Chapter Fourteen

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Shawn gave a quiet groan when he heard a knocking on the door. He sat up, half expecting it to be Leo. Yet he startled to find the male was sleeping beside him, soft snores falling from him. He found himself staring down at him, admiring his handsome features before he leaned down to press his lips softly to his cheek.

"You are so attractive." He cooed into Leo's ear, earning a low grumble. He was surprised when a hand snapped out and grasped his chin, jerking him into a firm kiss before Leo drew away.

"Go answer the door." The male grumbled the words, and Shawn softened slightly as he nodded. He realized that Leo's body was probably still tired from his work and now staying out late for him.

"Thank you for last night. It was... fun." He whispered softly, pressing another quick kiss to his cheek before he stood. He adjusted himself in his pants before he made his way out of the room and to the front door.

"Took you long enough." Shawn was startled by the sight of one of his old friends at the door, and the male shouldered his way inside before he could protest.

"Chance...I was not expecting you." He grunted as he shut the door behind him. He could feel his relaxed posture stiffening, his facial features shifting as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants.

"Well, you have basically cut everyone off. That is quite rude, don't you know, Shawn?" Chance scowled as he plopped down on Shawn's couch, a beer in hand. Shawn's eyes flickered to the can, and he felt a brief moment of longing, longing for what he had once had with his friends. He had to remind himself that was not him anymore; he had moved on, and he was doing better than they were.

"I have been busy." Shawn grumbled as he moved to sit. Chance leaned into the couch, kicking his shoes off and dropping his feet onto the coffee table. Shawn startled when Chance dropped an unopened beer on his lap, and he quickly shook his head.
"I am not drinking anymore."

The words came out quickly as he pressed the beer back into Chance's hands. The words earned him a snort, and Chance pressed his open can to Shawn's face.
"Come on, Shawn. Do not be a bum. We have all missed you. I know losing your whore was difficult, but it is time we move past that."

His words caused Shawn to flinch, and he opened his mouth to protest, when a new voice caught him off guard.

"He said he does not drink. So perhaps you should not shove that can of beer into his face." Shawn felt relief wash over him at Leo's voice, and he looked to find him standing just outside the hallway, shirtless.

"Who the hell is that?" Chance snorted as he took the beer to drink himself, staring at Leo.
"He hardly looks like a new whore for you, Shawn. Way too bulky."

For a moment, Shawn questioned if that was jealousy he heard in Chance's voice. He cleared his throat, swiftly standing from the couch to approach Leo.
"This is Leo. He and I" it was the closest he could think to describe their relationship for the time being.

"Well, I'll be. I did not know you enjoyed taking it up your ass, Shawn." Chance drawled, and Shawn visibly flinched from his words, his head drooping.
"Though I doubt this guy really gets the job done." Shawn felt Leo's stiffen behind him, and he pressed his lips together.

"I'm sure it is better than you could do." Shawn said swiftly without thinking. Chance's eyes narrowed, and he stood, approaching him quickly.

"When you want someone to fuck you right, come find me. I would love to teach you some new tricks, old friend." With those words, Chance left, and he released a strangled noise of frustration, running a hand through his hair.

"Are you okay?" Leo questioned lowly as he turned Shawn around, studying him with a small frown. He received a huff followed by a small nod as Shawn's gaze lowered.

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