Ch. 14 -Birthday-

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You were turning 8, but still short as fuck. Aone woke you up later than usual, allowing you to sleep in. You smelled something sweet coming from the kitchen, so you got up to see. You were wearing your new polar bear onesie, and was waiting to get Aone's onsie from Ushiwaka. Grabbing your bear, you investigate.
The sweet smell of umeboshi greeted your nose, along with bowls of rice and dumplings. There was so much food, you dropped your jaw. It all smelled so good and mouth watering, you were almost drooling. You look up to Aone as if to ask permission, which he just smiled and nodded. You bolt to the nearest chair and a plate full of everything was already there.
Wonderful food entered your mouth as you melt from delight. You tried to eat everything, but inevitably failed because of your tiny body. A knock at the door revealed Futakuchi with a white box, which had a strawberry cake inside. He got a tiny cake though, not to have any stomach aches or energy bursts. He gave the box to Emi, who put it with the rest of the food in the fridge. Today, it was a day full of whatever you wanted to do, so it was no surprise when you wanted to go to Shiratorizawa and say hi to the team. Futakuchi and Aone smiled, but deep down, they wanted to come. As if on cue you hug the both of them as to say 'come with!'. The 2 looked at each other and grinned. Thing was, they already had a guess that you wanted to see them, and the Shiratorizawa team was already at the gym at Dateko. Aone told you to get dressed, when Futakuchi suddenly chirped; "Oh yea, there was a package with tiny-chan's name on it from Sendai." You immediately know what it is and start squealing. It was Aone's matching polar bear onesie, and you were gonna make him wear it to the gym. You pat the box for someone to open it, which Emi did carefully for you. Once it was open, you grab it and gave it to Aone. He took a look at it and immediately rejected the idea of him wearing it. You give him puppy eyes as best as you could muster, and he inevitably gave in. He turns to go change, you and Futakuchi fist bump behind your backs.
It took a few minutes, but he came out in an adult size 6'3 polar bear onesie with the ears on the hood. You grin like an idiot when you see him, ignoring the sad look on his face.
"*sigh* there goes my pride."
"What pride?"
"I will hit you."
He picks you up and heads out the door towards the school. Luckily, not many people were out, so Aone didn't feel all that bad when he walked to his school's gym. Once he got there though, knowing there's people on the other side, he hesitantly headed in. Futakuchi went in first to try and ease the blow of laughter that was to follow, but at least it wasn't gonna be fully embarrassing. He enters after you, hearing the coos and ahhs being interrupted by snickers and the holding back of laughter. The first years thought it was adorable, matching with a little sibling. The second and third year's however, were trying not to cry from laughter, although some have calmed down from not embarrassing the man. Ushijima smiles at his friend before asking;
"So I'm guessing it fits?" Aone turned to him wide eyed and points.
"IT WAS YOU!" Pause. "Well, I can't be mad for long, I'm guessing tiny-chan wanted to match?" He looked down at you while giving him an innocent look. Ushijima hummed in response. Tendou was his smiley self when he saw you and picked you from Aone's arms.
"Mitter Appol! (Mister Apple)" you squeak. Tendou nods affirmingly.
"You're getting better at speaking! Wow, I'm impressed!" He smiles, hugging you.
"I've never heard them say my name." Ushiwaka states. Tendou holds you comfortably in his arms as you try and pronounce his name.
"Utti- uttidima, Uttidima!" You got out. The underclassmen snickering. Ushi smiled, and broke up the syllables for you.
He huffed slightly, you had no clue what was going on. The others were wheezing as he was trying to help you. Ushiwaka ended up giggling at your pronunciation and gave you head pats for effort. Next was Tendou, trying to teach you how to say his.
"That's actually really close! What about Semi?"
"Semi semi!" You cheered. You could hear the audible groan of said male. Tendou continued,
"Reon? What about Reon?" Said male waved.
"Reen!" You chirped.
"Goshiki." Tendou continues on.
"Take your time."
"Gotiki." You finished after a few minutes. The bowl cut male sighed, then turn to go to the bathroom to contemplate his life choices.
Ushi then asked "What about Aone?". The whole gym turned quiet, unsure what happened.
You look blankly at Ushiwaka, before saying, "Ao-nii chan." Aone smiled while tearing up, because you said his name perfectly. He took you back from Tendou and hugged you tighter than ever, of course keeping in mind your small frame. You hug him back with your twig arms on his chest, and hear him sniffling in happy. Futakuchi snuck a photo before complaining how sweet the scene was.
"Alright, party time. I can't handle this much sweetness from you guys." And everyone decided on beach volleyball inside the gym. It just full of fun for you as you got to spike the ball a few times, and retrieve it from the sides. It was about 3 hours after, that you got tired and wanted to go home. The Shiratorizawa team also had to head out for the next day's practice, so none stayed too long.
When walking home, Aone told Futakuchi what was in the package he dropped off with the cake, while you were dozing on and off from the day's festivities. Futakuchi didn't believe Aone that a framed photo of your birth parents were in the package. It's been about 3 ½ years since you've lost them, so it was already gonna be a shit show seeing them in a photo, much less on your birthday. "You want to give the photo to them at dinner? Are you trying to have an episode with them? Do you eve-"
"Yes I understand, but doing this, I feel will ease them. It'll help them heal. The last time they saw them, they were leaving for a date." Aone interrupted. "They need this. Besides, we're adding the photo to our ancestry shrine for when we pray." He concluded. Futakuchi sighed, he knew his friend had a bit of the wild side, but this was entirely new. Aone would keep things away from people to heal. For example, Futakuchi was scared of getting bit by Aone's turtle, Reggie. He got bit, and Aone put the turtle away, and brought Futakuchi to the living room to help his injury. Futakuchi stopped seeing the turtle and only sees photos.
Arriving at home, the boys sit you down at the table to eat, Aone going to change out of the onesie and into real pajamas. Emi fixed everyone a plate of food, and dinner ensued. Sushi was on your plate, mostly eel and California rolls (these 2 are the fucking best sushi I've ever had). You eat the eel one first, getting the musky sauce in your mouth, basically melting.
After dinner, it was time. After you ate the last bit of food off your plate, Aone spoke to you.
"Something came in the mail today for you." You look up, confused.
"I-we want to let you know we'll always be here for you, ok?" He continued. You were getting a bit nervous before he pulled out the package. It was taped back together, courtesy of Emi. You carefully unwrap it to see a photo facing down. You flip it over, and see your parents.
You let out a tiny gasp. It's been so long since you've seen your parents, you remember the night they left, with smiles on their faces, telling you they were going on a date. They looked just as happy as they did in the photo, if not more. You remember every detail of their faces, and their personalities. You didn't realize you started crying until Aone wiped your face with his hand. You know they'll never come back physically, but having the photo made you feel loved. You felt a hole being sealed inside yourself. Your trust was back. You look up to see your new family, also crying. You realize that without their sacrifice, you would've never met Aone. Granted, the trauma was a bit much, but it made you strong.
"Thank ou." You said, still crying. The cake was shortly forgotten before Futakuchi realized you haven't had cake yet for your birthday. Aone took the photo and placed it on a side table, putting it down for later. A cake entered the dining area, candles alit. The birthday song was sang for you, reminding you birthdays with your parents. Surrounded by love, you wished to stay with this family forever.

It was a few hours after the celebration, and everyone was asleep. Aone was falling asleep slowly, whisking away to sweet dreamland.
He opened his eyes to clouds, pinks, yellows, and whites adorned the surrounding. Aone was floating before he landed on one of the clouds.
"So it's you." A voice said, Aone turned as quickly as the voice had gone, but finding a woman with sleek black hair, and round glasses. Aone gulped, he saw this woman somewhere. Then he remembered.
"You're their mother, aren't you?" His voice echoing among the cloudscape. The woman smiles.
"Yes, I am. I'm happy they were able to find you. I wish it didn't end the way it did." She smiled sadly. A third voice came in, deeper than Aone's.
"You know how it is, honey. We couldn't do anything. All we could've hoped for them happened." The man's voice echoed more through the clouds. The woman looks up at Aone, and holds his hand. He could feel the fluffiness through her hands, like she was made of clouds.
"Tell them, my little flower, there is no need to be in fear anymore." She asked, almost crying.
Aone nods. "I will." Before the woman let go and walked back next to her husband. Their wings surrounding them as they vanished, turning into a mountain of clouds.
"You're a good man, kid" Aone heard from he husband as he woke up.
(Dream over)
Sun beams sneaked through the closed curtain window, illuminating the room slightly. You were sound asleep in Aone's arms, drooling on the pillow. He turns over to look at the time.
'9:30, damn.' He thought, before turning back over and falling back asleep.

End of ch. 14

God I almost made myself cry lol, anyways see ya ✌️

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