More Surprises (Part 2)

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As the gang left, they saw Aurora, as Weevil and Aura were already arrested, alongside Rex, Grace, and Gloria. She had a strange deck of her own. "You're kidding..." Tea said."Sleeping Beauty is in BOTH her name...and DECK?!" Yuya nodded when he saw Rex show up. "We know Rex," Yuya said, rolling his eyes. "Grace and Gloria probably have something weird as well." Serenity nodded when she looked at them. "Our decks are based on us," Grace said. Oliver rolled his eyes, meaning he wanted to switch with everyone. Lydia saw this with the others, doing just that. "Decks based on your names?!" Mai asked, rolling her eyes. Aurora nodded.  The Shadow Game went on, and Kelly wondered how Aurora could have a deck based on her name. Even Atem and Nephthys were confused, as they didn't know how that could be possible with Grace, Gloria, and Aurora.  

All cards were drawn, meaning it was going to get weird, but Tea saw Aurora use a card Yugi would recognize as well as Kelly. "No way..." they said in unison, seeing the card she used. Yuya was also surprised. "Silver-Eyes White Dragon..." Yuya said, realizing what the card was. "As for Gloria...I'll bet she has the same deck Grace has, whatever it is." Joey agreed with him on that but knew his group didn't have decks based on names. "I still don't have a strategic deck," Tea admitted. "Nor does Yuya." Alex agreed with her on that, seeing that, despite being the last one to have Kelly's cards, it didn't matter as she was basically like Sora. 

Rex tried to succeed where Weevil failed, just like Aurora, Grace, and Gloria with Aura, but they had a feeling that they wouldn't win either, as there was a good chance they could lose. Rex used all of his cards, including the ones Dartz gave him, but didn't do so well, since he was losing. "If I do lose, I'll tell you more information about Dartz and Sapphire," Rex said. "I'm sure Grace and Gloria will also do this." Aurora looked at them, wondering what one of them would say. "It's true," Gloria said. "Though...Aurora might have two cards that could be crazy." Yugi saw them get used, surprised that one of them was similar to Divine Serpent. "Mystical DRAGON?!" Yugi yelled, rolling his eyes. "Don't tell me the SECOND is Seal of Orichalcos in a different version!" Kelly facepalmed, hearing this. 

"AURORA! I'm not DOING Tarotrei as...THAT!" Kelly yelled, fully irritated. "And if you have your better not be mixed with flipping Orichalcos!" Aurora laughed, as it was mixed with that card. Tea knew this was going to get ugly real fast. "Ugh..." Tea replied. "I swear if I'm right and the second card is Prediction Seal of Leviathan, THAT'S SEAL OF ORICHALCOS MIXED WITH PREDICTION PRINCESS TAROTREITH!" Aurora nodded to this. "WHAT?!" Joey yelled. "Sixth SENSE is flipping Prediction Seal of LEVIATHAN?!" Kelly was just as baffled as the others, surprised when she was trapped with Yugi. 

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