Chapter Sixteen

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(Warning of NonCon in this chapter)

Shawn let out a low sigh as he finally laid down on his bed for the first time in a long time. A year, to be exact. It was odd not feeling the uncomfortable springs digging into his back, and he was able to enjoy the sight of his own room.

"Hmm, this place looks the same as before." Chance commented with a snort. That had Shawn's lips thinning as he realized the man had followed him inside, but he did not comment on it. Though he was right about one thing; the house seemed exactly the same. The lights worked, and so did the water. Somebody had been paying his bills for him. His lips thinned at the thought; there was only one person he could think of who would have done that. Leo.

And he had ditched him with only a single letter. The thought made his heart clench, but he had to remind himself that this was for the best. Leo could move on and finally find someone that he deserved.

"Now, I think it is time I cash in." Chance startled Shawn as he climbed over him, grinning down at him. His words caused Shawn to scoff, and he moved to shove his chest.

"Get off, I am going to pay you the gas." Shawn snapped, earning a sharp glare and -

He was shocked to feel a sharp sting on his cheek, and he blinked repeatedly. He had hardly expected to be struck; it had not even occurred to him that Chance might have ill intentions when they had been friends for so long.

"Shut up, Shawn. If you can take that man's cock up your ass, then I see no reason why I cannot see what you have been holding back from me. I'll be gentle, you have seen how nice I can be." The last statement was cruel, spoken with intent. Shawn felt his heart clench in his chest, and he shook his head quickly.

"No," He said quickly.
"I just-I just needed a ride, Chance-"

Another sharp sting registered in his brain, and he realized the male had slapped him yet again. He ground his teeth together in anger, jerking beneath him before he had an abrupt realization. This...This was what he had done to Victor. He had hit him and hurt him. He had coerced and forced him into sex. Perhaps this...this was what he deserved, what was coming to him as punishment for what he had done.

The thought had him going slack beneath Chance who smirked and leaned down, his lips brushing his.
"See? Even you know that this is where you belong. With your legs spread and taking my cock." He cooed the words before pressing a kiss to his lips. It was hardly the gentle, yet firm touch he had grown accustomed to with Leo. He found that he disliked it, though perhaps he had been spoiled with Leo. His lips remained firm against Chance's, his face set in a scowl. He did not fight, not wanting to get hit again. He could not bring himself to fight back; he had sworn off fighting during his time in prison. It was something he had been excited to prove to Leo, before he had made his decision to let Leo go.

He became distracted by his thoughts when he felt his pants jerked off. He tensed, jaw clenched as he watched Chance soon undress himself before he leaned back over Shawn. He could feel his hand slowly trailing down his chest as though exploring and soon his mouth was on his neck and chest, his teeth nipping his nipple harshly.

Shawn did his best to pretend it was Leo's hands exploring his body, his mouth on him. With his eyes closed, it was easy to pretend. It were as though Leo were scolding him with rough bites, disciplining him even though he had done nothing wrong yet. Even so, he preferred to pretend it was Leo. It was Leo's fingers that began to push into him and stretch him, a familiar pain that he had not felt since going to prison. He let out a curse, his eyes squeezing shut as Chance rushed through fingering him open before he replaced his fingers with his cock. He was thankful for the feeling of a condom. His fingers fisted, his head turning away from Chance as he grunted into his ear. The noise was distracting, taking away from his preferred fantasy of Leo.

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