Cards and Fashion (Part 4)

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The group was looking around until they saw Yugi and Kelly getting shoved. "HEY!" Scarlett yelled. "That's sick and wrong!" Tristan nodded as everyone switched since that was uncalled for. "What the HECK?!" Usagi yelled as she saw Yugi get shoved. "That's so lame!" Mokuba nodded as he looked at the situation. "We need help," Mokuba said. "Like now." Tristan agreed with him on that just as he saw other Millennium welders. "What's going on?" Shadi asked. "Are they okay?" Scarlett sighed and shook her head as Kell explained everything, looking at the situation. Everyone was fighting the bodyguards which lead to Shadi and Alice seeing the secret items. "The millennium locket and choker," Shadi said. "I've heard rumors about them, like my sister, but wasn't positive about their existence." Ishizu was also surprised, given that she heard the same thing as her brothers. "How is this possible?" Ishizu asked. "I thought that there were only seven."

 Belle looked at them. "Secret millennium items," Belle explained. "Sehkmet didn't want the locket to fall into the wrong hands." George nodded to Belle's statement, given that Anubis also felt the same way about the choker. "Same with Anubis," George said. "Though, I think the locket can act as a compass and the choker can act as a map for locations and directions." Tea facepalmed. "Can we just focus?!" Tea yelled. "We have bigger problems!" Joey nodded and saw a forcefield around them. "Looks like things are going to get messy," Tristan said. "And they just did." Belle stopped the live stream, not knowing it was still on, and went to check on Yugi and Kelly with the others. 

"You okay?" Belle asked, concerned. "Yugi, Tea needs you. Please be okay." George did the same thing with Kelly and hoped she was okay, given that he knew Yuya needed her. "I don't know if we'll make it," Yugi said. "It's looking hopeless." Kelly sighed, agreeing with Yugi on the situation, given that she didn't know if she was going to survive. Mai was not thrilled about this, let alone the others."HEY!" Gong yelled. "That's so uncool!" Sora nodded in agreement on that one. 

"Yeah!" Sora agreed. "YOU TARGETED YUGI AND KELLY YOU PRIMADONNA!" Lydia was also mad at Victoria, given that it was rotten of her to do that. Yugi and Kelly switched given that they were scared for their lives. "I wouldn't go this far!" Valeria scolded Victoria. "Lawbreaking is not okay you know!" Kaiba and Guinevere nodded in agreement with Valeria on her argument. All cards were used since Victoria didn't realize that Yugi and Atem were dual partners. "What were you thinking, Victoria?!" Joey replied. "Atem sees Yugi AS A LITTLE BROTHER FOR A GOOD REASON!"

 Tristan nodded in agreement. "Since Yugi only trusts spirit guardians and has faith in spirit guides. Atem can give guidance AND PROVIDE SAFETY AND SECURITY!" Tristan shouted. "Since he saw him as a friend in need when he wore the necklace!" Sarah and Lydia nodded in agreement. "Ditto for Nephthys and Kelly!" Lydia said. "Given that she's the female version of Gong since his brain is her personality and his personality is HER MIND!" Mai knew what Lydia meant. "Hello! Nerdy GEEK!" Mai yelled. "Given that girly girls are scaredy cats and primadonnas are drama queens!" 

Alex also had a lot to say. "I'm a geeky nerd!" Alex said. "But I also know that Nephthys is violent if you call her a weakling and Atem is scary if YOU CALL HIM A COWARD!" Kelly nodded given that she had faith in Nephthys and Yugi believed in Atem. "I don't believe you," Victoria said. "Since that I think Atem is more of a freedom fighter and Nephthys a rebel leader." Valeria rolled her eyes. "Oddball and TOP DOG!" Valeria corrected. "Given that Atem detests being called a wimp and Nephthys doesn't take too kindly to being called a WEENIE!" Joey nodded to this given that making them watch Yugi and Kelly suffer made them suffer. The others were wondering if it was going to get better and saw Nephthys and Atem take charge, given that they took death threats toward Yugi and Kelly personally, destroying Victoria once and for all. 

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