Chapter 16

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"Ron, mate. Calm down," Harry said as he stood up from the table.

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down. I don't get why everyone is suddenly okay with Malfoy. He's a bloody Slytherin. He's a fucking Death Eater." Ron yelled.

"He's not the enemy Ron," Hermione said as she stood up from the table, "He was just as much a victim of Voldemort as anyone. You'd know that if you didn't have your head so stuck up your ass."

"Oh, so now you're defending him as well as kissing him? Really Hermione? Him? Why him?" Ron demanded.

"You have no right to say anything about who I'm kissing Ron. You have a girlfriend. You broke up with me. Who I choose to be with is none of your concern." Hermione shouted, "and you certainly had no right to start throwing punches."

"If you think I'm just going to stand by and watch you with him, then you have another thing coming," Ron growled.

"Why do you care? He's nice to me. He cares about me," Hermione said.

"He doesn't care about you 'Mione. He only cares about getting in your pants. You shouldn't be with him. If you trust him, then you're an even bigger idiot than I thought."

Hermione stood there staring at Ron with her mouth open in shock. She swayed slightly as her head spun.

"That's enough," Draco said with a deep and dangerous tone as he stood up next to her, his arm went around her waist possessively to steady her. "So she shouldn't be with me, she should be with you? Is that what you're on about? Oh but sorry chap, you dumped her to get with that dim witted Lavender girl. Just because you were too stupid to see what you had before you threw it away, doesn't give you the right to control her now. It certainly doesn't give you the right to speak to her like that."

"Get your bloody hands off her," Ron yelled as he dove at Draco.

Draco shifted Hermione behind him, out of harms way as the angry red-faced ginger reached out and gripped the collar of Draco's robes with one hand and pulled back the other for a punch.

"Mr. Weasley!" An incredulous sounding Professor McGonagall's voice echoed through the Great Hall as she marched down the aisle toward them, "What is the meaning of this?"

Ron's fist dropped as suddenly all the wind was knocked out of his sails. He stepped back from Draco, and Draco couldn't help the smirk that quirked at his lips as he stared back at the ginger. He kept Hermione tucked up behind him protectively, because he still didn't trust Ron not to try something else.

"Weasley, Malfoy, follow me," the professor demanded as she stormed back out of the Great Hall and headed to her office.

"But," Hermione started.

"No, it's fine," Draco cut her off, "I'll see you soon." He leaned down and gave her a sweet kiss on her lips, to the soundtrack of Ron growling behind him, before following McGonagall with Ron tagging along behind him.

Hermione watched them leave, and then sunk down onto the bench. What a mess. When did her life get so dramatic? Just then they were joined by a quite put out Lavender. Hermione sighed. She didn't have the strength to deal with Lavender today.

"Why was my Won-Won being hauled off to McGonagall's office with Draco Malfoy? What happened? Did Draco do something to him?" Lavender demanded.

"No. Draco did not 'do something' to him," Ginny said angrily, "Your 'Won-Won' did something to him."

Ginny had never really cared for Lavender, and she was so mad at her brother right then that if he was standing before her she'd surely hex him into oblivion. How dare he be so rotten to Hermione. She hoped he got into trouble for fighting. She knew their parents would be furious. She could see their mother's red angry face right then.

"I don't believe that for a second. What possible reason would Won-Won have to do anything to Draco Malfoy?" Lavender said defensively.

"Oh I don't know, maybe because Ron couldn't stand the fact that Draco is with Hermione?" Ginny said. She knew she shouldn't have poked the bear, but she also wanted desperately to wipe that smug expression off Lavender's dumb face.

"Why would he care who Hermione dates?" Lavender asked with her nose turned up.

"That's a very good question Lavender," Ginny said, "Why would he care?"

With that Ginny got up from the bench and grabbed a hold of Harry's hand. "Come on guys. Let's get out of here. My appetite is suddenly gone."

Harry and Hermione who had both been sitting in stunned silence during the entire exchange stood up then. Hermione a little less than steady on her feet. Ginny grabbed on of her arms, and Harry held the other as they all walked out of the Great Hall and headed toward the Head Boy and Girl's common room.

"Thank you Ginny," Hermione said quietly.

"No need to thank me. You shouldn't have to deal with the likes of her. I can't believe Ron. He's such a dumb git. Mom is going to flay him," Ginny seethed, "Now let's get you to your room, and then you're going to tell us how you and Malfoy are suddenly now a couple."

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