By cuspids!

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Scott, Curtis and Noel lurk outside Lucy's room, waiting for the Tooth Fairy. Curtis sits on the floor leaning against the wooden bannister while Scott and Noel lean against the door, their ears listening for him. Noel looks to the floor, a hollow feeling in her stomach.

'You ok, Noel?' Her uncle asks, noticing her sadden mood. She looks up. 'Yeah, just,' taking a deep breath, 'a lot's happening at once.'

'I know, kid.' He smiles. 'It's all my fault.' Scott exhales, leaning his back to the door. Curtis looks up from fiddling with his glasses.

'It's not.' The two look at the small elf. 'It's mine. I'm the one that was supposed to tell you sooner. Bernard kept telling me and I thought I was doing the best thing. I'm so stupid.'

'You're not stupid, Curtis.' Noel kneels down to him. 'You're one of the smartest elves at the Pole. Yeah you've messed up a few times but, who hasn't.' She comforts him with a smile before standing back up to Scott.

'How long do you think he's going to be?' Noel asks before leaning back against the wall. With that the trio hear the window from Lucy's room open. Noel and Scott quickly turn to each other as Curtis shoots up from the floor. Placing his finger over his mouth, Scott slowly opens the door. Standing beside Lucy's bed is the Tooth Fairy, reaching towards her. As he does, Scott reaches out for his small flapping wings before grabbing one of them.

'By cuspids!' The fairy quietly exhales as Scott guides him out of the little girls room. 'Ahh. This way. Come on. Curtis get the door.' Scott whispers, pointing to the door with his free hand.

Noel moves to the side as the two legendary figures exit the room, allowing Curtis to shut the door.

'What do you people want? I only carry $20 in change.' Tooth Fairy surrenders as they circle around him. He scans the kidnappers' faces, looking each up and down before turning to Scott.

'Tooth Fairy, it's me, Santa.' Scott convinces him, as the fairy scans him again. 'I've lost the weight and the beard but it's me.' He grins.

'I know Santa. Santa is a friend.' Tooth Fairy begins, slightly annoyed. 'And you sir, are no Santa.'

'I am too.'

'How did I know I could capture you by holding on to your wing?' Scott protests, trying to explain to his friend but he stands unconvinced. 'You wanted to change your name Captain Floss or Plaque Man. Or as I recall Roy.' Noel and Curtis turn to each other, she raises an eyebrow to him. 'And it was Santa's idea to call you the Molarnator.' Scott clicks his fingers hoping he's convinced Tooth Fairy enough.

He stares at Scott for a moment before smiling and turning to the number two elf, 'who's the kid?'

'One of my elves. That's Curtis. He's an elf.' Scott points down at him before the fairy starts pulling at Curtis' ears.

'Ow.' He pulls himself away from the fairy's grip.

'And the other one?' He asks again, pointing to Noel. 'That's Noel.' He continues to stare, blankly. 'My niece.' Her uncle adds.

'Oh, Noel. I didn't recognise you. Did you do something with your hair?' Noel looks up at him, the hollow feeling grows in her stomach. 'Uh. Something like this.' She anxiously chuckles, looking up at the beret that was now back upon her head, thinking of her lover, Bernard.

'Santa!' The Tooth Fairy finally catches on. 'The Molurnator at your service, sir.' He salutes.

'We need your help getting to the Pole.' Scott tells him leading the group down the stairs. 'In other words we need your wings.' Noel adds, reaching the final step.
'Well I can't give them to you.' Tooth Fairy gasps. Rolling his eyes, Curtis struts over to him. 'That's not what he means. We need you to fly us three back to the Pole.'
'You've got to be kidding.' Tooth Fairy chuffs, adjusting the goggles on his head.

The Christmas Clause : Bernard and OCWhere stories live. Discover now