What's happening?

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'B, I think this might work.' Noel says, surprised as she pulls away from the toy fire engine in front of her. Fixing the small engine into the little red truck, she places the final screw into place before winding the crown up on the back, setting it on the floor. As soon as letting go, the little red fire truck zooms across the workshop, making some of the elves jump and move out the way. Looking back up in shock, Noel smiles at her boyfriend as he watches in awe.

'That works.' Noel chuffs, running after the toy.

'That was brilliant.' The head elf chuckles, his arms crossed across his chest. 'You've definitely got better at your workmanship.'

'That's because I've got a good teacher.' Noel smiles out of breath as she runs back from retrieving the fire truck.

Just as they were about to carry on working, Curtis storms in, his arms frantically swaying at his side. 'Where have you two been?' He shouts across the workshop. Noel looks to Bernard with an eye roll before placing the wind up toy on the workbench. 'Do this with the others and they'll all be good for Christmas.' She smiles at one of the elves, tapping him on the back before walking over to the stressed Curtis. Bernard follows with a huff.

'What's got your tinsel in a knot?' Noel asks as she stops beside the small elf.

'Noel, it's the toy Santa.' The number two elf whispers to Noel while standing on his toes. 'We need to go check on him'

'And where have you left him, Curtis?' Bernard asks as he approaches the two elves, his arms now resting behind his back.

'Santa's office of course.' The youngest elves shakes his head as if talking to a brick wall. Noel and Bernard look towards each other before pushing past Curtis, rushing towards the office. 'You can't leave him alone!' Bernard shouts back to Curtis, who was now running after them, his small legs not being able to catch up. The three rush up the stairs to the office before pushing the tall wooden doors open.

The toy Santa stands in front of the fire, staring into it in amazement. The three elves walk into the room in a hurry before pulling him away from the warm fire. Looking around confused, he looks towards the trio utterly confused. 'Ahh, you.' He cheers, pointing towards Noel. 'Niece.' Looking at the smiling Curtis, Noel raises a brow. 'You.' He moves on, pointing towards Bernard. 'Head.' Bernard opens his mouth to say something but is shushed by Curtis. 'And you, Number 2' The toy Santa smiles at Curtis before rushing over to the tall, red framed mirror.

'I am Santa Clause.' He says to himself, looking closer at his reflection. 'Boo!' He jumps, also making Noel jump slightly, her hand reaching for Bernard's. Noticing, he grabs it, intertwining his fingers with hers. 'Yeah. No, no, I think that this is gonna work.' Bernard says towards Curtis, Noel's arm sliding around his, watching the toy Santa make poses into the mirror. 'Good... Good job, Curtis.'

'Would it kill you to give a wholehearted compliment?' Curtis moans at him before turning back to the toy. 'Let him be, Curtis.' Noel tells him as she squeezes Bernard's arm.

'Ho, ho, ho!'

'Ho, ho,ho!' The toy Santa keeps repeating into the mirror. 'I find this way too strange.' Noel mutters, making Bernard turn to her slightly. Giving her a heartfelt nod to make sure she's ok.

'Santa?' Curtis catches the couple's attention, the toy looking directly at them. 'I need you to look at this.' He says, holding up the Handbook.

'Alright.' Toy Santa exhales as he looks down at the book. 'Nice!'

'No. I mean, I need you to read it.' Curtis explains, lifting the book higher. Noel gulps down the growing fear in her throat, grabbing the attention of Bernard. 'You ok?' He whispers to her, keeping his eyes on the fake Santa in front of him. 'Yeah' Noel mutters, watching the figure in front of her.

'Well, let's try to be specific, shall we?' He huffs before pulling the book from Curtis' hands. 'I'll take a look at it over at my desk.' Pointing at Scott's desk, the toy Santa struts over, making Noel more angry. 'That's not your desk' She states under her breath causing the man before her to turn.

'What did you say?' He asks, slammin the book onto the desk, causing Noel to move back slightly. 'Nothing!' She blurts, not wanting to get into it.

'How does he know where it is?' Bernard asks as the three elves walk over to Scott's desk.

'I programmes him that way.' Curtis smiles before turning back to toy Santa, who sits down at his desk. 'He has most of Santa's memories.'

'Most?' Noel asks, wondering if he knows about Charlie and the rest of the family, including Lucy, Neal and Laura's daughter. 'What do you mean most?'

'He won't be 100% like Santa but he will know what to do, hopefully.' Curtis implies, his smile fading for a second.

'Ok, we need you to study everything that's in that book because it is the key to being Santa.' Curtis explains as he stands in front of the desk watching the toy read through the book with a magnifying glass in his hand.

'Right! I'll memorise everything in the book.' The giant toy begins, 'I'll follow all the rules. Cos rules are very important!'

'I like this guy.' Curtis smiles at Noel with a raised brow. Rolling her eyes at the young elf, Noel moves back slightly, allowing Abby to walk past with a tray of hot cocoa.

'Hi, Santa.' The young elf smiles, placing the tray on the desk. Toy Santa looks at Bernard with confusion on his face. 'Uh, hi?' He questions.

'Oh. You look..' Abby is taken back by his appearance, looking up behind her at both Noel and Bernard.

'Like he got a good night's sleep.' Noel butts in, leaning down at her pointed ears. As she raises back up she sends a wink to Bernard making his cheeks glow. 'Like you got a very good night's sleep.' The elf repeats, taking the cocoa off the tray and placing it on the desk. 'How about a nice chocolatey cocoa?'

The toy Santa nods at Curtis' command, continuing to do so before signalling him to stop. Reaching over to grab the mug of cocoa, the toy Santa pulls it close to him. 'Careful, it's hot.' Abby warns him. 'Of course it is.'

Looking down at it the toy Santa looks to Curtis for some help. Motioning him to drink from the cup, toy Santa brings the drink to his lips before chugging it down his throat. 'Aagh!' The toy cries, slamming the mug onto the table. 'Whoo!' The four elves look at each other confused, thinking does he like it or not?

'That's delicious! I like cocoa!' Toy Santa exhales, his face growing red. 'Cocoa's superior refreshment! Get me some more cocoa!'

Smiling at his response, Abby takes his mug before placing it on her tray. 'Right away Santa.'

'I think Santa feels a little buzz!'

'Santa?' Noel cuts in his buzz, making him and Bernard turn to her. Releasing herself from Bernard's comforting grip. 'Why don't we let Curtis go other a few things with you? While Bernard and I go sort the workshop out.' She suggests, looking at the toy version of her uncle. 'Beside, we need to... do stuff that's already... on our to do lists.' Noel makes up as she starts pulling Bernard out the room with him, in a hurry.

Closing a door behind them, Noel fulls to the ground in an instant, pulling Bernard with her.

'Woah, Snowflake. Are you ok?' He asks as Noel tries fighting for a breath. Struggling to find a breath, Noel starts to panic, her face growing more red by the second. 'Snowfl- Noel, do you want me to get the doctor?' Trying to help her calm down, Bernard pulls her into her chest. Feeling his warmth and smelling his cinnamon scent around her, Noel slowly calms down, each breath becoming more steady.

'Are you alright, love?' Bernard asks, pulling her away from himself, wiping away a single tear on her cheek with his thumb. 'I.. I don't know.' Noel exhales, looking around at the tall columns around them.

'Take your time.' Bernard tells her, grabbing her chin so her hazel eyes look into his. 'Take a deep breath.'

'I.. It felt like... I was pulled down.' Noel starts to explain, her head spinning as she looks into Bernard's chocolate eyes.

'Hey.' Bernard stops her moving, pulling her into his chest again. 'It's ok. You're ok now.'

'What's going on, B?' Noel cries into his chest.

The Christmas Clause : Bernard and OCWhere stories live. Discover now