Thank Kris Kringle for that

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'Noel!' I hear Scott yell, while my body is shaken awake. My eyes start to flutter open, but all I see is darkness. 'She's coming around.' Curtis calls, his voice slightly blurred than usual.

Struggling to push myself up, I feel the cold, wooden floorboards under my slightly shaking hands.

'Wha...' I daze as the view of Scott, Laura, Neil and Curtis all hovering over me becomes clear. 'What happened?' I hold my head in my hands as Scott holds my back in support.

'You collapsed, Sweetie.' Laura worryingly tells me as she helps Scott pull me up into a chair.

Please don't call me that.

'What do you mean, collapsed?'

'You went all dizzy looking and fell onto the floor.' Curtis informs. I look around confused, not remembering what just happened. Still gawking down at me, Neil walks in front of my knees before taking a shuddered breath.

'Noel.' He places his hand on my knee in -what he thinks- a comforting way with his calm, slightly annoying tone of voice.'As you know, I help people-'

'Neil-' Scott interrupts but Laura stops him.

'I help a lot of different people. People like you.'

What does he mean, people like me?

'People who have a harder time in life. You've been very busy, right? Been away from the real world.'

'Oh shut up, Neil!' I raise my voice, with no control. They all stare at me again, Neil with his eyebrows raised, Scott with a smug look on his face. 'Sorry.'

'Don't talk to Neil that way.' Scott fake groans before placing his hand on my head. 'Even if he does annoy you.' He says in my ear, only for me to hear.
Suddenly I remember why we're here. The Pole. 'Scott, we need to get you to the Pole.'

'Yeah. I know.'

'Well, how else can you lose a tooth?' I ask him, looking around at the others for an idea. I notice Curtis staring down at me, unusually. 'Noel?' He walks closer, moving his rounded glasses further up his small, button nose. 'You look... hm?' He stops suddenly in front of me. 'What?' He doesn't respond, just looks closer. 'Curtis!'

'What is it, Curtis?' Scott asks, analysing me.

'Can you speak, Curtis? You usually don't stop.' I begin to panic slightly as he continues to scan my face. 'Curtis?'

'Noel, how have you been feeling?' Curtis asks as if I wasn't unconscious just 2 minutes ago. I blankly stare at him waiting for him to continue. 'Take off your beret.' He demands, holding his hand out in front of him.


'Take it off.' He repeats, waving his hand. 'Fine.' I pull my beret off and shove it in his hand before flattering my long, wavy, brunette hair. 'Better?' I sarcastically ask, waving my hands into the air. They stare. I watch as Scott's eyes grow wide, Laura gasps unexpectedly, Neil's eyebrows raise higher and Curtis shakes his head.


'What are you looking at?' I query, looking around at the others, trying my hardest to get something out of them. But they just continue to stare. 'Scott?'

'Noel, your ears..' Scott quietly breathes, reaching out to my head.

My what? I reach to my ears ro find that not pointy, but back to human. No,no.
'Oh my..' I rush up from the chair and head to the tinsel covered mirror. Staring at myself I notice my pointy ears are gone. 'My ears! What?! Curtis?' I turn to a still head shaking Curtis, 'What's going on? What's happened?' I panic.

'It seems you're losing your magic.' Curtis says, walking over to me with his eyes lowering to the floor. 'You're dying.'
Losing my magic. I, I can't be losing my magic. Dying. I can't be dying, I'm too young. I mean, I'm an elf. I was an elf. I need to be an elf. I need, Bernard. The last few years have been the best. I can't lose it all now. I can't have lost my ears.

'Noel? Are you ok?' Scott asks, resting his hand upon my head. 'No I'm not ok. I've just been told I'm dying!'

'Noel, you're not dying. It's just your elf self is dying.'

'Like that's any better.' I roll my eyes as I feel a floor of tears approaching. 'How?'
Curtis looks at the beret in his hands, noticing the sudden change in the feeling. 'Noel. You're connected to Scott through magic. As his artists and the holder of the spirit of Christmas.' Curtis begins, shuffling forward again, pushing both a confused Laura and Neil to the side. 'Because he's de-Santafiing,' he points towards Scott, 'you must be losing the magic too.'

'Curtis, are you telling me that if Scott doesn't find a wife, Noel will no longer be an elf.' Laura asks, pulling herself back into the scene. I try to hold in my tears but struggle a single drop races down my no longer glittery cheek. She notices and opens her crossed arms open, approaching for a hug. 'Oh, Noel.'

'Don't touch me!' I shudder back, not wanting anyone to touch me. The only person's touch I want right now is B's. 'Christmas has got too complicated.'

'So both Noel and I need to get back to the Pole.' Scott suddenly takes charge as he stands tall. 'Any ideas from anyone.' He asks, holding his arms out as if he's about to grab something or someone.

'I have an idea!' Neil smirks before running away towards the kitchen. We all at each other slightly confused before he comes hopping back in with an unplugged toaster.
Oh dear.

'Are you sure about this?' Laura queries as she and I stand at the bottom of the staircase looking up at Scott, Neil and Curtis. Scott once again has the single strand of string wrapped around his tooth, the other end attached to the toaster handle. Neil stands beside him with the toaster in his hands, ready to drop it.

'What? The old toaster trick?' Neil giggles, childishly. 'When we were kids we used to do this to get a little extra cash. Works every time.'

'Neil, you scare me sometimes.' I chuckle, trying to up my mood. Wishing this works I stand slightly back with my fingers crossed behind me. 'I can't watch this.' Laura gasps, holding her hand over her eyes. 'You ready, buddy?' Neil asks Scott as he clenches the toaster.

'All right. Let her rip.' Scott nervously mutters, holding tight to the bannister.

Laura lifts her hand in a sneak peak.

I look at Curtis with an anxious glare.

Neil throws the toaster, sending Scott flying over the bannister and tumbling down the stairs.

'Ow!' Scott yells and groans, as he hits the bottom step with a thud. 'Scott!' I shout, running over to him. 'Santa?!' Curtis also rushes over helping me help him off the floor.

'Scott, are you alright?'

'Mom!' We hear Lucy call as she comes running in from her bedroom. 'Yes?' Laura looks up at her little daughter, who stands beside her dad. 'I lost another tooth.' She smiles, showing the gap in her mouth and the lost tooth in her hand. 'Should I put it under my pillow?'

'Yes!' Scott, Curtis and I yell at her.
Lucy skips back to her room with the tooth still in her hand.

'Thank Kris Kringle for that.' Curtis chuckles before grabbing a seat.

The Christmas Clause : Bernard and OCWhere stories live. Discover now