Chapter 25

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Draco kissed his way from her mouth, down her jawline, throat, then detoured at her breast for a moment before continuing his way south. He paused as he reached the waistband of her panties to look up at her, making sure she was still okay with going this far. He prayed she didn't stop him, but as painful as it would be, he would wait if she wasn't ready.

Hermione swallowed hard, but then gave Draco a nod and a smile. His handsome face smiled back at her, with relief obvious in his features. It was obvious how much he wanted this. She was scared, but she trusted him. She wanted this too. She wanted him.

Without breaking eye contact with her, Draco pulled her panties down from her hips. She lifted up, to help him out, and he pulled them the rest of the way down her legs and then with a mischievous smirk, he tucked them into the pocket of his pants. Hermione quirked an eye brow, but didn't ask questions. It was soon forgotten as he settled himself back down between her legs and she felt his warm breath on her tender folds for the first time.

"Perfection," Draco said so quietly that Hermione wondered if she'd even heard it. Then he leaned forward and gently kissed her clit. Hermione's hips jerked away from him. She was not used to the intense sensation. He chuckled as he placed an arm over her pelvis, holding her down. He gave her a few more gentle kisses and licks on her sensitive flesh, allowing her to get used to the feeling of his mouth on her. Soon he upped the pressure, then his tongue began exploring her slit. " taste like honey," he groaned as he started to devoured her.

Hermione's hips began moving of their own accord, rolling and bucking beneath him. "Draco," she moaned. She could feel her pleasure building. She had given herself orgasms in the past, and Draco had made her cum on his fingers, but nothing she'd experience previously could compare to the feeling of his mouth on her. "Oh, Draco."

"That's my girl." Draco said between licks and kisses. He slid a single finger into her wet virgin pussy and then groaned, "Fuck you're so tight."

The dual sensations of his tongue licking and sucking her wet pussy, and his finger penetrating and slowly thrusting and out of her send her soaring towards her climax. She began crying out as the intense sensations flowed through her. "That's my girl," Draco said, "Cum for me."

Suddenly she was flying over the edge and cuming hard, clawing at the couch while she writhed. Draco didn't stop. He continued to lick, suck, and finger fuck her through her until she was back down to earth and catching her breath. "That was the sexiest thing I've ever seen," he said as he climbed back up her. His lips found hers once more, and she could taste herself on him. She groaned at the sweet and salty taste of her own arousal.

His hips pumped lightly into her core as they kissed, but unfortunately his pesky pants were in the way. Hermione's hands moved down between them and started working on his button. He broke their kiss as his hands moved on top of hers. "Are...are you sure?" He asked.

She had never seen him looking so unsure and so vulnerable before. It was obvious that he wanted her. She could feel and see the evidence of his arousal tenting in his pants. But, she knew then that even as much as he wanted to continue, he would not hesitate to stop if she wasn't ready. It only reinforced the decision that she had already made. She wanted him. She was ready.

"I'm sure," she said with zero hesitation.

Draco's hands moved faster than she ever would have thought they could and soon his pants and boxers are on the floor with rest of their clothing. He knelt between her thighs again, and she took in the sight of him gloriously naked before her. She loved the sight of his broad chest, toned abs that ended in a delicious V that pointed to the zenith between his legs. His long thick cock stood hard and proud, pointing up at her as he leaned over her and crawled up her body.

"You have no idea how many times I've imagined this," he admited as he took his cock in hand and then rubbed it up and down through her wet folds, coating him with her juices.

"Draco," Hermione moaned as the tip of his cock pressed into her clit.

He lined the tip up with her center, and then pressed forward lightly. "I'm going to go slow. If it becomes too much, let me know. It's going to hurt a little, but I want to spare you as much pain as I can."

With that he pressed forward, the thick head of his cock pushed into her tight entrance. She felt incredible pressure there for a moment before she felt herself open up a little to him, and he began moving inward. "Fuck. You're so tight. Try and relax," he said gently, kissing her lovingly on her lips, "It will hurt less if you can relax."

Hermione took a breath and then tried to do as Draco said, and relax her body. It was difficult with the foreign sensation of him entering her, especially as more of him sunk deeper into her and the painful stretching sensation hit her. He pushed forward another inch or so, whispering encouraging words into her ear. Then he bumped against her barrier. He stilled.

"Hermione, this is it. Are you sure? Now is the time to stop if you're not."

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