Chapter Seventeen

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(Just a reminder that this chapter is to catch everyone up on Leo! It will begin after he receives his letter from Shawn!)

Leo reread the letter from Shawn over and over as he sat at his kitchen table, his lips pressed into a thin line. He could vividly remember the day he had dropped Shawn off at the police station. He had wanted to stop him that day, to insist it was not necessary. However, Shawn needed to learn and do what he felt was right. Leo could not allow himself to intervene with what Shawn needed to do for himself.

While he had initial doubts, he had felt relief when he had begun receiving regular letters from Shawn. The male wrote about his cell mate and even his newfound interest in religion. Leo had taken the time upon receiving that knowledge to buy Shawn his own Bible and prayer beads for when he came home. It had been a little surprise for him, followed by the stars he had put on his chart. While Shawn thought it was stupid, he had noticed how the male had enjoyed the sight of his first star. Sometimes, Leo found a person's inner child would come out over the smallest of things.

The wonderful letters they had exchanged had made the last one feel like a slap in the face, a shock more than anything.

Dear Leo,
I cannot begin to thank you enough for how you supported me through everything. Even if this was only for fun for you in the beginning, you really did help me and show me that I could be different. For that, I will always be in your debt. However, it is because of that, because of what you have done for me, that I cannot come back to you and weigh your life down. I would like for you to find the submissive you deserve. Find you somebody that can do right for you, who deserves you. That person is not me, Leo, and for that, I am sorry.

With love,

Leo could hardly believe what he had read. He had waited for Shawn, patiently so. He had never bothered waiting on a submissive before. The contracts would expire, and he would move on. Yet for had been different. He saw something under that shell of his, under the alcohol and the anger. Leo saw something in Shawn that he liked, if only he could tame him.

Despite that, he found himself beyond frustrated with the letter, and he folded it back up before tossing it into one of his drawers. For Shawn to claim that he was not his, not what he wanted... Leo would be sure to punish him when he eventually came back. He would punish him until he begged for mercy and crawled on his knees to him.

Leo could not find it in himself to let go of Shawn, even when months began to pass. He pushed himself into his work, focusing hard on it in order to distract himself. He picked up extra shifts and worked nightly now as time passed.

There were times when he had debated taking on another submissive. It would hardly be difficult to do. Yet the one night he had tried going to the club, he had ditched the male he had been talking to. He found it wasn't the same. Just the same, he was worried about Shawn. He had not heard a single thing from him since his letter. Should he have expected something?

He hated that he was so strung up on the male, and he was infuriated. He had driven by Shawn's house once or twice on his bike, but he had not stopped. How could he when Shawn was the one who decided to leave? Shawn had made it clear that he wanted to leave things between them, and Leo hardly wanted to beg Shawn back. Not when he had been doing so well; he could not risk dragging him back into his troubles.

The last thing Leo had expected was for Sebastian to show up at his house at 3am, pounding on his door. He groaned lowly; he had only just gotten home and fallen asleep thirty minutes ago. He dragged himself out of bed and trudged towards the door.

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