What To Do?

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'He can't be in two places at once.' Noel breathes in between kisses. Bernard's hands search her body, as his lips travel down her jawline to her neck. 'He can't, can he.' Bernard breathes against her skin, making her shiver. Pulling him away from her, Noel looks into his chocolate eyes, taking in his love. 'Move in with me.' Bernard exhales looking into her hazel eyes.

'W..what?' Noel stutters, leaning back into the wall, Bernard's arms around her waist. One hand on her side the other on her lower back. 'Move in.'

'I can't move in. I... Scott. He wouldn't-' Noel stammers her eyes searching his face.

'Scott isn't relevant.' Bernard silences her with a kiss. 'Just me and you'

'I.. I'm not sure.' Noel looks up at him with sadness in her eyes before losing her head.

'Hey.' Bernard whispers, lifting her chin up so they're eyes lock. 'It will just be you and me. We can chat more,' he smiles rubbing his hands up her arm. 'Cuddle,' he looks down into her eyes. 'Make out.' Bernard suggests raising an eyebrow, making Noel blush.

'I mean come on, you practically sleep in my bed every night.' Bernard chuckles making Noel laugh into his shoulder.

'Ok.' She smiles, lifting her head to her smiling boyfriend. 'Really?' Bernard grins. 'Really.' Noel smiles pulling him in for another kiss.

Upgrading from a kiss to a make out session, Noel and Bernard create more heat feeling the room heat up around them.

'Scott still can't be in two places at once.' Noel chuckles as Bernard lips peck on her neck.

'Actually he can!'  A voice blurts into Noel's office, making the couple break apart. Noel turns to the elf in embarrassment, 'Curtis!' She screeches, her cheeks glowing red. Bernard straightens his beret on his bed of hair before glaring at Curtis.

'Do you know how to knock?' The head elf shouts at him, looking down with anger in his eyes. 'I did knock,' Curtis speaks up to Bernard, 'but you were too far down Noel's neck to hear me.'

Noel chuckles at the young elf, resulting in a glare from her boyfriend. Smiling softly at Bernard, Noel walks over to her desk, taking a seat in her arm chair. Watching as Bernard mumbles aggressively at Curtis, she swiftly ties her hair up into a messy bun, allowing some strands to fall beside her cheeks.

'Curtis!' Noel butts into the two elves argument. Turning they're heads to her, the boys calm from they're argument allowing Noel to finish, 'what did you need?' She asks.

'Oh. Yeah. I think I've worked it out'

'Worked it out?' Bernard asks looking down at the number two.

'Yeah.' Curtis nods, before starting to leave the office. 'Follow me.'

Noel jumps from her chair, grabbing Bernard's hand first before following the young elf out of the office and down the hallways of the workshop.

The Christmas Clause : Bernard and OCWhere stories live. Discover now