Chapter Ten

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(So I did something with this chapter that I have not done before. I will speak more on it at the end of the chapter! I hope you enjoy the update!)

Shawn woke to find himself snuggled into Leo's chest, his arms wound firmly around him. His brows knitted, and he shifted, letting out a hiss of pain. He did not enjoy the sharp sting that made his back and ass ache. Leo seemed to rouse with his movements, a grumble leaving him.

"Hold still." Leo mumbled, and Shawn clicked his tongue.

"Can I go take a bath?" Shawn questioned as he settled back into place. Leo's eyes were still closed, and his breath came steadily. After a brief hesitation, Shawn reached out and allowed his fingers to slowly brush along Leo's chest. He allowed his fingers to admire his clear, defined muscle for a moment, biting his lip as he did so. With a shake of his head, he quickly drew away and stood.

He would be sure to give Leo a mouthful about how his ass hurt when the male woke. While Leo had been patient, he had clearly proven he was not the most gentle of lovers...well lover was hardly the proper term. More like fucker.

Shawn snorted at his own thoughts as he filled the tub with hot water. He was thankful that Leo had cleaned up the mess, and now he could relax. Sliding into the water, he stretched out and leaned his head back. The heat was soothing to his sore muscles, and he found himself quickly relaxing.

Shawn did not move when he heard footsteps after some time; he could assume it was Leo.
"Enjoying your bath?" A quiet chuckle met his ears, and he felt fingers gently run through his hair. His eyes fluttered open and he stared up at Leo before offering a slow nod.

"Yeah. My ass hurts because somebody lacks a gentle touch."

"I never claimed to be gentle." Leo's smirk irritated Shawn and he huffed, turning his head away from him.
"Quit pouting." The scolding tone had him clicking his tongue, but he turned to face Leo. The male was only wearing a pair of night pants and he clearly had bed head causing Shawn to grin slightly.

"I will give you credit where it is due. Last night was...decent." He smirked at Leo who simply rolled his eyes.

"Yes, decent. That is why you were moaning like a good little bitch with his legs spread for me and wanting more." Leo drawled. Shawn found that he enjoyed how Leo was not afraid to be snarky back to him; he enjoyed being able to go back and forth with him. Shawn hesitated before he motioned Leo closer to him. The motion had the male's head tilting, but he moved to kneel, crossing his arms over the side of the tub and leaning on them.

"Can we be honest? No...bullying?" Shawn grumbled the words and Leo gave a quiet chuckle.

"Of course, doll. Speak your mind, I will not tease you."

" enjoyed last night." Shawn said lowly, his eyes flickering away from Leo's eyes and to the water he sat in.
"It was different. And I do not appreciate the pain I woke up with." He added.

"You get used to it." Leo mused and reached out to trail his fingers slowly down one of Shawn's arms.

"What would I do if I wanted to this position?" Shawn asked hesitantly and Leo considered his words for a moment.

"You would meet other doms. Try to find one you match with and who listens to you. Find someone the opposite of what you were." He said after a moment of thinking. Shawn considered his words before he spoke.

"Could you introduce me to some people? Ones who can be trusted...I mean." He cleared his throat, trying to hide his obvious discomfort. Leo gave an easy nod and squeezed his arm.
"I know our...contract will end soon. I would like to be prepared for when that happens. I don't want slip back into what I was."

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