The Lead Up To Christmas

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Another year over. Honestly where does it go? One minute it's Easter, the next it's Christmas. CHRISTMAS! One of the best and worse times of the year. Uncle Scott hates Christmas, the only reason we still celebrate is because of my younger cousin Charlie. He still believes in Santa Claus and the North Pole. I stopped believing years ago after... After mum. Any who, he's coming to stay this Christmas and I want it to be special. We rarely see each other and us being together as a 'family' will be fun.


Christmas Eve :-

'Charlie's gonna be here any minute, where are you?' I ask Scott over the phone, wondering where the heck he is. 'I'm stuck in traffic, there's definitely been a huge pile up, wow' He says sarcastically before continuing, 'I'll be there in five' Before I can answer him he cuts the phone off leaving me sitting on the couch with my silent phone to my ear. I'm also left alone, especially at Christmas. Scott spends all his time at work, coming up with new toys for the business. I lower my arm and sign. As I get up to go to the kitchen to put down my coffee mug the sound of the door bell rings.

I make my way to the door, opening it wide to see Charlie and his mum, Laura. With them is Charlie's step dad Neal, who's hiding in his car.

'Noel, hi' Laura looks around me as if I wasn't the one who opened the door. 'Hello Laura,' I say looking directly at her. I've always hated her, especially for how she acted when I was around. She'd always pretend to like me and talk to me like I was 5. 'Noel.' She rudely replies. I take my focus to Charlie who is looking up at the trees in the garden. 'Hey Charlie, how are you?' I ask him kneeling down in front of him. 'Hey Noel, Is Dad home?'

'Not yet but he is on his way' He looks up at me with a disappointed look on his face. 'Don't worry I'll look after you for the minute.' I say standing back upright. Laura grabs Charlie's bag off the floor and shoves it in my arms. 'These are his things, I better stay with you till Scott gets back' She signals to Neil that she's stay before barging her way passed me and into the hall, leaving Charlie on the step. I hold my hand out for him to grab hold of before leading him inside the non decorated house.

'Why don't you have any decorations up?" Charlie asks looking up and down the plain hallway. I turn to him thinking of a quick answer, 'I was supposed to decorate but I thought it will be more fun if you'd help me. How does that sound?' Charlie's eyes glow up along with his smile. 'I'd love to, Noel.' I smile back then look towards Laura who was already snooping the house. I look back to Charlie. 'Perfect.'

I let him run into the living room to get the Christmas boxes from the floor that I had left there earlier in the day. I glare at Laura, feeling her hate enter my body. 'You can go if you want, I can look after Charlie till Scott gets back.' She gives me the look of disgusts, 'No it's fine, I'll go wait with Neil till Scott gets back,' As she heads for the door I step in front of her, 'Look I can look after her him, you have nothing to worry about anything,' She pushes me to the side before exiting the door, 'I will wait for the responsible, ish, adult, Noel'

'Listen Laura, I'm not a child anymore, I just, I don't want Charlie listening to his parents fight, again' I try to persuade her, 'Noel, I think your a lovely girl but I want what's best for Charlie,' So do I, I don't want Charlie to have to listen to his parents fight over and over. It's not good for him. I glare at her feeling insulted, like she can't trust me to look after an eight year old. Before this can escalate any further Scott turns up at the door.

'Noel, there's a strange man outside in his minivan.' He looks at Laura, 'Oh hey Laura, you know what he looks a lot like your husband' I laugh at Scott which makes Laura stare into my mind. 'Right, now I know an adult is here, I'm leaving.' Before she can leave Charlie comes running in all tied up in tinsel, 'Noel, help me' I run over and pull the tinsel from his face. 'You ok little man' He nods as he pulls the rest off himself. 'Dad' He runs over to Scott and gives him a hug. 'Hey Sport' He says while hugging Charlie.

The Christmas Clause : Bernard and OCWhere stories live. Discover now