More Craziness (Part 1)

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As the gang was hanging out with each other, they were wondering what else could happen since there was a chance that things could get crazier but didn't know who they would have to deal with. Yugi was wondering if things could get worse, but knew that Kelly would roll her eyes at this since she obviously knew about the duel partners of Yugi, Ahmed, Serenity, and Tea. "If we wind up seeing a certain bug brat, I'm on the facepalm train!" Kelly said. "Dude IS A FLIPPING TWERP!" Yugi nodded in agreement to this as he knew what she meant. 

"Ditto for our other enemies WORSE THAN THE KAIBA DUO!" Yugi said. "Also...I  don't know how long Belle and Kaiba will last." Joey nodded in agreement to this, as he also wondered if they would wind up with other people. "True," Joey agreed as they went to the game shop, only to find out that Solomon and Nichole were there, and wondered what else would happen. "Hey," Joey said. "How are you two?" 

Solomon smiled. "Good," Solomon said. "How are you, everyone?" Yugi smiled at this as he looked at them. "We're good," Yugi said. "And I don't know if I can handle being the only one alive." Joey rolled his eyes with the others. "Dude!" Joey said. "You got a TWIN as a duel partner! Can it or I'm pulling an ear!" Kelly also facepalmed at this. "Joey has a point," Kelly said. "And, Nephthys, please tell me that things will be okay if I...end up getting captured with Yugi." Nephthys could tell Kelly was anxious and had a feeling Yugi was also anxious. 

"If you two wind up getting captured by that LOVESICK PSYCHOPATH and BUG BRAT Atem and I will make sure that you two are safe," Nephthys said. "I mean it." Kelly, Yugi, Yuya, and Tea hugged each other, feeling reassured everything would be okay. "As for stupid Bandit Keith and Juia Krystal...HOW DO THEY HAVE THOSE CARDS?!" Atem replied. "Isn't Tristan flipping MAI and GONG in terms of his deck?! And...DUDE! Roboyaroyou?! That's flipping Gong, Mai, AND SARAH!" Nephthys and the others nodded in agreement. 

"And...JOEY! Red-Eyes Black...DRAGON?!"  Kelly replied. "BRUH! Ya. Got. FLIPPING. Lydia!" Joey facepalmed at this with everyone. "Hello! Velvet has TIMEGAZER MAGICIAN GIRL!" Joey said. "With flipping AHMED having DARK MAGICIAN!" Tea nodded in agreement as the others joined in on the group hug. Solomon and Nichole also joined in. "Atem, Nephthys, please keep Yugi and Kelly safe," Solomon said. "They're really brave, but also kind." Nichole nodded in agreement to this. "What Solomon said," Nichole agreed. "Please look after them." 

Yugi blushed even more with Kelly. "Knowing those two, they most likely will," Yugi said. "Right, Kelly?" Kelly nodded in agreement. "Yeah," Kelly said. "After all...they're twins."  Joey nodded in agreement to this. "I would SO NOT want to be on the receiving end of an enraged twin," Joey said. "Especially if it involves a Shadow Game or a mind-penalty game. Both sound scary."Tristan nodded in agreement to this as he also knew that the twins were terrifying when mad. 

"And if they're rolling their eyes at stupidity, it's basically ONE OF US doing this!" Tristan said. "And...NEPHTHYS! I ain't doing ATEM as Yugi if he's FACEPALMING! That's basically saying one of his crazy pals is being A FLIPPING IDIOT!" Sarah nodded with Tristan in agreement. "And I ain't doing Nephthys and Kelly in terms of STUPIDITY!" Sarah said. "Anyways, I'm positive things will get crazier." Yugi nodded in agreement to this, as he also knew things were going to get crazier.   Solomon went back to selling more cards with Nichole offering to help out. Yugi and the others said goodbye as they left, each looking at the memories of their duel partners, unimpressed with the idiotic ones. 

"How is it that some of our crazies ARE THEIR CRAZIES?!" Yugi asked Kelly. "I don't get it." Kelly shrugged. "I don't get it either," Kelly replied. "All I know is that there's a chance Atem and Nephthys could wind up dealing...with Seal of Orichalcos and Nether Prediction Princess Tarotreith." Suddenly, their millennium items started glowing. "Uh oh..." Yugi said. "Looks like we might have to switch." Kelly nodded in agreement as she looked at the others, switching with them. Yugi joined in since he had a feeling that things got crazy. 

After they all switched, Yugi facepalmed at who it was. "WEEVIL! AURA! Have. Ya. Lost. It. COMPLETELY?!" Kelly yelled, facepalming. Yugi and I HAVE TWINS FOR DUEL PARTNERS!"  The others joined in, also annoyed. "YOU TWO ARE COMPLETELY CRAZY!" Yugi yelled. "AND FLIPPING STUPID! My millennium puzzle was glowing LIKE KELLY'S MEANING THAT WE WERE IN HARM'S WAY! So...STOP ATTACKING US!" Kelly nodded in agreement to this, as she knew that the only way to get help was for both her and Yugi to invoke the last part of their switch, though they still were attacked. Kelly gave Yugi the wink, saying that they might as well switch with their duel partners to avoid Weevil and Aura. 

Joey gave the two of them the go-ahead look as he thought it was their only option to avoid it, despite having cards to defeat Leviathan. "Hopefully these two idiots get a taste of their own medicine," Yuya said. "If they succeed...I don't know what the twins will do." Alex nodded in agreement with the others as they had other allies to help when things got crazy. "It's a good thing we have help from other people in case we need it," Alex said. "Looks like things could get crazy." Just as Cleo was trying to help her group stop Weevil and Aura, Yugi and Kelly were trapped, causing the others to worry. 

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