Chapter 24

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Two days later, they walked back to their dorm after supper hand in hand. Since their time in the broom closet, they'd kissed a little, but had not taken it any further. They both wanted to, but Draco insisted on not rushing things. He was terrified of her doing something she'd regret. He didn't want to be anything like Ronald fucking Weasley. When he finally had her, it would be when he was absolutely certain she was ready.

They entered the dorm, and she tossed her bag down in one of the armchairs near the fireplace. Draco cast Incendio, causing a roaring fire to be blazing in seconds, warming the room. Hermione warmed herself by it for a moment before turning around and seeing Draco watching her with a big smile on his face.

"Thank you," she said as she closed the distance between them.

His arms wrapped around her, and pulled her flush against him. She stood up on her tip toes and pulled him down to her for a kiss. He kissed her back eagerly, his hands roamed down to grip her firm round ass. He bent a little and then lifted her up by her ass, wrapping her legs around his hips, and walked them over to the couch.

He settled them down on the couch with Hermione straddling him as they continued to kiss each other passionately, their hands roamed each other. Hermione could feel Draco's hard length pressing up into her core beneath the fabric of their clothing. Her hips rolled lightly, grinding against him. "Hermione," Draco groaned as his hands gripped her ass.

Hermione found herself overcome with the need to feel his skin against hers. She started pulling at his dress shirt, untucking it from his pants. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons, but he helped her out by ripping it open, buttons scattering across the floor. Her mouth moved from kissing his soft lips, down to nipping at the underside of his jaw and down his throat. He moaned as she nibbled in this area. His hands now worked frantically tugging at her blouse.

She leaned back, and pulled her blouse up over her head and tossed it off to the side. Draco's eyes lit up when he saw her creamy skin wearing only her bra. He pulled her to him, his mouth kissing its way from her porcelain neck down her chest, and then he began kissing and sucking on the exposed flesh peeking out above the fabric of her bra. He wanted more, but he also intended not to push her into anything she wasn't ready for.

Hermione also needed more though, and she reached behind herself and unfastened her bra, letting the fabric fall free. When he saw her naked breasts for the first time, Draco stopped and stared for a beat, stunned. He recovered quickly, groaning as he looked up into her eyes, searching them. What he found there was pure desire. "Hermione. Fuck you're so sexy," he groaned.

His mouth dove forward then, capturing her nipple in his soft lips, and sucking it gently. "Draco," she moaned as her hands wrapped around the back of his head, holding him in place.

Draco continued to suck, kiss, and nip at Hermione's breasts. He loved how responsive she was. His hands roamed up and down her back, ass, and thighs. He took his time and explored her. Eventually he needed more of her. He looked her deep in her eyes and said, "If at any point you are uncomfortable. You let me know and I'll stop. Okay?"

"Okay," Hermione responded breathlessly.

Once he saw that she meant it, his hands began working on the zipper at the back of her skirt. When he'd managed to pull that down she stood just long enough to drop the skirt to the floor and step out of it. While she did that, he pulled his shirt all the way off and tossed it somewhere behind the couch. Draco growled at the sight of her standing in only her little white cotton panties and Gryffindor knee socks. He pulled her to him and then rolled them so he was on top of her on the couch where he settled himself between her creamy thighs.

They kissed and explored each other for a while, his hard cock pressing into her center and driving them both wild with need. His hand moved down her flat tummy to between her legs and felt her sex over her soaking we panties. "Fuck. Hermione, you're so wet. Jesus." Draco groaned. His fingers deftly moved the fabric aside and ran lightly over her sensitive flesh. She moaned as his fingers explored her folds. One finger tentatively moving inward, penetrating her shallowly. "Draco," she moaned.

"Mine," he groaned as he cupped her pussy with his hand.

Hermione moaned. Her hands running up and down his muscular shoulders. "Oh Merlin," she groaned at the feeling of his hand on her sensitive flesh.

"Hermione," Draco growled into her ear, "Who's pussy is this? Tell me."

"Yours," she moaned.

"You're damn right," he said with a smirk, "Fuck, I need to taste you." 

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