Chapter 23

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Once he reached her breasts, he squeezed and massaged them gently over her bra, causing her to moan. His fingers undid the front clasp he discovered, releasing her breasts from their fabric prison. Feeling her bare breasts for the first time, Draco let out a groan. She felt like heaven, so silky and soft and smooth. "Draco," Hermione moaned as his fingers began tweaking her pert little nipples.

"You like that baby?" Draco asked between kisses to her neck.

"Yes. It feels so good," she responded.

He continued to feel her up for a minute, relishing in the sexy little noises she made in response to his touch. Deciding he wanted to see what other sexy little noises she might make, one of his hands moved south to the waistband of her skirt. He paused there for a moment, again giving her time to stop him if this was too far. She didn't stop him, in fact she moaned as his other hand continued working over one of her breasts.

His hand continued on it journey south, over the fabric of her pleated skirt, down her thighs, and then back up again, moving under the fabric and bunching it up as he slid his fingers up her smooth creamy thighs. When he reached the apex, his fingers stilled for a moment. This was it. He was about to bring their relationship to the next level if she didn't stop him. She had zero intention of stopping him. "Draco," she moaned. That was all he needed to jump into action. His fingers danced lightly over silky fabric of her panties for a moment, reveling in the feeling of her most intimate area.

"You're so wet," he groaned.

"Draco," she moaned again.

Draco's fingers rubbed her sex over the silky fabric for a moment, enjoying the little moans that touching her caused. Then, needing more, he moved the fabric aside and felt her bare pussy for the first time. He groaned with need as he felt how wet she was. His deft fingers finding her clit and working small concentrated circles over and around it. Hermione's knees almost buckled as the intense sensation of his touch washed over her. "Oh," she groaned.

"I got you," Draco chuckled as he held her to him.

One of his fingers then moved down a little further, and slipped between her wet pussy lips, shallowly thrusting inside. Her fingers clutched at him as the new sensations flooded her. She had never been touched like this by anyone. She'd explored her body a little on her own, but it never felt anything like it did when Draco touched her.

His finger moved a little deeper, and then after a minute he added a second one. She felt the stretch of his two big fingers buried in her pussy, and nearly came right then. Her breathing was rapid, her chest heaving. "Draco," she moaned. His movements picked up in pace. His fingers began fucking her in a delicious rhythm, with the palm of his hand rubbing against her clit in perfect timing. Her juices flowed down over his hand and coated her inner thighs.

He could tell she was close. His erection pressed against her lower back, threatening to bust through the front of his trousers. This wasn't about him though. He wasn't after his own release. This was about her. This was about him giving her pleasure.

"Cum for me Hermione," he whispered in her ear before sucking on the spot just under her ear that he had learned drove her insane.

Only a moment later, she exploded. His free hand moved from her breast up to cover her mouth just before she stared crying out in bliss. Her knees gave out as she began writhing in ecstasy. The only thing keeping her upright was Draco's strong embrace.

"That's it baby. I got you. I got you," he groaned into her ear.

When she finally went limp in his arms, he placed a few more kisses up and down her throat and collar bone. "How was that?" he said with a smirk, knowing exactly how good it was.

"Amazing," Hermione responded in a haze of post-orgasmic bliss that she'd never experienced before.

She then watched as the hand that had been between her legs moved up, and he sucked her juices off of them with a groan. "Delicious," he moaned after he'd cleaned his fingers. She stared wide eyed at him. She'd never seen anything so erotic and naughty before.

After a moment of catching her breath, she spun around in his arms and kissed him on the mouth. He eagerly returned the kiss. She could taste herself on his lips, and she was surprised to find that it wasn't a turn off. It actually made her feel tingly again.

"What about you?" She asked.

"Don't worry about me. This wasn't about me. This was about you baby. Me making you feel good." Draco told her.

"Are you sure? I could maybe..." she looked down suggestively.

"No. As much as I'm sure I'd love that, not yet," Draco replied. He might very well regret that later when he was plagued by blue balls, but he meant what he said. This wasn't about him. He could always relieve his issue later in the shower, but for now they needed to get to their next class. He had pushed things as far as he dared. He didn't want to rush into something that she might later regret.

Hermione reached up and pulled him down for another sweet kiss. His arms held her tightly to him as he returned the kiss. He then grasped her hand, their fingers intertwined, and they left the broom closet and headed to their next class each with big smiles on their faces. 

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