Ch. 16 -Grandparents-

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It was winter break for Dateko High, and your adopted family decided it was time for you to meet your grandparents. You were oblivious to the fact that your new grandparents were coming over until it was too late.
"(Y/n), darling, can you come here for a second?" You heard your new mother, Emi, say. You hop off the bed and followed where the voice came from, to the living room with Aone, Emi, and your new papa. All 3 were sitting on the couch as you walked in. Emi smiled as you came through the doorway. "Hey. So we have some important stuff to say, ok?" You nodded.
"My parents are visiting us, and they are your new grandparents, and we thought it'd be a good idea to show you what true grandparents are." She finished. You look at her blankly before registering the word 'grandparents'. Your eyes widened, and you almost started crying until Aone tried to pick you up. Then you got mad that Aone was trying to stop you. So you started loudly crying and thrashing in protest before running back to the room. All 3 stood there frozen before sighing. Aone got up to go calm you down, but turns to his mother to ask;
"When are they coming?"
She sighs.
"In three days."
He nods before checking on you.
You were hiding in the closet under your clothes, so you weren't visible at first, but he knew where you were hiding. He usually lets you come out by yourself once you've calmed down. You sat there teary-eyed and filled with anger. You didn't want to see anybody who could be grandparents. Your birth carers have implanted into your brain that all people their age are just like them. You replay the words in your brain over and over again that they've said to you. You silently cry, and all you think about is how someone like you have to go through this, just to live? A hand was placed on your head, grounding you from your mind. Aone slowly rubbed his hand in circles on you, and it felt just right. You soon fell asleep, and Aone carefully plucked you from the pile of clothes and set you on the bed.

3 days later

It was time to meet the grandparents. You were situated behind doors, carefully listening to anything different. The normal footsteps of Emi, the silent footsteps of New Papa (haven't come up with a name yet), and the stillness of Aone sitting on the couch. Everything was cleaned, all the chores were done, and now it was a waiting game, which also wasn't long.
The doorbell rung, signaling someone at the door. You run into a closet as Emi opens the door, welcoming her parents.
"Mom! Dad! Oh, how I missed you so! Come in, come in!" She ushered 2 people in from the cold. They greeted back, both voices booming throughout the entry room.
"Oh, dear daughter! How are you? Where is everyone?" An elderly woman was clamoring about any question that came to mind. She had a small green luggage bag on wheels, while the grandpa had a blue one slightly bigger. He hadn't said anything, almost as he was deaf. Emi turned to the elderly man and started doing sign language, which put a smile on his face. He signed back, basically greeting her as well.
You open the door more to get a look, but only slightly. You didn't want them to spot you, so it looked like the closet door was slightly put in ajar and never really closed. Aone grabbed both luggage and headed to the guest room. He noticed you in the closet right away and just shook his head, smiling on how ridiculous you looked, peeking out from a crack of an open door. You saw Emi and her parents talking and laughing.
It was kinda soothing to see how they interact, but from your history, they might as well just be acting happy. You hear Aone come back and act as if he's going into the closet to get something, only to just talk to you.
"You ok? I know it's a but scary, but they're really nice. It's almost gross." He said, however, they went in one ear and out the other. You locked your eyes on them as Aone sighed. This was gonna be a long week.
There were a couple of signs that the grandparents knew you were watching them.
1) You've seemed to like peering through the cracks of open doors near the hinges. They would feel your locking gaze as they sat for tea.
2) Every time they were in the guest room, they would feel like they were being heard, but mostly grandma, since she can still hear. You would be sitting in the hall closest to their door and run once you heard footsteps to the door.
And 3) sometimes there were piles of blankets being clean, and sometimes you were hiding under all of them. Emi had to get Aone to pick you up, so neither grandparent had a heart attack.
It was hard for the first couple of days, but you still didn't believe them in their whole visiting spiel. You had eyes on them as much as you could like your own special surveillance team. Aone caught you a couple of times and scolded you slightly (like when you point to a cat and say no, you get that face from them like 🫤). You tried actively avoiding them without them knowing, but of course, Emi had to come in and kind of explain to them why you were acting this way.
After telling them your backstory and how they ended up adopting you, the grandparents understood completely why you're acting the way you are. With this information, they devised a plan. To start, they made sure it was after a nap. You were usually hungry for a snack afterward and wanted a gummy snack. They put out some on the table and waited for you to come out. You came out about 5 minutes later and immediately went to Aone for a snack. He pointed towards the table, and you headed there, not knowing your grandparents were there sitting on the opposite side. You felt a pair of eyes watching you, and look up to see your grandparents smiling at you. You felt uncomfortable with them, then got distracted by a book being placed in front of you. It was a photo album of baby Aone, doing whatever babies do. Some showed him butt naked in a tub, others where he tried on his older sisters skirts. You giggle at how ridiculous Aone was when he was a baby. The next picture caught your eyes. It was a photo of a child, Aone being hugged by both his grandparents with the brightest toothy smile he could muster. You look up at both of them, realizing that this was how grandparents were supposed to be, and the lightbulb in your head turned on. Both of your grandparents in front of you smile softly in understanding. Tears started to form in your eyes as you finally put the pieces together. Your old grandparents were monsters, and you've been held back from experiencing true love from family. The three of you at the table formed a group hug as you cry. They just rubbed your head in reassurance.
After finishing crying, Grandma asked who wanted cookies, to which you jumped in anticipation. Aone and Emi were happy you could overcome your trauma and inevitably joined in cookie making.

End of ch. 16

Sorry it took so long to come out, a lot has been happening and I haven't found any will to write. Hope u guys can forgive me, but until next time, See ya ✌️

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