We need to talk

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*The Millers*

Sitting at the dining room table, the   slim, beardless Scott plays a game of go fish with Charlie's little sister, Lucy.

'Got any twos?' Little Lucy asks, holding her cards out in front of her. Looking down at his cards Scott shakes his head. 'Go fish.'

Lucy picks up a new card from the pile, adding it to her already large handful.

*In the sky*

'Curtis!' Noel shouts, the view of the Miller's home in her sight. 'That's their house.' Pointing at the Christmas lit house Noel starts her descent towards the trees.

Curtis on the other hand loses his control. His jets crack and blasts in short bursts. 'Noel!' He cries, spinning through the cold, night air. Noel turns noticing the young elf bouncing back and forth off clouds. 'I need a little help here'

His jets slowly turning off, plummeting him down into the trees below.

'CURTIS!' Noel cries, as she descents from the sky. Falling after the small elf.
'Whoa!' Slowly steadying himself, Curtis jumps from successful to unsuccessful flying.

'Woah! Woah!'

With a thud, Curtis hits the snow covered ground, sending crystals of ice into the frosted night air.

'Curtis!' Are you ok?' Noel gasps, covering her mouth in shock as Curtis lies face down in the snow like a starfish.
Chuckling slightly, she lands perfectly and walks over to the number two elf.

'Noel?' Curtis mumbles into the snow, his body still flat out, 'a little help.' Raising his hand up out of the snow, Curtis waves. Chuckling sims more, Noel reaches to him and pulls, making the snow fall softly around them.

'Thank you.' Number two smiles, brushing the delicate snowflakes off his decorative coat.

'We need to get Scott and get out of here!' Switching the mood, Noel turns from Curtis and proceeds to the front door of the Millers, knocking twice on the tall wooden frame. Curtis runs up behind her, staring at the golden wreath hooked up on the knocker.

'Would you get that, honey?' Scott asks from inside the house, pointing at the tall wooden door.

'Yeah, sure.' Lucy smiles as she skips over.

Opening it up with a heavy pull, she looks out at the two elves in front of her.

'Noel!' Her face lights up at the sight of Boel. Jumping out of the door at her, Lucy pulls Noel into a tight, warm hug.

'I missed you, Lou.' Noel smiles as Licy pulls away. 'I missed you, too.'
'You got so big'

'I know.' She giggles, making Noel smile. Reviving the memories of a younger Lucy. Peering behind Noel, she notices a slightly red Curtis. 'Noel?' Lucy queries. 'Who's that?' Pointing at the young elf, Noel moves slightly revealing him fully.
'Lucy, this is-'

'Is Scott here?' Curtis interupts, leaving Noel slightly annoyed.

'Who are you?' Lucy asks again but with sas.

'Curtis, a friend from...'

'Buffalo.' Noel lies, raising an eyebrow to Curtis, hoping he understands.

'That's right. Buffalo.' He nods in fake agreement.

'Are you an elf?' She asks, unexpectedly, leaving the two slightly shocked.

'Of course not.' Curtis chuckles awkwardly.

'Why would you ask that, Lucy?' Noel asks, adjusting the beret in her head.
'How come you have pointy ears?' She asks another question, pointing at his ears.

'It's because...' he looks to Noel for a little help but continues anyway. 'I never ate my green vegetables.' He takes a step closer to Lucy. 'Do you eat your green vegetables?'

Scaring her slightly, Lucy moves back into the warm house. 'Uncle Scott!'

Running back inside, she disappears behind the door.

'Well done, Curtis' Noel rolls her eyes as she parades into the home. Feeling the warmth hit her frosted body.

'Yeah?. I'm right here.' Noel hears the familiar voice of her uncle, making her smile in relief. 'What's wrong?' He asks, concerned.

Noticing Noel and Curtis he smiles slightly shocked to see the two standing in the Miller's living room. 'Noel, Curtis!' He sighs. 'What are you doing here?'

Noel stares at him, hardly recognising him in his old form. His same look from before. Before any of this magic happened. Before... Bernard.

'There's a little trouble at the ugh,' Curtis shakes his head as he tries to come up with something. Turning to Noel for help.
'The plant.' She snaps out of her thoughts butting into Curtis' sentence. Noticing Lucy backing away behind Scott, Noel smiles. 'It's ok, Lou.'

'YeH. Curtis is a very old friend of Noel and I's.' Scott smiles with glee at the sudden memories of Noel and the North Pole. 'We have a large, uh... firm. We work together in-'

'Buffalo.' Curtis blurts again.


'We work together in Buffalo.' Noel nods, showing Lucy its all ok.

'We're going to talk business.' Scott tells Lucy, looking down at her small, now smiling face.

'What business?' She asks, looking up at Scott with a cheeky eye and grin.

'It's none of your business.' Scott chuckles, pushing her away slightly towards an open door.

'Soon I'm going to be seven. And then I can know things.' She sassily struts closer to the door. 'Good night, Curtis.'

She smiles at the young elf before waving to Noel. 'Night, Noel.'

'Goodnight, Lucy.' Noel and Curtis smile.

'Good night, Lucy.' Scott ushes her away. Keeping a silence until she was fully gone and up the stairs.

'We need to talk.'

The Christmas Clause : Bernard and OCWhere stories live. Discover now