The Weirdest Situation Ever

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When the gang was back to hanging out again, Joey and Tristan knew that, despite not being the smartest, they tried to help whenever they could. Lydia and Sarah also felt the same way and rolled their eyes when there was a good chance they had to deal with Bandit Keith and Julia Krystal again. "Looks like we have to stop those two," Tristan said, sighing. "And...even though Joey and I know, crazy Lydia and Sarah, we mean well." Kelly nodded and knew the only way to stop Bandit Keith and Julia Krystal was to duel them.  They all went to stop Bandit Keith and Julia Krystal, knowing they would all get trapped in one of their favorite cards.  

Kelly hoped that Bandit Keith and Julia Krystal wouldn't push it but things got intense when they were in their cards. Atem and Nephthys saw what happened, wanting to get them all out. Yugi knew this had happened before, so he knew that he'd get out, but he was annoyed. "Seriously?!" Yuya said, rolling his eyes. "Performpal Sleight Hand Magician again?!" Everyone else gagged. "Me...AS FLIPPING TAURET WITH YUGI AS MAHAD?!" Kelly replied. "Lord help me if ALEX GOT CLEO WITH SORA AS HUSANI!" Alex puked at this with Sora. "NOT DOING TIMEGAZER MAGICIAN OR STARGAZER MAGICIAN GIRL!" They replied at the same time. Ahmed and Velvet were also annoyed. 

"Dark...MAGICIAN and Timegazer Magician...GIRL?!" they both responded, confused. "We. Already. Did. This. Ya. TWO!" Tristan, as expected, was irritated. "BANDIT KEITH! ROBOYAROYOU?!" he yelled. "I. Ain't. A. FLIPPING. Machine!" Sarah was also aggravated. "KISARA IS MY FLIPPING DUEL PARTNER YA CRAZY TWERP!" Serenity shouted. "Blue-Eyes White...DRAGON?! That's Red-Eyes BLACK Dragon!" Yugi decided to call out to Atem and Nephthys with Kelly as they facepalmed, both of them being irritated with the stupidity. 

 "Hey, Atem! Nephthys! Bandit Keith and Julia Krystal messed up AGAIN!" Yugi replied. "Dark...MAGICIAN and Timegazer Magician...GIRL?!" Kelly nodded in agreement, wondering how this could happen twice. "AND SARAH WAS ALREADY HER COUNTERPART OF FLIPPING ROBOYAROU!" Kelly yelled. "This stupidity has got to end!" Atem and Nephthys heard everyone, knowing it was crazy and stupid at the same time because both situations happened once when the group wasn't this big. 

"Harpy Lady?!" Atem remarked, facepalming as he had a pretty good idea of who Mai was. "And...flipping GONG as one of his Samurai cards?!" Nephthys was also annoyed. "Flipping LYDIA as PUNISHMENT DRAGON?!" Nephthys yelled. "You two are dumb!" They used their knowledge to rescue the others, succeeding as it was pretty stupid. Yugi was relieved but still annoyed. "I think Gong's got a duel philosophy slightly similar to my nerdy tactics!" Yugi said. "Which are Kelly's!" Serenity nodded in agreement, as they were crazy similar. Tea looked at everyone, hoping things would get better, finally getting out of their cards with help. 

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