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-Three years later-

"Where is Zabini?" Draco asked frantically.

"Deep breath. He'll be here. Don't worry. You know Luna is as big as a house now. He said he was going to get her settled with the girls before he came here to get ready," Theo said in what he hoped was a calming tone.

"Where's the ring?" Draco asked for what had to be the fiftieth time.

"You need to relax. Hermione will kill me if you keel over before the ceremony."

"I'm here," Blaise exclaimed as he rushed into the room.

"You're late," Draco snapped.

"You try wrangling a one-year-old and a very pregnant wife who keeps insisting there are nargles infesting all of the mistletoe in this whole damn castle," Blaise sighed exhaustedly.

The men all shared a chuckle. Even years later, Draco still couldn't believe Blaise fell for Looney Luna Lovegood of all people. He couldn't deny they were great together though. They seemed to balance each other perfectly. They were apparently planning to have an entire litter of children before they were done.

"The ladies are all set up in the dorms?" Draco asked.

"Yup, all good." Blaise replied as he started donning his dress robes.

When Hermione had suggested they get married at Hogwarts, where it all began, Draco thought it was a fantasy they could never make real. To his surprise, McGonagall had agreed as long as it happened during the Christmas holiday when the castle would be nearly empty. She even seemed rather excited about the prospect.

So, here they all were, back in the castle that they all called home for so many years. The castle that held so many fond memories, as well as terrible ones. The castle where he first met the love of his life.

The boys had claimed the Slytherin dungeon, and the girls claimed the Gryffindor dorms to get ready in. The ceremony would be held in the Great Hall, which had been decorated in a wintery wedding theme, along with both Slytherin green and Gryffindor red. Draco had never felt so excited and nervous in his life.

When the time came for the ceremony, he stood near the spot where he had sat years ago, and the sorting hat had declared him Slytherin before it had even touched down on his head. He looked over at his friends standing beside him, before his eyes looked out over the crowd. The Weasleys took up nearly the entirety of Hermione's half. He'd never seen so much ginger hair in one place in his life. His side was an eclectic assortment of his former classmates. His mother sat in the front row; her eyes already puffy from all of the happy tears she had been shedding.

When the music changed, his gaze went directly to the entry way where he would soon get to see his bride to be. It felt like ages since he'd last seen her, but in reality it had only been the day prior. First down the aisle was a quite round Luna, carrying her and Blaise's daughter. The curious little one year old was supposed to be throwing flower petals, but in reality she just shoved a fistful into her mouth and Luna used her wand to sprinkle a path of petals in her wake.

Next down the aisle, marched Ginny Potter. Draco and Hermione had attended the Potter wedding the year prior. Ginny was beaming proudly as she made her way down the aisle toward the front. There was a pause in the music, and then came the moment he felt like he'd been waiting his whole life for.

Hermione, being walked down the aisle by Arthur Weasley on one side, and Harry Potter on the other, walked slowly toward her groom with a smile that lit up the entire room. Her eyes immediately collided with Draco's. She had never seen him look so handsome as he did in that moment. His silver eyes sparkled as she approached him. Harry and Arthur stood off to the side as they helped her up the steps to the stage.

The service was short and sweet. They exchanged rings, and did a ribbon tying ceremony to join their hearts and their souls, although both of them knew that those had been joined for a long while now. Once it was announced that Draco could kiss his bride, his arms wrapped around her and he kissed her fiercely. There were hoots and hollers and whistles from the entire audience.

After the ceremony the Great Hall was magically transformed into a banquet, and then after that a dance floor. The newly wed Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy celebrated their joyous union together surrounded by all of their friends and family, in the place where it all began. 

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