Chapter 2

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"You?" Hermione says in a much higher pitch than she'd intended.

"This has to be some sort of a joke," Draco says with a sneer, "There is no way McGonagall would put us together all year."

"We can't be roommates," Hermione says, "There must be some mistake."

"What's wrong Granger? Can't imagine that I might deserve to be a Head just as much as you?" Draco asked accusingly.

"That's...that's not it. I...there's just no way she'd put us together. There is no way we can live together all year," Hermione said with a little less conviction than she'd had earlier. She hadn't meant to infer that Draco didn't deserve the position. She knew his grades were good, second only to hers. She just couldn't imagine anyone thinking it was a good idea to put Malfoy in a position of power.

She spun around, took the kettle off the burner, and then marched toward Draco. "Come on, let's get this straightened out," she said as she grabbed the sleeve of his school robes and hauled him behind her heading out of the dormitory.

Draco was so stunned when he was suddenly being pulled along by the small fiery girl, that he didn't fight her on it at first. Once they got out into the hallway, his mind caught up with current events, and he detached her small hand from his sleeve. "Careful Granger. I'm not one of your little Gryffindor fan club. You can't just boss me around," He growled.

She stared at him for a moment, realizing just then that's exactly what she'd been doing, "I...I'm sorry. Can we please go talk to Professor McGonagall?" She asked, feeling a little ashamed.

Draco was stunned. Had the bossy little Gryffindor Princess really just apologized to him? "Uhhh....yeah, that's fine. Just keep your hands to yourself," he muttered as he started walking toward the Headmistress' office.

The two made their way quickly, and once there, the familiar voice of Professor McGonagall beckoned them in. "Mr. Malfoy, Miss Granger, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Ummm..." Now that Hermione was there, she realized that she didn't really have a plan.

"We are wondering if there was some mistake made. Did you really intend for the two of us to room for the year?" Draco interjected, saving Hermione from her embarrassing pause.

"Mr. Malfoy, I assure you no mistake was made. This year the focus here at Hogwarts is going to be house unity. After the events of the last couple of years, I think we can all agree that some tolerance and understanding is needed. I picked the two of you with a purpose in mind. I believe that the two of you are capable of leading your fellow students, and put an end to the needless prejudice and infighting. We need to stop focusing on our differences, and instead focus on what we have in common. I expect you to put aside your differences, and show your classmates that we can start anew and move forward together, in unity."

"Yes, Headmistress," Hermione and Draco said in unison.

"Very well. Now be off. I believe you have a meeting with the Prefects in a few minutes," McGonagall said as she returned her attention to the scroll laid out on the desk in front of her.

After meeting with the Prefects, and going over patrol schedules, the two walked quietly back to their shared dorm. They walked in silence, the wind taken out of their sails after their meeting with McGonagall. Both were deep in thought. Was this even possible, this task that the Headmaster had given them? Could they put aside their differences, and years of bitterness and baggage and get along? Could they not only get along themselves, but get other students to do the same? It seemed an impossible task.

When they arrived at the Head's common room, Hermione silently returned to the kettle and put it back on to heat up. She turned and asked, "Do you want some tea?" but Draco was nowhere to be seen. A moment later she heard a door slam shut up the stairs where their rooms were. "Okay, then...more for me?" she sighed.

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