Ch. 7 -New and Old Faces-

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Today was the first day of court. It was a really big building with fancy column towers. The stairway was very long, and made of concrete. (I live in America, so courthouses are big and fancy scary) trekking up the stairs  was tiring. But only Aone and his mother were walking up, you were on Aone's shoulders. You got inside the building and shivered, they always keep it cold for some reason. It was a security checkpoint and the guard noticed your presence.
"Well, hey there tiny, what brings ya to court? It's a big an' scary place, but some good does happen here don' worry. Now imma need to see that little friend yer carrying, is that ok?" The security guard asks, he has a hyogo accent, so why's he here in Miyagi? You thought. You hesitantly gave the stuffed animal to the guard, and he makes sure the stuffed polar bear is comfy before the basket full of personal items is moving to a box. You look in question.
"This lil' box here helps me take pictures inside of things," the officer starts, "it helps to make sure bad stuff don't come in unnoticed. It's like an' x-ray kinda. It don affect anything, just takes pictures. Here's yer friend back" officer said, handing you your stuffed toy. You squeeze in reassurance. You didn't notice you stepped through a metal detector, luckily it didn't go off for you or the family. Aone picks you up and thanks the officer, you nod your head in thanks as the officer waves bye. The three head to the hallways, where patterns decorate the floor, pale yellows and blues make accents against the pale white base. It was cold and you started to shiver. Aone quickly got out his jacket and wrapped it around you. He and his mother walk to the assigned courtroom, and enter quickly to talk to the judge really fast about having a kid in the courtroom. After finding the judge, Aone's mother asked about where you should be.
He responds, "there's a kids playroom behind this panel. If you want, when the case starts, an officer can take them until they're needed." Aone asks if he could drop you off, and the judge nods.
It was 30 minutes later, after everyone entered that you saw your biological grandparents, in orange suits. You start breathing uncontrollably and shaking. All the bad memories came back as you saw the gaze that rested on their faces. Neither one noticed you until Aone took you to the kids area, your grandma grimacing at you as you left. The kids area was decorated for all ages and had plenty of toys for you to busy yourself until you were needed. A female officer would look after you, and bring you back. You calmed down a little as you were away from those monsters. Aone left but not before hugging you tightly. You instantly calm down in his hold, before moving away from his grasp. Now it was you and the officer in the room and you invite her to play with you to pass the time. She smiles and joins you on the floor.

(Long and an attempt at describing events; SOME WRITING MAY BE TRI33ERING READ WITH CAUTION ⚠️)

"Court is in session, please stand for your honor, Judge Saiko" someone said. And everybody stood until told to sit by the judge.
J. Saiko starts "case (random sequence here) in trial of (birth last name grandparents) and case (other random sequence) in custody trial of (your name) and the Takenobu family." He stated for the record. "(Grandparent last name) vs. The Miyagi prefecture in the case of fraud, sexual assault of a minor, and child neglect in the first degree, how do you plead?" He asked. "Not guilty, your honor" a reply was heard from the lawyer representing your grandparents. Aone held his mother's hand in anticipation and disappointment with the elder couple. The judge sighs, "we have evidence to believe you committed tax fraud to evade giving money away, not to mention the fake yen we found stored in the ceiling and floor boards of your home. What do you have to say about that?" "Nothing, your honor." Grandma replied. A sideshow was presented, showing pictures of the fake money machine, surrounded by yen bills in stacks. Your Grandma fidgets slightly in her seat, unluckily, the judge was able to notice.
"Do you know what this is? This machine is illegal in the nation of Japan. The mere possession of this, it could be 10 years in prison. The use of it, however, could land you 15." (I'm just making random years don't at me) Grandpa was stoic. He didn't show a drop of emotion when he was asked questions. Soon, the questions of the fraud case were over. Now it was time to involve you to get the side of the story. Judge saiko called for a 5 minute recess to get you ready. Luckily, you wrote everything down that happened to you. The judge came softly into the playroom, to get the officer to bring you. You hold your stuffed bear for comfort, before softly pulling on the Judges cloth to give him something. He takes the piece of paper and glances at the contents before nodding and thanks you for giving it to him.

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