Chapter 23

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(3rd POV)

The blanket of night envelopes the team as violent explosions go off one after the other. The Berlin base is left utterly ravaged as a familiar team of cars demolish building after building within the military base. They continue closely in formation as the base's MP's or military police are hot on their trail. The team bicker over Roman's excessive use of explosives as Letty unabashedly comments about Roman's seized balls.

A figure in a rare black 1967 Ford fastback watches as the team unleash a wrecking ball on the unsuspecting officers. The glossy tint of the windows reflects the blaze of destruction as the officers are catapulted into fragmented pieces. The driver's engine purrs as they follow the team on an adjacent hilltop. Rae Sremmurd lulls lowly through the speakers as this could be us hallmarks the moment. The moment of unsheathed malice that is stained by paradox.

The wrecking ball rushes back in the direction of its origin. Remarks of hatred are thrown by Roman as the cement sphere turns to reveal its final card, a smiley face. The team speeds toward their escape as Letty looks to Dom worryingly. Noticing Letty's change in behavior, the new player, lazily slumped in their seat, moves to listen closely to the team's tapped line.

"You good?" Letty asked as Dom looked onto the dirt road in worry. "Letty, promise me that no matter what happens from here on out, you will always remember I'm on your side." Letty shows her confusion as Dom doesn't meet her eye.

"I promise." She replies firmly. Dom manages a small nod of his head as he clenches his jaw in frustration.

And just as those two words were uttered the team, sticking to plan, splits off from Hobbs towards their safe house. Hobbs travels the narrow road beside the mountain alone; he watches the team drive down the opposite road split by a small medium of concrete. The unknown player on the mountain top jaggedly drives down the mountain and crashes into Hobbs' car. His car veers over ramming into a light pole and rolls over into the grassy ditch. Sparks rain down as electricity and metal react.

Pulling over, the figure is quick to get out of their car. The siren's of the police get a little louder the closer they get. They walk over to Hobbs' overturned Jeep as he curses at his predicament. Hobbs and the team were set to steal a fully functional EMP, an off the books mission enlisted by the US government. Hobbs' vision is blurry as his ears ring deafeningly. He watches helplessly as the figure walks to the trunk where the EMP resides.

Letty radios Hobbs in concern as he tells the team to stick to the plan. Dom stays silent as he watches one the toughest choices he will ever have to make begin to unfold before eyes. The team carry on out of Berlin as they regretfully leave Hobbs behind. The figure grunts as they remove the EMP from its case. Hobbs yell stops the figure just in their tracks.

"I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you won't get away with this!" He threatens.

The figure smirks as they turn back and walk to their car with the device in hand. The figure gives Hobbs a mock salute just before hopping in the front seat and driving away. Half of the MP's split off, some staying to arrest Hobbs while the other half attempt to catch the unknown figure. The figure is impossible to catch as an unknown jet lowers itself just enough for the 1967 Fastback to park in its cargo hold. The police giving up, turn around to help contain their stranded prisoner.

(Jai's POV)

The sound of yells starkly reverberated off the prison walls. Catcalls and sexually frustrated remarks are flung my way as I walk across the prison catwalk. Four guards equally flank both of my sides as I confidently and carefully stride to my husband's cell. The soreness of my still healing wounds brings me back to the gravity of the situation. I beat death twice, burn marks and all. Deckard and I need to start playing things safe, if not for ourselves than for our children. There's only so many times you can cheat death before it catches up to you.

Jasmine's drawing for Deckard rests heavily in hand. I hated having to leave her again. She has so much trauma from it all that I can't help but feel like I failed her. This life comes with risks, but those risks should have been things I could protect her and Dani from. Carefully walking up a set of stairs we stop right in front of his cell.

It's inhumane how they treat my husband. A cement prison with nothing but a metal toilet and a cement slab. What is he supposed to do, sleep on the floor?! Criminal...this place is truly criminal. If I had of known...I would have broken him out myself hours ago, but an independent American big-wig named Nobody is insistent on having his theatrics.

I would have shot the cocky bastard myself, if he hadn't proposed such a good deal. Deckard would be able to get off scot-free only if he helped him just this once. I stand beside his cell as the guards open the door to let me in. Deckard grins as he sees me walk into the cell. The door slams behind me as I wrap Deckard in a hug. We both sigh in relief at being together again. Silent tears cascade down both of our faces.

"I can't believe you're here my love," he admits between sniffles. He holds my face in his hands as he brushes away my tears. "Darling, I truly thought I had lost you and the guilt has been eating me alive. I don't think I would ever forgive myself if Toretto succeeded in taking you away from me. It's hard to believe you're truly standing in front of me. You were so pale and lifeless, I thought-"

"I know, truly I do. When I found out what you did for me, for the kids. It broke my heart to know the pain you have all gone through. Thank you, for always standing beside our family. I'm so thankful and proud to call you my soulmate and husband. I hate that you're in here, but we will see each other soon. That's a promise." I smile. "Oh, and Jasmine drew you a picture. She said it's of all of us, finally being together again...a family."

"Tell her I said thank you for me darling. I love you Jai and I always will." He confessed.

"I love you too! But you'll be able to tell her that yourself very soon." I wink. Knowing I have something up my sleeve, Deckard's brows furrow as he looks at me curiously. I take his drawing to hold onto as the guards open the door. I'll give it back to him when we leave in thirty or so minutes. I quickly kiss Deckard on the lips and remind him that I'll be seeing him soon, just before I'm led outside.

Now all we have to do is wait...


Thank you guys for your patience! And once again a reminder please don't demand for updates. I don't mind you guys asking nicely, but writers have a lot going on in their lives please be mindful of that. I have a lot going on. If I could dedicate tons of time towards this book I would, but also there is a thing called burn out. I needed a break.

Especially with work and school. So thank you guys for being kind to me and understanding. It's much appreciated. And THANK YOU for 12k reads!!!!!! This truly makes me super happy.

I was thinking of ending the book after F9, but I'm not completely sure yet. F11 will truly tell when and how I end the book although, it may not be completely canon depending upon how things go.

Thank you again!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09 ⏰

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