The Return To The Pole

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Ever since Bernard told me I was Santa's artist or the spirit of Christmas gal, I have been feeling more jolly even though everything Charlie and Scott had been going through. I felt that same feeling every time Bernard came to visit, the pit of my stomach tightening it feels right. Maybe I do have feelings for him. But he'll never feel the same for me.

It's one of them mornings again, the cold beginning to settle and the busy feasts of thanksgiving begins. I get up as usual, putting on a green hoodie, my fluffy leggings and my new signiture brown beret. The day was normal, painting, trying to cheer Scott up and thinking about Bernard. I haven't been to see Charlie since Neil threw me away. Everyday I wonder how he's coping and how I could help him wiithout seeing him.

Scott and I decide to take a walk around the neighbourhood. Watching as families have fun, smiling with each other. Celebrating thanksgiving how they should. It wasn't until we reach a very familiar house I realised we weren't as happy as we should. Scott looks at me and smiles, 'Wanna go see him?' He asks me walking down the Miller's path. I look up at the house before noticing him moving away. 'Scott!' I say running down after him. 'You know we're not supposed to be here.' I quietly shout as I reach him. Scott looks at me and smiles softly before knocking twice at the door. I feel the fear in me raie but it doesn't reach my skin.

You can do this! I try tell myself.

Before I can think no more the door opens revealing an happy Neil. I feel the warmth of the house escape, brushing passed Scott and I. I watch as the happy mood on Neals face changes. 'Hey, Neil.' Scott says with a little wave. 'Scott.' He says pushing the door to a little. 'You're not supposed to be here.' He said raising his eyebrows at us. 'We can be here if we want.' I say trying not to raise my voice for Charlie to hear. 'Oh you can't!' Neil struts closer to me. 'Don't make me beat you up, Neil.' Scott interfears, breaking the tention between Neil and I. 'Oh, would Santa really beat someone up?' Neal suggests sarcastically. 'I'm this close.' Scott says pinching his finger and thum together. 'So you still think you're Santa?' Neil says wobbling his head at the true statement. 'I don't know.' Scott replies making me confused. 'What do you mean you don't know?' I ask, looking up at him.

'Of course you are, Dad.' I hear Charlie shout as he runs around the corner making Neal open the door fully. Scott and I barge pass him making ourself closer to Charlie. 'How can you say that?' Charlie continues as Laura catches him. Scott and I stand helplessly in the hall, 'Think about all those kids.' Charlie says sadly. I look to him and smile, he smiles back at me. 'The only kid I'm thinking about is you,' Scott says to Charlie. I grab my chest dramtically making Charlie giggle. Scott turns to me and smiles. 'And Noel too.' I smile and look back at Charlie now in Laura's arms.

'Dad, I'm fine.' Charlie smiles. 'You can't let them down.' He finishes, climbing down out of Laura's arms. 'They all believe in you.' Charlie smiles. I look at my uncle hoping he can help himself. 'Charlie listen.' Neal interupts. 'You listen!' Charlie yells back. 'You think you know who he is. You don't' I look at Scott, who looks like he's about to shed a tear. 'Charlie.' Laura exhales, clearly annoyed. 'Honey, listen. You're confused.' She tries to comfort him. I think of what to do. I'm supposed to bring joy to these guys. 'Laura, I don't think you understand.' I shout feeling the anger leave me, making everyone turn to me. 'Sorry.' I mutter. 'Don't know what came over me.' The adults attention goes back to Charlie.

'Charlie, he's not Santa!' Neal yells at poor little Charlie was stands before him, his snow globe in his hand. The same one Bernard gave him. 'He is too Santa!' Charlie yells back.

'We went to the North Pole together. I saw it. The elves are real old even though they look like me.' Charlie shouts, Scott looks at me and raises his eyebrows, before looking at the beret upon my head. I shake my head and look back at Charlie. I wasn't exactly ready for him to know.

'Bernard called me Sport, cause he knew everything' The mention of Bernard made me blush. 'Right, Dad.' Charlie explains turning to Scott. 'Remember!' Charlie raises his voice, throwing the snow globe to Scott. I watch on fear as it soars through the air. Luckily it lands in Scotts hands quickly followed by a exhale from me. I watch as Scott looks into the snow globe, watching the snow fall. It was then I noticed the realisation in his eyes.

He remembers.

Charlie watches in hope for his dad. 'Charlie,' I say waking over to him. 'Your dad, is Santa. Even if he doesn't realise.' I whisper into his ear before walking back over to Scott who looks up from the globe. I watch as the forgotten smile on Charlie's face start to reappear. Charlie walk over to us pulling us into a tight, warm hug. 'Thank you, Charlie. Thank you.' Scott whispers. 'I love you, dad.' Charlie whispers pulling away. 'I love you, Noel.' He smiles at me. 'Thank you, Charlie.' I chime.

'Can you guys leave us alone for a minute.' Scott asks as we turn back to the Millers. 'He means, so we can say goodbye to Charlie properly.' I say looking up at them. Neal and Laura nod and leave, leaving us alone. 'You saw.' Charlie chimes looking back at his dad. 'You saw the ball come to life.' He finishes excitedly. 'You bet I did.' Scott smiles holding onto Charlie. 'We should be getting going.' I tell Scott tapping his shoulder. 'I guess I better go.' Scott smiles to Charlie. 'I'll get my stuff.' Charlie shouts as he goes to run off. I look at Scott quickly before grabbing Charlie's back. 'Wait, wait, Sport.' I say pulling him back.

'Sport!' Scott says making Charlie stop. 'I think it's a much better idea if you just stayed here with your mum. 'I want to be with you and Noel.' Charlie cries as he stands in-front of us. 'Boy, I love hearing you say that.' Scott smiles at his son, making me feel a little left out. 'You mean I can go.' Charlie perks up. I don't really have anyone to love like this, or do I?

At that moment I feel my ear perk up under my beret at the familiar sound of bells.

'Boy this bird is dry. Haven't you people heard about basting?'

Bernard! I quickly turn around to see the same familiar face I've been loving for all these months, eating a turkey leg from the table. 'Bernard!' Charlie calls, running over to him. I follow pulling him into a big hug, inhaling in his scent. 'Hey, Snowbell.' He whispers in my ear making my cheeks blush, before pulling away and chucking his coat over his shoulder. 'Hiya, Sport' Bernard says to Charlie ruffling his hair.

'Bernard, can I go? Please can I go, Bernard?' Charlie asks over and over. 'It's ok with me.' The head elf says before we all look over to Scott. With a smile we all grab hands. Scott holds Charlie's, Charlie holds Bernard's and I also grab Bernard feeling the knot in my stomach again. We give each other a quick look and a smile. I notice his glittery cheeks start to blush. 'You ready?' He whispers to me. I nod with a smile. Before we know, our surroundings disappear and we were in the North Pole.

Scott and Charlie let go of the each others hands and walk off. As if they instantly knew what they were doing. I keep my hand intwined with Bernard's. I look around at the family, homely workshop. The other elves hard at work. 'Come with me.' Bernard whispers in my ear making me shiver slightly. I smile and follow him, my hand still in his, as we run out of the workshop.

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