Chapter 17

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Once the three got back to the common room and got settled down comfortably, Hermione spent the next half hour telling her two friends the basics her beginnings with Draco. "Well, I have to say. I did not see this coming," Ginny said. Harry sat still in silent contemplation watching the flames flicker in the fire.

Another hour went by, and Hermione was beginning to get worried. What was taking so long? Would Draco get in trouble? Would he lose his Head Boy status and be forced to move out of their shared dorms? Hermione sat nervously on the couch with a cup of tea and a blanket, when the door to the common room opened and Draco entered. She let out a sigh of relief at the sight of him, and was about to stand, but he reached her before she could. He kissed her lightly on the top of her head before asking, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good if I don't turn too quick, or stand too long," she answered, "More importantly though, what happened? You didn't get into trouble did you? You didn't do anything wrong."

"Relax. Deep breath," Draco chuckled, "No I didn't get into trouble."

"That's good," Hermione said.

"What happened to Ron?" Harry asked, and Ginny grumbled some not nice things about her brother under her breath.

"Well, he's not getting expelled. I told McGonagall it was all a misunderstanding and that we'd sort it."

"Misunderstanding? He attacked you. Twice!" Hermione exclaimed, and then her hand flew to her head as a wave of dizziness overtook her.

Draco swept her up into his arms and then spun them so he was sitting on the couch, and she was settle across his lap. "It's fine. I get him being angry and jealous. The only concern I have is that you got hurt. I can't have him putting you at risk like that. I told him after we left McGonagall that if he ever laid a finger on you again, that he'd wish he was never born."

"You didn't have to do that," Hermione said as she rested her head on Draco's muscular chest.

"Yes, I did. I protect what's mine." Draco answered.

Hermione looked up at him and their eyes met. She saw the sincerity in his expression. She had never had anyone care for her like Draco did. Nobody had ever been as fiercely protective of her like he was. So much had changed between them in the last few weeks. She had learned so much about him, and learned that much of what she thought she knew about him was wrong. She saw so much affection reflected back at her through his eyes. She wasn't ready yet to say those three big words, but she felt them.

"You should get some rest 'Mione," Harry said as he stood up from the chair he had been sitting in. He suddenly felt like he was intruding on a private moment. He reached out for Ginny's hand, "Ginny and I will check back in with you after classes. I'll bring you your potions assignments."

"Thank you," Hermione said gratefully.

Draco gave Harry a respectful nod. Harry still couldn't quite understand how Draco won over Hermione, but it was obvious that the blond boy cared about her. They had a colorful history, but Hermione seemed convinced that the former Death Eater was misunderstood. The two would likely never be close friends, but they seemed to have reached some form of understanding and felt some mutual respect toward each other. Harry and Ginny left hand in hand, leaving Draco and Hermione alone at last.

The two spent the day lazing around on the couch. They cuddled, and dozed in front of the fire. By evening, Hermione's head was feeling much better, as Madam Pomfrey had said it would. She was feeling up to going down for supper.

As they entered the Great Hall together, all eyes turned toward them. The small group of students who were staying at the castle for the holidays sat mostly scattered at their house tables. Draco however followed Hermione to the Gryffindor table and sat down next to her. He could feel Pansy's eyes staring holes through him. He wished she would just get it through her head that she meant nothing to him. Sure she'd been an easy lay, and he'd taken advantage of that often in the past, but that's all she ever was.

There was a time when that's all he thought he wanted from a girl, the occasional roll in the sheets, but he's since had his eyes opened. What he was feeling for Hermione was something more. They hadn't even had sex yet, and he still wanted to be with her. He hated being away from her.

They ate dinner with Harry and Ginny. The four were quickly growing comfortable as a group. Draco's gaze turned to look at Blaise and Theo who were also staying here for the holidays. The two of them sat together at the Slytherin table, both starring a hole through Draco.

Draco looked back at Hermione for a moment before saying, "I'll be right back," and giving her a sweet kiss just under her ear. She smiled warmly at him as he stood up and made his way over to his friends.

"So that's it huh? Friends with the Gryffindors now? No longer need us?" Theo asked sarcastically.

"Never mind him," Blaise said with a shake of his head, "You know his mother dropped him on his head as an infant. Repeatedly."

Theo scoffed, but didn't say anything further as Draco sat down with them. "So, you really like her huh?" Blaise asked after a moment.

"Yeah. I really do."

"Okay," was all Blaise said in return, "We're going to be playing a little Quidditch tomorrow afternoon, just a small pickup game between some of the players that are here for the holidays. You in?"

A big smile formed on Draco's face. "Wouldn't miss it," he replied.

"Perfect. We need our Seeker," Blaise said with a smile.

"Of course you do. You guys would be hopeless without me," Draco chuckled.

"Fuck off," Theo groaned, but Draco could see the smirk under his friend's false offense.

"You know, you guys can come eat with us. No need to sit over here just the two of you," Draco offered.

"Ummm...thanks, but I don't think we're quite there yet," Blaise said honestly, "Just don't forget about us now that you've gone and gotten yourself a Gryffindor princess."

"Never," Draco said with a smirk as he patted his friends on their shoulders before making his way back over to sit beside his pretty little witch.

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