More Craziness (Part 3)

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Meanwhile, Atem and Nephthys were still furious with Weevil and Aura, wanting to get even with them, but knew that they also had to rescue Yugi and Kelly, which was their main goal. Alex was thinking the same thing. "If these idiots still live...I'm punching Weevil's face!" Alex said. "I can't believe he did this!" Tristan nodded in agreement with the others, as he was also irritated with those two. "God what I would give to punch stinking AURA in the face!" Tristan said. "Flipping TAROTREITH?!" Serenity was also irritated but wondered if there was a chance that a miracle could happen as she heard voices. 

"Guys...did you hear that?!" Serenity replied. "I think Yugi and Kelly are calling out to us, but still a bit nervous." Joey heard this as well, as he was in this situation even before he had an item, like the others. "YUGI! Kelly! We're gonna work together to get you out!" Joey said. "As for Weevil and Aura...I'm letting crazy Lydia deal with Weevil while I help deal with AURA!" Yugi heard this with Kelly as they looked at each other. "Lydia has BUG BRAT?!" Kelly replied. "And you got the LOVESICK PSYCHOPATH?!" Joey nodded on his end as he tried to help get them out. 

"Yep!" Joey said. "And I wonder if that trap card can handle strong-willed nerds!" Yugi and Kelly laughed at this, as they doubted it. "I don't think it can handle NERDS as duel partners!" Kelly said. "This is where Weevil is pretty much toast!" Yugi nodded in agreement. "Along with the fact that MORRIGAN could lose to FLIPPING CLEO!" Yugi said. "Oh, AURA! Weevil! Ya messed up AGAIN!" Kelly nodded in agreement. "Our friends might've been prone to worse scenarios before, BUT NOT THIS TIME!" Kelly said. "Ditto for YUYA AND TEA!"  

Yugi nodded in agreement. "The geek squad is going to win!" Joey nodded while looking at Weevil and Aura. Weevil and Aura were confused. Tea facepalmed with everyone. "Morons..." Tea said. "Don't you know WHAT A FLIPPING GEEK SQUAD IS?!" Tristan was also annoyed.  "It's a group OF FLIPPING NERDS!" Tristan yelled, frustrated. "Which is what A LOT OF US ARE!"

 Velvet nodded with the others as she tried to help get them out. "Wow..." Yugi said, hopeful. "Did you hear that Kelly?" Kelly nodded and wondered what else could happen. "Yeah," Kelly said. "I did...and GET US OUT OF HERE SINCE I DON'T WANT TO SEE LEVIATHAN OR NETHER PREDICTION PRINCESS ASTROMORRIGAN!"

 Yugi nodded in agreement to this. "As for flipping Prediction Princess TAROTREI and Divine SERPENT...THOSE CARDS ARE LAME!" Yugi said. "How. Can. Those. Two. Be. SIMILAR. In. Ways?!" Kelly facepalmed at this. "What Yugi said!" Kelly agreed. "AIN'T DOING THOSE TWO CARDS!" Atem and Nephthys calmed down a bit as they heard Yugi and Kelly. "About those cards...good question!" Joey said. "None of us know how the heck those cards are similar YET DIFFERENT AT THE SAME TIME!" 

Tea nodded with the others, facepalming at the lamest cards yet. The others did their best to get their friends out and wondered how Weevil and Aura's other cards were similar to each other. Scarlett wondered if there was a way to free them, but didn't know how, since they were obviously trapped with Leviathan, a dragon, and Astromorrigan, a ritual monster, but refused to give up. "I think this got a little too personal," Scarlett said. "Atem, Nephthys, whatever you two are thinking, do it. Yugi and Kelly need help, and it isn't easy to stop these idiots." Joey nodded in agreement, as he was thinking the same thing. Kell and Carl's nodded with the others, hoping that at least things could get better. 

"Sis, we need to get in there," Atem said. "I have a feeling that Yugi and Kelly might not make it." Nephthys nodded in agreement with Atem on this, as she was thinking the same thing. "I agree with you bro," Nephthys said. "Let's do this." Serenity, Oliver, and the others were relieved as things were going to work out, knowing that Tarotrei was used with Astromorrigan and Petalleaf. 

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