Ch. 18 - Training camp (pt. 2)

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Today, you woke up being suffocated by Aone's arm. It fell over your face and Kogane had to move it without waking up the giant.
You slip out carefully and head to the bathroom to relieve yourself. After doing so, you slip back underneath the warm, falling back asleep already, but it was about time the boys got up for the day's activities. Aone managed to stay behind for 10 more minutes but soon had to bring you as well. Reluctantly, you got up to go get ready for the day. Breakfast was quieter than dinner, but still quite loud for a group of owls in the morning. The gray and black-haired male was running around, hyper to get the day started and getting huge bowls of rice to stuff his face full.
You squint in judgment at how ridiculous he's acting in the morning, but you're a child, so your attention isn't long on him anyways before the smell of food caught your nose. For you, a couple of pieces of bacon, a rice bowl, fish, and a bowl of fruit were all you. Your stomach howled in hunger, and so you ate until you were full.
Loud clamoring after cleaning up could be heard, and it was the team Fukurodani's turn to help clean the cafeteria, and someone was upset because they wanted to play volleyball already. You left with Aone before you could hear anymore and went to the coach's room for babysitting. Coach Oiwake and a blond male were there talking about the game yesterday, seeing which teams would be best together, and things like that. It was about an hour before Aone was done with his rituals. It was more about playing games and chilling for the rest of the week. At one point during the Dateko vs Shinzen game, you were picked up suddenly. The owl-haired male saw a tiny child and decided it was his. The male picked you up with no warning, nothing, and what happened next was unexpected for everyone.

You screamed. Loudly.
It was so loud everyone had to stop and cover their ears. The ball fell from the air and you couldn't tell it landed because of how loud and frightening the scream was. Poor Bokuto, who lifted you, had no shield against the shriek. He then promptly lowered you down safely, turned, and walked outside to pout. Aone was ready to beat someone to a pulp once he found out who touched you. When he found out it was Bokuto, he hesitated for a bit. Not only is Bokuto a senpai, but he also already beats himself up whenever he has his emo mode. Just talking to him seems like a good idea. He grabs another member of Fukurodani, Akaashi, to head over to where Bokuto is to talk.
After talking for a few moments, Aone walks back into the gym to check on you, although he had a hunch you were fine since Kogane and Sakunami were taking turns entertaining you. Giggles sprouted from your mouth as both boys were playing with you. Aone walks up smiling and you giggle as he picks you up. Bokuto comes up to apologize and introduce himself properly this time. You stare nonchalantly at him but forgive him nonetheless. He looks at you hopefully, cuz he enjoyed holding you for a bit, but his teammate Akaashi muttered to him "Don't push your luck" to him before he could grab you again.
The day continued with games and exercises for all teams. You were with the managers as everybody played. You also helped with water bottles, towels, and also spare balls rolling around. A few hours later, it was lunchtime, and everybody ate in the cafeteria again. You got some sandwiches and 2 bowls, rice, and fruit. Aone sneakily stole an apple slice while you weren't looking and smiled when you glanced at him. You thought nothing of it until you caught him stealing another slice, then you whined to tell him to stop. He laughed a little but stopped anyway.
You saw the owl boy across the cafeteria, he appeared to be a bit sad since this morning. You kinda felt bad about screaming directly in his ear, so you decided to go and apologize for screaming. Aone raised an eyebrow in question and watched you hop down from your seat and wander to the Fukurodani table.
The first person to notice your tiny presence was a blonde dude. He looked down, which caused everyone to look down at his side. You were standing next to the table, with your arms on the owl boy's lap to hoist yourself up. He instinctively held onto your back as you situate yourself on his leg.
"I sorry for dis merning, for screaming in uh, head." You say. His eyes widened and his hair physically stood up on its own as his mood improved.
"I should be the one saying sorry, it wasn't nice of me to pick you up so suddenly. We both kinda messed up, didn't we?" He asked as he scrunched his face to be humorous, it worked. You were giggling alongside him as he introduced his team. (Idk all their names so forgive me)
"This is Washio."
"This is Konoha."
"Komi, our libero."
"Komi komi!"
Giggles around the table as you said his name.
"And this is Akaashi, My favorite setter," Bokuto said with a grin. Akaashi grinned slightly. You were so awe-struck at how beautiful he was, you forgot to try to pronounce his name and just cooed. Akaashi blushed at the embarrassment, but quickly shook it off and composed himself.
"Try saying 'Bokuto'." Akaashi said. You fluster slightly at the voice from the beauty but also shook your head.
"Agashi nd Bokuto." You said. Everyone is quite impressed with how well you said their names.
Soon, lunch was over and Bokuto promptly handed you back to Aone before bowing a 'thanks' and going to join his team. Aone was happy you met mostly everyone. After lunch, it was more games until dinner. One game you explored was between Shinzen and another team, you heard bickering and listened in.
"Damn you, fish lips!"
"Broccoli head."
"Don't say that. It's an insult to healthy food-"
That little interaction made you giggle. Kuroo, who made the third comment, turned to you with a smirk and a giggle, making you laugh more. You leave that gym to see the Fukurodani vs Karasuno game. Currently, Bokuto was in emo mode, and players were making comments to boost his mood. It worked and he shouted his iconic "HEY, HEY, HEY!!" You figured he was ok and left for another game.
It was like that until Aone picked you up onto his shoulders back to the classroom for a nap. You were pretty exhausted, an assistant teacher of Shinzen would look after you until the games were done. You immediately clung to your plush bear and fell asleep for a few hours.
When you woke up, Aone was patting your head softly, while his head was turned to a conversation between Kamasaki and Kogane about some random topic. You squint your eyes at the hallway light shining directly into your face. You sat up in disappointment but got ready for dinner. Kamasaki was chasing Kogane shortly after for taking his shirt. Loud footsteps could be heard stomping down the hallway further and further away.
After dinner, it was time for bed. Everybody was settling down again, and the same routine for everybody. Soon, everyone was sleeping, but you. You couldn't sleep for some reason but didn't feel the need to wake up Aone. Boy, you were wrong.

It was 2:33 am, and you were sitting in Aone's blankets. He was turned around with his back facing you, so you took the opportunity to go use the bathroom. Through the hallway, it was dark, and the only source of light was the moon through the window. You found the bathroom with nightlights installed. You felt better afterward, but still couldn't sleep. As getting frustrated, you got upset, and when you got upset you cried. Aone was quick to react to your cries and found you in the hallway right outside the door. He took you into his arms and rocked you back and forth in comfort. He yawned and asked what was wrong. You sniffle silently. He figured that you must be tired and can't fall asleep, and honestly, it was one of the things he was worried about during the camp. He took you away from the other players and went to sit in the quiet hallway of the school. He sat down with you with his hands on your back, you on his lap, and plush in your arms. Slowly, he started to hum, and then he started to slowly sing. (Imagine his English va voice, but with a bit deeper pitch, the song is Beauty and the Beast)

"Tale as old as time.."

His voice reverberated in the hallway

"Song as old as rhyme.."

You can feel yourself relaxing at his touch.

"True as it can be...
Barely even friends,
Then somebody there,

You stopped crying and look up to his face as he sings.

"Just a little scared,
Small enough to say the least.
Both a little scared, neither one prepared
Beauty and the Beast"

You lean your head on his chest, hearing and feeling his heartbeat.

"Ever just a shame,
Ever a surprise~
Never as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will rise~"

You close your eyes as his voice was easing your mind.

"Certain as the sun, rising in the east.
Tale as old time, song as old as time, beauty and the beast."

You fall asleep finally on his chest. He looks down and smiles.

"Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, beauty and the beast~"

He finishes and picks you up to go back to bed. Unbeknownst to him, all the other teams were listening to his voice on the same floor, and a few even recorded the phenomenon. Aone wouldn't know until the next morning. By the time he got back to the room, you were out like a light with slightly puffed cheeks from crying. Going to sleep was tough, but of course, your teddy bear Aone was there to help.
Next time, meaty meat dinner.

See ya ✌️

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