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Walking into the workshop, Noel is greeted by some working elves. 'Hello, Noel.' A red-headed elf cheers as he runs past, teddy bear in hand. Taking in the joy of the busy elves, Noel walks over to Bernard, who stands above the other elves surrounding a workable toy car. Smiling softly at her boyfriend she goes over and links her arm into one of his.

'Hey.' She hums, resting her head on his shoulder. 'Hi, Snowbell.' Bernard smiles, keeping watch of the scene in front of him. Noticing Scott on the floor, under the car, Noel lifts her head and turns to the Head Elf. 'Engine again?' She asks.

'Yes.' Bernard replies quickly. Turning to him, unlinking her arm, Noel looks up at her strict boyfriend. What is up with him? Her mind tells her, looking back at Scott emerging from under the car. He's been acting strange all week.

'Oh, I've left that paper work on your desk.' Noel tells Bernard who replies with a nod of his head.

'Ok, try it now.' Scott tells the brunette elf as he waves his finger in the air, his large body still under the car. The engine revs with a the twist of a key. The surrounding elves cheer in success. Jumping up from the floor, Scott demands orders to the mechanical elves, 'All right. Here's what we need. Get one more bolt on that flange, and it's ready for Christmas. Good work, guys.' He pats the young elves on the back before turning to his Niece, Head Elf and Curtis.

Moving along the workshop, Bernard rushes past Noel, leaving her confused. Grabbing onto Curtis' coat, she pulls him to the side whilst Scott and Bernard stand with a young baker.

'Curtis, tell me what's going on.' She demands an answer from. 'No can tell you.' Curtis shruggs his shoulders as he goes to walk away. 'Hey!' She shouts back at him. Curtis turns around and looks at Noel with a raised eyebrow looking as if she'd never spoken to him before.

'You tell me what's going on right now or you'll never become Head Elf.' Noel freatens him as she looks down with her noe amber eyes. 'I'm not allowed to tell you, Head Elfs orders.' He says, turning back to Scott and Bernard.

Leaving Noel once again clueless he stands beside the two men who know stand beside one of the toy testers, Alexander. As Noel walks over to them she over hears Curtis and Bernard whisper about her. Bernard turns and slightly thuds Curtis on the head in hopes he'd follow Scott.

Walking faster over to Bernard, Noel stops as they reach the balcony where Joel stands, one of the inventors. Stopping next to Bernard and Curtis, Noel goes to say something but gets interupted by Joel. 'Hey, guys. Santa wants to see the new tinsel!' He shouts to his fellow working elves. The boyd through the tinsel over the edge of the balacony. Letting the individual strands land on each of there faces. The surrounding elves laugh at the scene before them.

'I could come up there and take cake of this the ugly way,' Scott tells them, his face no longer recognisable due to the red tinsel, 'Or... we go outside and play some football.' The elves cheer as they run down the stairs towards the large wooden doors leading to the coart yard. Noel pulls the scratchy tinself from her face and chucks it onto the floor as she watches her Uncle race outside.

Helping Bernard pulls the tinsel from his face, Noel looks at him with a slight giggle. 'You look ridiculous.' She laughs as she pulls a single stand from behind his exposed pointy ear. 'Have you seen yourself?' Bernard smiles, pulling a silver stand from her beret.

'Noel,' Curtis perks up, making Noel break the peaceful eye contact with her B. 'Is you'll excuse us.' Placing his hand on Bernard's shoulder, Curtis pulls him away from Noel.

Turning away from the boys, Noel makes her way to her office feeling left out again. Closing the door behind her, she walks over to her messy desk, decorated with engraved paint brushes and snowflakes.

Having the sudden feeling to paint, Noel grabs her brushes, watercolours and sketchbook. Letting her mind go she paints a scene onto the fresh page. Bernard and herself standing next to Scott, all sad. For a strange reason the painting has no fun to it. Bernard unhappy. Noel unhappy. Scott unhappy.

Life at the Pole was supposed to be happy and jolly. Why now? Why is everything changing? What are Bernard and Curtis hiding?

I thought there were no secrets in this relationship?

The Christmas Clause : Bernard and OCWhere stories live. Discover now