Ch. 12 -End of year Party-

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It was the end of the year, a day before the third year's graduation ceremony. The volleyball club decided to have a small celebration for their third years. Food was set on tables, volleyball was played for fun, and you were chilling in a fort made from the mats and chairs of the gym. Everyone was having fun and eating some barbecue the coaches brought. There was a small toast for the third year's leaving, mostly reflecting on the funny moments, the sad, and the good. Mostly funny stories though. You were chilling in your fort, eating some rice and small pieces of meat. Laughs could be heard all throughout the gym as time went on. Soon, Aone picked you up and there was a small stand up near a wall, surrounded by chairs all pointed to a certain spot. He placed you on his lap, and people filled in the seats.
Coach Oiwake started out, "Alright, alright. That's enough chatter. Today is a rather special day for some of us. Today, the third year's day of transitioning from problem children to problem adults starts. I couldn't be more proud of all my students and players on this team. I know you guys will have quite a journey ahead of you, so as your coach for the last time, I want to give you a heads-up. The road will not be easy, but it's worth the work to where you're headed. Wherever it may be. Keep your heads up high, but don't lose yourselves in the clouds. Some days will be better than others, and I know you have to tools and people to help you. I know I'll be here, so if you need help with anything, you got me. With that said, everyone else. You will be growing into your roles of 2nd and 3rd years. The new captain of the team for next school year will be Moniwa. I expect everyone will behave themselves. Thank you." He finished. Most of the group was crying, not expecting someone as stoic as their coach to say something so emotional. The third year's were trying to hold back their tears as he finished. You were just playing on Aone's phone to keep yourself busy.
The captain came up and thanked his coach for the kind words, before starting his own speech.
"Thank you, sir. I wanted to start off with thanking everyone for making this year our favorite. Although we didn't go to nationals, it was the team that made it feel like we were invincible. We don't need to go to nationals to feel special, although that would've been nice." A few giggles. "Starting with our 2nd years. Kamasaki, never lose that determination. Sasuya, keep working hard on your goals. Moniwa, lead with pride and keep Kamasaki in check." "Hey!" "First years, take us to nationals for us. Futakuchi, never lose that humor, it's what kept us sane. Aone, become not just Iron, but a steel wall. (Insert other player's names bc I don't know them). And tiny-chan," you look up. "I'm counting on you, to be the foundation." The now former Captain finished, before heading to his seat. You ponder what he meant, not expecting to process such big words. You didn't ponder long, wanting to go back to your game.
Futakuchi came up next, wanting to eliminate the negativity from the room with some stand up jokes. The whole room was laughing 10 minutes later. You went back to the food table and headed outside, Aone following shortly to watch you. It was nice and warm outside, flowers in patches on the sidewalk. You saw some butterflies flying around and try to catch them, Laughter echoed from the gym. Aone could get used to this, hearing your laughter and the team's. He sits on the doorstep of the gym, grinning and thinking how lucky he is to find someone like you.

It was about 2 hours later when everything died down. The sun barely passing through the buildings. You were tired, but not enough to fall asleep. The former third year's were having their fun with you on their laps, passing you around like a ball. You were whining cuz you never stayed in one place and wanted Aone, but he was in the bathroom. You manage to slip away and run to the food table, and hid under it. The boys tried to catch you before you went under, but you were too quick. Aone came back and was confused as to why his senpais were crouched awkwardly, and didn't see you anywhere. He put the pieces together, and signaled for them to stand back. They did as he sat down on the ground, and you recognized his grunts. You bolt from underneath the table into his lap, and collapse with a laugh. The others looked in disbelief, but were laughing shortly after. Aone grinned at your silliness, stroking your hair. The third year's at that moment realized that Aone doesn't have you wrapped around his finger, you had him around yours.
"You realize that they have you wrapped around their finger, right?" Former captain asked. Aone nodded, he already knew the moment he took you in. The others paused before continuing, "we love a self aware king." Then they left.
Everyone was soon leaving, so the underclassmen helped clean the gym of any trash before saying goodbye one last time. You didn't really get to know any of the third year's, but you said bye anyways to be nice. You and Aone walked home with Futakuchi, saying they'll hang over the summer. You were pooped of energy and asleep on Aone's shoulder. Futakuchi rubbed your head softly before heading his way home.
It was gonna be a fun summer.

End of ch. 12

Sorry it's short, but I wanted to get Aone's first year out of the way so that the current year would be much more fun. next chapters, you'll finally meet other teams as in the anime.
See ya ✌️

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