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With Santa back and out with Carol, the workshop was back to normal. Elves were happy, working away at their specific stations. Noel smiles as she walks through the working elves, noticing a not so busy Abby walking towards her.
'Hi, Abby.' Noel smiles as the two meet.

'Hello, Noel. Everything ok?'

'Everything's great. I was just heading to my office.' Noel tells the young elf. 'Do you need anything? Maybe a hot cocoa?' Abby asks, as the two head towards Noel's office.

'I think I'm fine for the moment, thanks Abby.'

'Alright. Let me know if you need anything.' The young elf smiles before turning back into the direction she was originally going.

Continuing her peaceful walk to her office, Noel stops a few times, admiring the halls, decorated with tinsel and garlands. Taking her usual small breath before stepping through the doors, she walks over to her desk.

Noel clears up the loose brushes, placing them back in the case. She clears out the dirty water down the sink in the corner of the room.

After tidying away the leftover paints from the morning, Noel walks over to her grand piano, shining in the other corner of the room. Stretching her hands making sure that she was comfortable on the piano stool. Before she starts, Noel takes a deep breath. Her fingers dance across the keys, her voice flowing along the ultimate freedom. She closes her eyes with a small smile, playing her favourite Christmas song.

Getting more into, Noel puts more power into the song. Singing louder and better, although not realising how loud she was actually getting. Remembering the door was closed so no one could hear her, no one could disturb her.

'That's really beautiful, Snowflake.' Bernard glees, placing a hand on her shoulder. Noel jumps, nearly hitting the head elf's face.

Looking up in shock despite knowing exactly whose voice that belonged to, she sees his beautiful chocolate eyes. 'B!' Noel chuckles, clenching her chest. 'You scared me.'

'Sorry, Snowflake.' The head elf apologises, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. 'You just sounded,' he pauses for a second before raising his thick eyebrows, 'wow.'

'Thanks.' Noel blushes, looking up at him.
'Since when could you play?'

'You've known me for how long now?' Noel chuckles, grabbing his hands. 'I started learning when I was 4 but stopped.' She smiles, remembering the times she would play for her mother.

'Why did you stop?' Bernard asks, pulling her hands up to his lips, placing a delicate kiss upon each one. Taking a deep breath, Noel shuts her eyes for a second before returning her gaze to him. 'It was when my mother started to get, ill. I would play for her, you know, to cheer her up.'

Bernard listens carefully, watching as her eyes begin to fill with tears, 'I used to believe it was the thing that was making her better. Making her stronger.' Noel sniffles as a single tear breaks from her crystalised eyes. Taking another deep breath she continues, 'I stop the day she died.' She begins to break down, the tears racing down her glittering cheeks. 'That was the first time I've played in a really long time.' The tears become stronger as she breaks down further.

Bernard pulls her into his warm chest. His scent travels through her sniffling nose, his clothes soaking up her tears. 'Hey, hey.' Rubbing her back, Bernard comforts Noel, placing small kisses on her head.
As she calms down, Noel pulls out from the head elf's chest, looking up to him. 'I'm sorry.' She chuckles lightly, wiping away the remaining tears from her face. 'Hey, hey.' Bernard repeats pulling away her arm before wiping her final tears with his thumbs. 'Don't be sorry.'

Noel smiles as she looks into his chocolate eyes before placing her lips on his.

'Wanna go grab something to eat?' Bernard asks, pulling Noel up from the piano stool. Chuckling at his question, she hooks her arm with his. 'Do you ever stop thinking about eating?'

The head elf's pauses for a moment, looking up to the cloud painted ceiling before returning his gaze to his girlfriend.


The couple laugh as they walk out of the office towards the kitchen.

The Christmas Clause : Bernard and OCWhere stories live. Discover now