Ch. 11 -Sick day-

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It was about a few weeks after exams, and you were in the daycare waiting for Aone. It was morning classes, so you had a while. You felt more tired than usual, so you tried laying down. It felt like your head was exploding suddenly, and you started to cry because you've never felt this way before. The workers immediately noticed and started to caress your head. The one feeling your head felt a fever on you, so she brought you to the nurse's office. The nurse quickly took your temperature, and told the workers to call Aone.
He was working on a worksheet, almost done, when he got a call. He made sure to put a custom sound for the daycare at school, so he knew who's calling during class. He picked his phone from his pocket, feeling the vibrations. The tune of a quiet lullaby started playing, not alerting the other students until he suddenly stepped outside. He picked it up:
"Hello, sensei."
"Hi Aone-kun, we're sorry to interrupt your class, but your little sibling seems to have caught a fever. We're in the nurse office, with they're stuff packed already. The temp shown was a little bit higher than normal, so it would be a good idea to get them home." The woman replied, still sounding cheerful as ever.
Aone hummed in response and thanked the woman before hanging up. He sighed, this is the first time you've gotten sick since he found you. You had a cold when he found you, so no high Temps were worried about. He was wondering if he should call his mother and tell her. He texted her instead, not wanting to interrupt her if she was in a meeting. She quickly responded with a text to bring you home, but go back to school. Aone quickly told his teacher quietly, packed up, and left. He would return after dropping you off to finish the school day and practice. He quickly made his way to the nurse's office, signed you and himself out, told them he'd return to class, and left.
You were visibly shaking, and sweating a bit much. He hopped into his car, buckled you safe, and drove home.
It was a short ride, but felt like forever. You were silently crying and wiggled in discomfort. Both you and Aone arrived home, and Aone's mother came out to pick you up. She reassured you over again, and told Aone to go back to school. He pulled out the driveway and went back, being gone for 15 minutes. Back in the house, Emi took your stuff and laid it on the couch, before taking your jacket off and heading to give you a bath. It wasn't a cleaning bath, it was more to cool your body down. No bubbles were seen as you were placed in the cooling water, but it felt good all the same. A wet towel was soaked and dragged along your body, instantly relieving you of the droplets of sweat on your body. You sigh against Aone's mother as she continued cooling you off. Once the water became colder, she picked you up, and wrapped you in a clean towel. A soft, clean Tshirt was put on you, clearly a few sizes too big. All necessary undergarments were put and you were back on the couch. You felt a bit better since the bath, but your head was pounding in your ears. You sat up a bit, shivering. Emi placed the jacket on your legs, rubbing your head.
"I know you must be cold, but you need to let your body cool off before putting anything on." She said, then she went to the kitchen to make you some light food to eat. Your stomach seemed to be fine, but Emi took no chances with heavy foods. A few minutes later and some soup was made. It was rice porridge with chicken stock for a bit of flavor since it's usually bland. It looked like white churred slop, but at least it was tasty.
You sit up to take a bite, the chicken flavor helping the bland taste of the porridge set in your mouth. You quite liked it, there were also small mashed vegetables to help balance the meal mixed in. You smile weakly at Aone's mother, thanking her. You take another small bite, eating slowly to not upset your tummy. You got about halfway before you deemed yourself finished. Emi took the bowl and wrapped it up before putting it in the fridge for later.
Now that you had something in your stomach, it was time for fever meds. You saw the small kid's advil in your hand and looked skeptical at it. It was liquid advil for kids, raspberry flavored (anything that's medicine in grape or raspberry flavor, tastes like shit, now if it's blue raspberry or bubblegum, that's different). You cringe at the taste and quickly drink the water after it. Emi giggled at your reaction, now waiting for you to fall asleep. About an hour later, you started to get drowsy, and held your teddy bear close as you fell asleep. You were breathing heavily, still having a fever, but you were asleep, which was good. Aone came home a few hours later after practice with a couple Gatorade drinks. He got one big one for him, and a tiny one for you. You were still asleep when he came home, and he saw you sleeping with the teddy bear and jacket around your legs. You slowly opened your eyes and saw the white, tall, blob of hair that was Aone. He smiled and rubbed your head sympathetically. You tried falling back asleep, but your head was pounding again. Aone noticed and handed you the small drink, already opened for you. It was soothing against your throat, and you hummed in appreciation.
You had to take the medicine again soon after Aone came home, but luckily the fruity drink he bought was tasty to wash down with. You look at the tiny cup of pink, squinting in judgment. Aone watched as you silently judged the medicine before drinking it and washing it down with the Gatorade. You cringe at the after taste and stick out your tongue. He snickered silently before heading to change, and to help his mom cook dinner.
About an hour after, the porridge from earlier was heated up and given to you for dinner. You slowly sat up to eat it, all of your body was aching. You managed to mostly finish the porridge before pushing it away, saying you're done. There were only a few bites left, but you felt like if you ate anymore, you'll explode. Both watched as you finished eating to look for anything that might make you throw up. You almost fell asleep at the table before Aone picked you back up slowly before setting you back down on the couch. His mother quickly put all the dishes away, and checked your fever again.
"100.4" she read from the thermometer. It decreased a little bit from earlier, but clearly not enough to make you feel better. Before going to sleep, Aone managed to bathe you in a cool bath, then dressing you in clean clothes. You fell asleep in the bath in his arms.
(Warning: thr0wing up)
It was around 2 in the morning when you shot up immediately covering your mouth, running to the bathroom, and barely missed the toilet as everything came back up. Aone was still up, he couldn't sleep without you by his side. You were situated on the couch so Aone didn't get sick. He heard a gurgle noise from outside his door and got up to check. No lights were on so he turned on his phone flashlight and walked towards the noise. In the bathroom, you were crying at how terrible you felt, which prompted you to throw up more of your dinner. Aone found you hunched over the toilet, crying and throwing up. He flipped on the light and crouched to your side, rubbing your back as you continue being sick. Aone's mother woke up from the light underneath her door, and saw Aone comforting you, calming you down from panicking after you were done. He wiped your face and nose of the remnants of earlier. Your whole body stung, mainly your nose. Your head was pounding in your skull, it almost felt like dying. You just cried, cried until you calmed down enough to almost fall back asleep. Both decided to take you to the hospital, because even Aone's mother didn't have her kids throwing up. This was new to her, and she wasn't prepared for it. Aone reassured his mother that she did good, and she did her best. She smiled and thanked Aone before heading to pack for the night. You were fading in and out of consciousness while hugging Aone.
Emi came back with all the legal documents, spare clothes, and her electronics to be busy. She switched with Aone so he could get stuff to keep busy, but also your stuff for when you're feeling better. He had his jacket, your teddy bear, a few changes of undergarments, some toys, and an iPad. It was about 2:45 am when they left for the hospital. They arrived about 10 min later, and headed inside. After signing in, you were about to puke again, and you did so in a blue plastic bag. You were staring blankly at a wall before being called back by a nurse, shorter than Aone's mother (5'6). After entering a room, the nurse took a checkup on you, and asked if this happened before.
"They're not our biological child, I have the paperwork stating they're in our care until further notice. My children never been this sick and haven't ever thrown up. I didn't know what to do about it so we came to you guys." She said, a bit panicked. The nurse smiled through her mask and reassured her it was a good idea. Aone rubbed his mother's shoulders in reassurance, watching the nurse leave and getting an IV into your arm. You saw the nurse with a blue rubber ribbon, tied around your arm, and told to take a deep breath. You take a slow, deep breath, in hopes of not throwing up on the nurse. The nurse is nice to wait until you got it in, and tells you to breathe out, before sticking in the needle for the IV. You feel the prick of the needle, but it didn't hurt as much as it looked scary.
The nurse compliments how brave you are for your age, before giving you child friendly pain meds. You hesitantly relax, but felt the cooling of the liquid in your body. The pain was elevated, but not completely gone. Next, was some nutrients in a bag, and it slowly pumped through the tube into your body. You felt better already, despite the heat you still felt. Aone brought out your teddy bear, which you carefully lunged for. You hugged the bear gently, keeping in mind where the IV is. You felt like falling asleep, but wanted to stay awake for the doctor. Aone noticed you were trying to stay awake.
"Sleep, I'll wake you up if they need you. You need to rest." He said, before patting your head softly. You start nodding off to sleep, his hand on your head, and holding your bear close, before drifting to sleep. He smiled before turning to his mother, equally exhausted as he.
"Is it bad that I already consider them my blood, even though we're nowhere near related?" He asked, uncertainty in his voice. Emi responds, "No, I already feel that motherly instinct with them as I did you and your siblings. Sometimes even your father." Aone giggled. His father was the definition of gentle giant. His 6'10 stature scared everyone, even though he cowards to the thought of children climbing all over him like he was a jungle gym. He's even scared of spiders, especially the tiny ones. Emi is usually the one who handles the spiders in the cold months. So it's humorous to see a giant male scared of the tiniest spider known to man.
Aone gazed at your sleeping face, almost hypnotized if there wasn't a knock at the door.
The door revealed the doctor who would take a look at you, just the same as the nurse did. He introduced himself before asking if Aone could wake you up. Aone scratched your forehead with his fingertips. You stir awake and meet face to face with the doctor. He asks what brought you guys in, Emi explains as the doc does little procedures like check your eyes, mouth, and ears. He took your temperature and saw how high your temp was. Clicking his pen, he wrote down what he saw before asking what happened yesterday. He asked several questions about what led up to your fever and what Emi did to combat it at first.
"Any vomiting?" He asked.
"Yea, that's why we brought them in. I didn't know what to do after they'd puked, not of my children did it when they were sick." She said tiredly. The doc then asked if he could see your belly. You look at him skeptically, then raised it slightly. He gently felt around your stomach, and lower abdomen. He noticed the various vibrations coming from the abdomen. You had a really bad stomach bug, and should be gone in a few days. He recommended some kids probiotics, and a mainly liquid diet. He complimented on the porridge meal, saying it's a good idea to start solids after feeling better. Both Aone and his mother sighed in relief that it wasn't something serious. The doc also gave some meds for the nausea, and some sleep gummies as well. After thanking the doctor, the two waited for the nurse and the stack of papers to be discharged. It was around 5 in the morning when you finally left the cold hospital.
Heading back home, everyone was exhausted, and most likely to skip work or school today. After getting the needed meds from the pharmacy, and immediately taking them, the way back home was peaceful.

End of ch. 11

See ya ✌️

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