How did I become so lucky!

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With Christmas and the new year over, Noel wonders if the new year will be different. Will Scott and Carol's family grow? Will her and Bernard's relationship grow? Who knows?

It was now the following April and prep for Christmas is highly underway. The elves busy making and creating new toys for the upcoming Christmas. Noel sits at the dining table sitting in Bernard's house.
The tall wooden door opens, revealing a tired head elf, holding something behind his back. Noel notices and goes to stand from the bench but is ushered back down by Bernard.

'Stay there a minute.'

Noel does what he says and stays put, placing her half drunken cocoa back on the oak table.

Bernard walks over, sloping his pointed shoes off using the opposite foot before heading over to an equally tired Noel. His hand still placed behind his back.
'What you got there?' A curious Noel asks, tapping her fingers along the side of the Christmas tree covered mug.

'A little something for a little lady of mine' the elf smiles, cheekily as he stands across from her.

Pulling out his hand from behind his back, Bernard reveals a bunch of roses. The petals perfectly placed with touches of snowflakes in them from outside.
'Oh my garland!' Noel gasps, reaching across.

'Ugh uh.' Bernard shakes his head, playfully, pulling the bunch back towards him.

'I require a kiss first.' He grins, leaning across the table.

Noel chuckles before leaning across, connecting her lips to his. Feeling the familiar butterflies in the pit of her stomach. While their lips moved along together, Noel tries to reach for the roses.
Noticing her, the head elf lifts his arm into the air and out of her reach, making Noel chuckle against his lips.

'Give them here.' She laughs, their faces inches away from one another.

Bernard pulls back, regaining his balance on his side of the table.

'In a second.' He smiles down at her. 'There's something else.'

'Oh.' Noel smile widens and she leans against her hand, admiring the masterpiece before her. 'Is there.'
'Uh, there is.'

Noel notices the sudden change in his crackling voice, a new nervous tone creeping in. She watches as he walks around the table, placing the roses in her hand.

'I uh.' He coughs. 'I need to ask you something.' He nervously tells her, reaching into his brown satchel.
Pulling out a small box, decorated with sugar canes and mints. Noel gasps slightly, not knowing what was inside, her heart pounding through her chest.
'Noel,' Bernard starts, a nervous sweat line appearing on his brow, 'Snowflake.' He smiles again at the nickname. 'I've known you for many moons now. We've been through so much together. Through love. Hate. Even some risqué decisions.' Noel chuckles at his comments, her face heating up in the process. 'I've loved you through it all. And I continue to love you more and more, every day. But there's one thing that's missing from this. One thing I've been wanting to ask you for a few weeks now. So.' He starts to open the velvety box. 'Snowflake, will you make me very happy and... move in with me?'

Noel's smile drops slightly, slightly disappointed at the question. Inside the now opened box in front of her is a key. An exact replica of Bernard's.

Noticing the expression in her face he quickly shut it, creating a clap echoing around the room before throwing it back into his satchel across his shoulder.

'I..I'm sorry.' He apologises, stepping back slightly.

Noel grabs his hands, gently, pulling him back towards her. 'B' her smile reappearing on her blushed face. 'I'd loved too.' She painfully smiles with glee, her cheeks practically burning.
'Seriously?' The head elf questions, as if he was not the one to ask her. 'Yes, Bernard! I'd love to move in with you.'
The two embrace again into a deep, passionate kiss. Their lips moving in sync with each other. Noel pulls away slightly, secretly hoping he'd ask a different question but nevertheless overjoyed. She notices his eyes scanning her face before rubbing their noses together.

'How did I become so lucky.' The head elf glees, spinning Noel around in his arms.

'How did I become so lucky!' Noel repeats in a mocking tone causing the two to break into laughter.

A few hours later, once Noel had finished packing a few things away in her room, the couple wander off into the workshops, searching for the other happy couple. Noel notices Carol talking to Abby, Santa and Mrs Clause's personal house elf.

'Hello, Carol. Abby.' Bernard walks over to the two, holding Noel's hand in his. 'How's everything in here?'

'Hello, Bernard.' Abby smiles back at the head elf. 'Everything's going swimmingly. Mrs Clause here has some superb ideas to share with you.'

Noel smiles up at Scott's new wife, a slightly shimmer catching her eyes. 'Carol, you're looking absolutely gorgeous today.'

'Why thank you, Noel.' The lady looks back at her, smiling. 'I can say the same about you.'

Noel and Carol share a laugh as the continue to talk, ignoring the conversation between Bernard and Abby.
'Fully settled in?' Noel asks.

'I think so. Although, I do miss my parents a bit but I feel so happy all the time. Like they were the thing pulling me away from all, this.' She waffles, waving her hands, pointing to the workshop.

'How do you do it?' She asks Noel, shaking her head slightly.

Pausing for a second Noel smiles again, squeezing Bernard's hand slightly 'because of him.'

Bernard turns from his conversation, wondering what they were talking about. Noticing the smile on Noel's face he places a light kiss on her cheek before saying something to Abby. Causing her to run off.

'Snowflake, shall we go to Santa? Tell him the news.'

'What news?' Carol queries with a wide eye.

'You'll have to find out.' Noel smiles as Bernard begins to pull her away. 'It's not big big news, it's more, coming of age news.'

'Well, as we're going to Scott. We better tell you our news.' Carol raises her eyebrows, cheeringly as the trio walk to his office.

The Christmas Clause : Bernard and OCWhere stories live. Discover now