. He blinked a few times in confusion, but ultimately agreed. You waddle back into the bath, close the door and start doing your stuff. It was about 30 min before Ushi heard you ask for help. He opened the door, with his eyes covered, and somehow managed to help drain the bath and not look at you. He handed you a towel to cover yourself with, and one to dry your hair when you get dressed. After getting some pj's out, you got dressed and sat on Ushi's lap for him to dry your hair. He started on the top and worked his way down. Once he was done, you were almost asleep. He lays you down with the plush, and covers you in a blanket.
You fell asleep, feeling fluffy and clean.
Ushijima pulls out his phone to text Aone.

So how were the exams?

Is the tiny one behaving themselves?

Yes, although people were very surprised I had a child with me
I didn't mind carrying them around
They called Tendou "Mr apple"
I thought it was adorable

That is adorable wow
Did they meet your coach?

No why?

They have a bit of trauma with elderly people
Their grandparents were the ones who took care of them
Although not anymore
The grandparents are in prison now

Ah, our coach is a bit
But he was open to have them watch if there's no distractions from practice
But also knowing how cute they are its kinda hard to focus

Good, just be very vigilant around them and your coach
I don't want her having an anxiety attack away from me

Will do 👍
Study and rest well

Ushijima turned his phone away from him. Now, he takes his shirt off and lays it in top of you. Then he laid down on top of you, with an arm around you protectively.
The next day, Ushijima requested the day off from both practice and school, to show you around the shops. You were gonna get new stuff as well.

End of ch. 9

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