Ch. 19 - Training camp (final)

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It was the second to last day of the training camp, and you were tired of volleyball. You hated the noise, you hate how you couldn't participate, and you were tired of not being able to take a nap in the same building as Aone. You were chilling in a Fukurodani x Karasuno game. Everybody was tired as a break came on. Suddenly, the captain, Daichi, came running toward his team to make an announcement.
"I overheard something from the coaches. Apparently, they're hosting a barbecue lunch and dinner for the teams."
"BAR -"
the three people you heard the shout started a chant of 'meat dinner'
Your eyes widened, and you dash for the door to find Aone.
Running on your short legs took a while to find Aone, but you managed after 10 minutes. You find him in his practice jersey near a bathroom, so you catch air and land on his leg. He turns and picks you up and asks what you're doing.
"What's up, Sib? Why you have to jump on me like that?" (He calls u sib/sibling instead of bro or sis)
"Dere! A bbcue today."
"There's a BBQ today? Where?" He asks.
"Here, da coash help." You say. Aone seemed to understand that there's a bbq today hosted by the coaches. Soon enough, there's an announcement through the PA system saying for all teams to convey to the field outside the first gym. You squeal in excitement because you know you heard right. Aone and Futakuchi look at each other and smile, moving to said area.
You could see the giant platters of meat throughout the field, and the smell of meat and vegetables was making your mouth water. You could see everybody from managers to players to coaches, and soon a collective "ittakimasu" was shouted. Aone let you down to hold a plate to get meat, although he was the one getting the food since he was tall enough. He got you meat, rice, and vegetables, and also the coaches brought fruit just for you. The coach who gave you an apple, Coach Nekomata, reached to ruffle your hair. You flinched but allowed him to ruffle it anyway. The smile on his face also made you grin a little, so it was all good. Following Aone, he goes towards a bench to sit down, along with a few other people. He puts his plate down and then yours and grabs chopsticks in the middle. The meat was sliced into tiny bites for you by the person tending the grill. You nodded your head in thanks and began digging in. The flavor erupted in your mouth as you got some veggies and a piece of meat together. It almost tasted as good as your birthday meal, but not quite. It was a good 3 to 4 hours of eating for everybody. You saw Hinata talk to Bokuto, saw Kenma's games being taken by Kuroo, and poor Yachi being surrounded by tall men. Noya and Tanaka were with Yamamoto, looking scarily at each other. You turn back to Aone and his group of people, him chuckling silently at something Futakuchi said. It was like this until later when more games were being played.
You were able to help some of the managers again until cleanup, which you gratefully accepted. You take the basket of volleyballs to the closet where another player was. He didn't hear you, so he got out of the closet before you could say anything and locked it. You noticed the clicking sound of the lock and immediately banged as hard as you could on the door. Aone, sensing something was wrong, immediately went back to the gym and heard your quiet bangs on the door. He quickly got a coach to unlock the door, and out you fell. Aone quickly picked you up to make sure you were ok, and you smiled at him. You weren't scared like most kids, and with therapy, you've worked out most of the problems and trauma. Aone let out a breath he was holding and held you close. You didn't mind at this point. He also noticed you were silent and smiling. Usually, you would cry your heart out, but you just smiled. Maybe you were ready for school yourself soon.

After getting ready for bed and packing everything for tomorrow, you realize it's the last day of seeing everybody. You frown, but realize that Aone must have contact with everybody in some way. You eagerly slip into the futon to see everybody one last time tomorrow, and Aone is following shortly. Sleeping soundly and holding your plush close, you fall asleep.

It was 8 am. when you woke up. Aone picked you up and placed you on his shoulder. All the bags were brought out to the bus and stored in the storage area underneath the seats. Before taking off, the managers were kind enough to make you something to eat on the way back.
You had a sandwich with egg-fried rice and a pouch of applesauce. Aone made sure you ate it before you got back. After 5 grueling hours, you finally make it home. You immediately head to the bed and fall back asleep, while Aone deals with both bags. He did join you once he was done, though. Mom walked in to find you both cuddling and passed out from a week of volleyball with other players. She let you guys sleep the next day and made extra food in the fridge.
On Monday, you had to get up early for school with Aone. Unfortunately, the staff at the in-school daycare were unavailable to watch you that morning, so you got to join Aone in his classes for half the day. The first class was English, which wasn't all that interesting. The second was math, which was also not interesting, but more alien language to you. You sat in his lap while Aone was working on a worksheet. It had symbols you didn't recognize. Your face had a look of confusion. Aone whispered, "That's what you'll do in the future."
You look at him with wide eyes, almost questioning him. Aone had to look away to not laugh out loud and disturb the class, but everybody heard and silently laughed. Even the teacher smiled a bit before gesturing for everybody to get back to work. Futakuchi would later hear and cackle so loudly that it got him in trouble. The next class was chemistry. You couldn't exactly participate since you were so young, so the teacher made you do simple solutions like sugar water and salt water.
You got to see the sugar water turn blue, and it was the coolest thing ever. The teacher also did a water and oil mixture container so you could flip it and watch the bubbles of oil rise and fall. Before long, it was lunch. You went with Aone to the cafeteria and sat with the team. They talked about their point of view at the training camp and what they experienced. Kogane got to see Hinata, Sakunami talked video games with Kenma, and everybody had done something, and it was a bunch of stories. Aone started to clean up about 2 minutes before the bell so he could drop you off at the daycare room. Fortunately, the staff were back and were happy to take you for the rest of the day. You chatted to the staff about the camp and told your story for the rest of the day, talking until Aone picked you up for practice. Practice went on as usual, and heading home was no different. It was starting to get a bit boring.
Mom welcomes you both home, and you see a box on the table. It was for Aone, but curiosity got the best of you, and you peeked inside to see a book. Boring. Aone lifts the top off and smiles. His book came in. It was a limited-edition book about a supernatural being. He'd been a bit stressed and wanted a good book to read to calm down after a period of being extremely tired after practices. He picks the thick book up and feels the hardcover details. The pages smell like a library, and the cover is pleasing to the eye. He also got it to read aloud to you on weekends. You turned towards Mom and asked her if you could start school soon. She spat out her drink, and Aone got whiplash from how fast his head turned. You were getting bored of the daycare and practice and needed something new. Mom stuttered a 'sure' and continued being bewildered by your announcement.
And as fast as you said those words, Mom comes in the next day and tells you that you'll be visiting the school next week. Aone was happy that you wanted to go to school, but he wouldn't be able to see you every day like usual, he'd miss your presence on the court, and the energy you'd bring to the team. Then, the worrisome thoughts came in. What if you were bullied? What if there was a crush or a boyfriend at your age? What if-
"Aone, you gotta stop thinking so negatively about this. I see that face you make when you're thinking the worst possible thing, it's about time anyways they go to elementary school don't you think?" Mom interrupted Aone's thought process. Aone blushed in embarrassment for being so easy to read. Still, the thoughts haunt him, and it was hard to fall asleep that night.

The day came to visit the school you'd be going to, and it was a pretty average looking school on the outside. You walk into the cool building, hearing shouts and clamoring of children your age. The halls were lined with illustrations you couldn't make out, and all of it made you regret coming here. The office was right at the front, and the attendant saw you looking around.
"Find anything interesting, little one?" She smiled a toothy grin. You shook your head in honesty. It was boring. Mom did all the paperwork while you played with the toys in the main office. It took a while since you weren't the biological child, but soon the principal came and motioned you towards their office
"Hello, Mrs. Takenobu, I'm the principal of this elementary school. I understand this little one here wants to start school?" A very tall person sat down in the chair across from you. They had black hair neatly swept to the side, glasses that sat right at the top of the nose, and a suit in an almond color, all tied with a red tie.
They looked welcoming, also like a young grandpa. The adults talked about what to expect, being a new student and all. You were tuning everything out, looking around the room. The bookshelves were half full of books sporadically spread around, there's a couple of chairs around, those ugly colored ones. Windows placed a bit high on the wall, lined with garlands made from children.
This is what you signed up for.
After a few minutes of discussing, you got everything you needed. A tour was offered on the official start day for you, and soon, you were headed back home.
Aone was already home, being released early cause of exams. He was sitting at the table doing homework when you came home, and as soon as you saw him, you ran towards him with your short legs. As soon as he saw you, he braced for impact and a hug. He greets with a smile to both you and mom and asks how your day was. You smiled and told him you start tomorrow. Mom waves and says she has to get school supplies for you, so Aone was stuck on babysitting you for a while.

You were watching TV while Aone did more homework, his glasses sneakily going down to the tip of his nose. He pushes them up periodically, his shift not breaking from his books. He does peek occasionally at you, making sure you're happy. He stretches and decides to take a break. He takes his phone and decides to text Futakuchi for a bit.


Well hello there
I'm guessing ur bored?


But how's little one?

They're starting school soon

Ur kidding right?


Right right
U don't kid
That's sad, they won't b at practice with us anymore after what
A year?

Mom left to get stuff for them so I'm stuck babysitting

Oh like u don't enjoy it big man

Aone smiled at the last text and sent a "bye" text. He put his phone down and looked for you at the couch, but you weren't there. He snapped his head around to try and spot you, but no avail.
Where did you go?

Sorry it took so long to get out, work has been beating my ass, but it's worth it for this dough
See ya ✌️

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