Chapter 8

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"Okay, okay...sorry mate," Theo sputtered.

Draco let go of his friend's robes and then turned and stormed out of the Great Hall. He quickly made his way down the halls and then wound his way up to the top of the Astronomy tower. It wasn't true. He didn't like Granger. He only cared because he was partly responsible for her. He did live with her. He was there leaning over the railing, stewing, when footsteps approached from behind.

"Why did you run out of the Great Hall?"

Draco let out a big sigh before spinning around to face her. "Nothing that concerns you Pansy."

"You look tense," she said as she approached him, "I might be able to help with that."

Pansy reached a hand forward and ran her finger down his chest, stopping when she got to his belt. She looked up at him with a coy smile. His mind was racing. Maybe this was the answer. He just needed to get laid again. He reached out and pulled her to him. His arms wrapped around her and he leaned down to kiss her, but when he looked into her eyes, it all felt wrong.

Draco closed his eyes and pushed her away. "No. Get out of here," he said.

"Why? What's wrong? You know I'm always here for you Draco."

"Why? Why are you here? I've never been particularly nice to you," he said, suddenly feeling a little guilty for using her the way he always had.

"Because we're meant to be," Pansy replied, "I know you don't love me yet, but you will. We're to be married Draco."

Draco scoffed. "We don't have to do what our parents tell us to Pansy. Arranged marriages are ridiculous."

"I know we don't have to do what they say, but I want to. I want to be yours."

"Well, I don't. I don't want to marry you Pansy. I never wanted to marry you," he said.

A flash of hurt washed over the young witch's features. "You don't mean that. Look I know you're upset now. Something has you all twisted up," Pansy said.

"I do mean it. Look, I'm sorry Pansy. I used you. It wasn't right, but it's true. I used you because you were an easy lay, but that's all it was for me." Draco replied.

"It's fine Draco. I don't mind that you use me. I am yours." Pansy said confidently.

"Listen to me very carefully. I. Do. Not. Want. You. Just go."

Pansy stared at him for a moment with a wide-eyed hurt expression before spinning around and running across the Astronomy tower's observation deck, and then disappeared down the stairs. Draco felt a twinge of guilt for hurting her feelings like that, but it was necessary. He didn't feel anything toward her, and it was better she know that then for her to keep hoping that their circumstances would change.

Draco stood on the tower for a while longer, looking out over the Forbidden Forest, until long after the sun had set. When the wind began whipping through, and the chill crept through his robes, he made his way back into the castle. He made a quick detour to the kitchens to grab a sandwich, since he'd skipped out on supper. He ended up asking the elves for two. He knew that Hermione hadn't eaten either, and he thought she might be hungry.

He entered the common room and looked around. It was empty. He walked up the stairs and found her door shut. He knocked softly. "Go away." She responded.

"I'm not going away," he said definitively, "Look Granger, just open the door."

"No. Just leave."

"I'll blow it off the hinges. Don't make me do that." He said.

"Oh for crying out loud."

Draco heard movement inside the room. A moment later her door opened just a crack. Half of her face came into view. Her eye was blood shot and her face was puffy. Draco hated it. He wasn't ready to admit to himself why he hated it, but he did.

"What do you want Malfoy?" She asked.

"You need to eat." He said as he held up the sandwich he got for her.

"I'm fine," Hermione responded as she went to close her door.

Draco's foot blocked the door from closing. "No. You're not fine," he said as he shoved open the door. She stepped back with a shocked expression.

"Get out of my room Malfoy," she demanded.

"Not happening," he said.

"Why are you here? What do you want? Just leave me be," she said as she tried to push him back out of the door. Even with all of her weight behind it, her push didn't budge him.

"I want you to stop moping around. Is the Weasel really worth all this?" Draco asked.

"It's none of your business. You don't know anything about it."

"I saw enough," Draco admitted, "I saw enough to know that prat isn't worth anymore of your tears."

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