Ch. 17 -Training Camp

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A/n: Dateko will be replacing one of the teams in the barbecue training camp. Fukurodani, Nekoma, and Karasuno stay, it's just Dateko will be added too.

Beep beep beep. The alarm to get Aone up was blaring. You immediately jolted awake, the giant not budging in the slightest to the noise. You grimace as the alarm continued, trying to turn to wake Aone, only to find yourself snug under the blankets, trapped under his arm, and a few stuffies that scattered the pillows. You glare at the sleeping boy and wiggle your way to his legs. Gathering up momentum, you kick his legs about 2 to 3 times before he stirred. He groaned and turned unconsciously to turn the alarm off. Finally, blessed silence. You close your eyes to catch the breath you've been holding for more force in your kicks. Aone opened to find a lump of blankets near his lower legs and asked where you were. You wiggle in answer. He rubs his eyes as he sits up, now noticing what time it was.
4 am.
He blanked at why he was up so early, then looked at the calendar. Today was the start of a week-long training camp with about 5 other teams. He moved the covers over to stretch and get clothes before turning to you and picking you up in the blankets. You were half asleep before you were dropped back down on the bed, effectively waking you up. You glare daggers at the audacity of Aone before also getting up. Getting half ready, you walk to the kitchen to grab breakfast, but Aone redirects you to the bathroom to clean up. You were able to talk now but chose not to out of habit. Groaning, you wash your face and brush your hair. Both of you were brushing your teeth for the morning and headed out to pack.
Aone had talked to the school's director if it was ok to bring you onto this trip, and they had no problem as long as Mom was ok with it. (At this point, you're part of the family, so Emi is called mom now :D)
Packing was already done, as it was done the night before. Breakfast was eaten, everything was prepared, and all you and Aone had to do was get to the bus in time.
It was about 5 am. when you, Aone, and Futakuchi arrived at the bus. 4 other players were there, half asleep waiting for coach Oiwake. Waiting for about 15 minutes before the rest of the team and coach showed up, you dozed off slightly.
Once everyone was ready, the bus engine roared, and the bus was off.

About halfway through the 5-hour ride, you needed to go pee. Luckily, there was a toilet on the bus, but it was occupied by a member. After that, you asked Aone how to use the bathroom on a moving bus. He flushed red, neck to ears, and started to guide you to the bathroom. Koganegawa heard and stood up.
"Hey, I know how to help them on a bus, I work part-time at a daycare." He said enthusiastically. Aone debated for a second before agreeing to let Kogane help you. You didn't care. You just needed the bathroom. After heading to the bathroom, Aone relaxed a bit, trying to hide his blush. Futakuchi noticed and decided to tease him later about it, not too much to hurt him, just enough to have some fun.
About 7 minutes passed, and Aone was worried, it doesn't take long for you to use the bathroom.
A thud was heard as the bus ran over a bump. Aone hurried towards the back to check on you when the door opened. Kogane had a small bruise on his arm, you were fine. Aone breathed in relief that you were ok, but also asked if Kogane was ok as well.
"Yeah, I was just talking about my job at a daycare with them until the bus ran over a bump, and I hit my arm on the wall trying to stabilize both of us in the tiny room. The kid's fine and I'm fine. Don't worry senpai!" He said with a grin. You carefully maneuver back to Aone, who got a small hand sanitizer bottle and gave you some to rub on your hands. He thanked Kogane and went back to his seat with you.
Aone pulled out a small snack for you, it was a dried fruit snack pack, along with an applesauce pouch, and a tiny Gatorade. He also set up an impromptu trash bag with a plastic bag he brought the snacks. A few minutes after eating, it was time for a nap.

A series of car honks woke you up, you were in a completely different scenery than you were about 2 hours ago. Aone also looked out at the traffic on the other side of the road. No movement. He grunted and shifted back into his seat. The coach gave a warning to 'be on your best behavior, at least in front of adults.' After about 20 minutes, the bus pulls up to where the training camp is held, Shinzen High. It was a white building with multiple floors, big blue windows, and good-kept grass.
The first step is to assign rooms to sleep in, since multiple schools were here, they wanted everybody on campus for safety reasons. After getting set up in a classroom, you decided to venture out into the big building. The window caught your attention since it was so bright out. You look out the window and see students from other schools gather their stuff and leave the bus. Aone found you after looking around and picked you up to join the rest of the team in the outdoor field. There were more people than you saw out front, but you did recognize the Karasuno team from the gray hair of Sugawara and smiled as you remembered him. Over the next few hours, it was catching up with friends, rivals, and teachers. You wanted to meet some of the other people you didn't know. Aone took the opportunity to think about who would be the most kid-friendly between Fukurodani and Nekoma. Futakuchi came up and told Aone to follow him to meet another "team mom". The trio headed to the Nekoma group, and a very short, but stoic male turned as Futakuchi shouted.
"Yaku-san. Long time no see, this is who I wanted you to meet. Aone, this is Morisuke Yaku, Nekoma's current libero and team mom." Futakuchi introduced. Aone was careful around shorter people, as he had no grasp on his strength. You wave to the brown-haired male from Aone's shoulders.
"Ah, and that's Aone's little sibling, we call them tiny-chan." He remembered. Aone bowed to Yaku to say greetings. Yaku looked up at the giant with a blank look before smiling and greeting back.
"Hello there, I'm Yaku. I'm guessing you don't talk much?"
Aone shook his head.
"Well good, last thing I want is someone else talking about my height, already dealing with that Russian boy on our team is enough." He shook his head but smiled at the thought of the green-eyed boy.
Aone nodded in agreement, although he did think the elder was short, he didn't say anything. He was glad too because the said Russian boy came up and asked in front of Aone's eyes, "if he needed a lift to see his new friend on eye level." A swift kick was delivered to the first year to the legs. Aone backed away slowly before waving goodbye.
You watched the whole thing play out and didn't know what happened.
The next person who caught your eye was a player who had silver tips with black roots. From afar he looked like an owl almost but had some attitude in his personality when talking to a similar updo next to him. Kinda looked like a one-eyed cat. Neither of them piqued your interest. Aone noticed how bored you were, and headed back to the room. He let you down to walk back, as you wanted to run and see if you would beat him at a race on the way back. You didn't let him know you wanted to race, so as soon as your feet touched the ground, you were off. He flinched at the suddenness and ran after you. You didn't know where you were going so you chose a random direction into the building. It wasn't long before he caught up due to his legs, but he gave you the win.
Heading up the stairs, you tried drawing on the walls as you went up. Just random lines traced the outline of your finger. It was almost time for lunch, so everyone filled the cafeteria at this time. Beforehand, Aone asked if it was ok to eat a little after everyone else, to not freak you out. The managers agreed to hold some food for you and Aone after lunch.

After lunch, the first meeting of all the teams outside to talk about the scheduling of games. All the coaches were chatting with their teams. Dateko vs. Nekoma is up first, players are allowed to watch both teams and critique and/or use methods seen by either team as long as it's not directly copied and implemented into their style and skill. With the teams getting ready, Aone puts you with the coach for safety. You wanted to meet more of the players but will have to wait until after the game to see them. After the game starts, things are boring for you. To you right now, you're tired and don't care about what's happening. The first set ends and everyone's sweaty already. (I'm too lazy to describe events, u can debate who wins or loses)
About an hour after that game, it's another game, and so on until dinner. Aone holds your hand as he walks to the cafeteria with you until the one-eyed cat captain of Nekoma calls him back. Aone turns around to the male, with an eyebrow raised.
"You wouldn't mind introducing the tiny-chan you have? It'll be at dinner if you want." He said with a smirk. Aone shrugged, he's got nothing better to do. With that said, everyone heads to dinner.
After getting food, the white giant looks around for the Captain who called him, when he sees an arm waving him over. Heading over there, both of your guys' anxiety spiked for meeting this group. It's a tad bit loud for you, but Aone knows how to handle the anxiety better, and lets you use him as a root. In a way, it calms him too. Sitting down, the Nekoma team greets one by one around the table. The Captain, Kuroo, is smirking as if it's plastered on his face 24/7. Kenma, the quiet one, had his head low playing a game. You are more interested in the quiet ones, usually, they're more fun than anyone. Next was the loud and obnoxious Yamamoto, with a mohawk as his personality (I'm just slandering them at this point lol) after everyone greeted them, they ate. You needed help with the chopsticks and Aone was quick to notice your struggle. He broke the chopsticks for you and watched you take a bite of food. The food fell, but Aone helped feed you. Bite after bite, the dish was empty, along with his own. He got up to turn in the dishes, leaving you to the Cats. Kuroo started, "I must say, you are the tiniest chibi-chan I've ever met. Other than the shrimp on Karasuno." You stare at him blankly, not knowing what to say.
You pointed at him, and said "Kuro." And he widened his eyes at your voice.
"L-lev." You said next, as you wanted to try all their names.
"Yucko" (yaku, it's not mean, you just can't pronounce the 'ak' part yet)
You said the majority of the players' names before coughing. Kuroo handed you a drink of water. You wanted to continue, but a voice interrupted you.
"I think that's it for today, you need a bath." Aone showed up behind you. You whip around and make grabby hands toward him, and he picks you up with a smile. Kuroo speaks up, "They're adorable, dude. I don't know how you got so lucky finding them, but I for one am glad you did." Before Aone left with you. Aone didn't know how lucky he was, but he was glad he met you that day. He heads with you to the managers' room for them to bathe you, and Yachi opens the door and smiles before grabbing you for a bath. These girls went the whole 9 yards when bathing you. Face masks, bath bombs, hair masks, you name it, it happened. Once done and in fuzzy pajamas, the door to the managers' room opened and you were handed to Aone waiting patiently. He bends his head in thanks and heads with you to bed.

All the players in the classroom set up futons, setting blankets, and pillows. For Aone and you, you got double futons to share. He sets up the bed while you sit with your plush bear. Watching everyone settles down, the mood became calm, winding down after a long day, it didn't take long for everyone to fall asleep. Kogane and Sakunami were still trying to tire themselves out with phone games. They and you were still up, but only for a little while.

Tomorrow, a hyper wisdom of owls will be the next group you meet, but for now, you nuzzle up to your heater for the night and fall asleep peacefully.

End of ch. 17

See ya ✌️

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