Chapter 19

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She was lost in thought as she rounded a corner, and then suddenly a hand wrapped around her wrist, and she yelped as she was pulled unceremoniously into an empty classroom. She screamed as she was slammed face first up against a wall and a dark shape pressed against her from behind. She scrambled to free herself, but the other person was too strong.

"Let go!" She demanded.

"Relax 'Mione. It's just me."

"Ron? What the hell?" Hermione asked as she tried to pull herself free of his grasp. The smell of fire whiskey was strong around him.

"I miss you. I want you back," a very drunk Ron slurred in her ear as he pressed his erection into her lower back, "I need you."

"Ron, you're drunk. Let me go right this instant." Hermione yelled. He had her hands pinned above her head, and unfortunately, she was unable to get to her wand.

"Tell me you haven't fucked him yet 'Mione. Tell me you haven't give him what was always meant to be mine."

Ron held her two wrists tightly above her head with one of his hands, and the other started to roam her wriggling body. He completely ignored her commands to let her go. It was like she didn't even speak. She was in complete shock. This wasn't the Ron she knew. Fear started to grip her. Where was this going? What was he going to do?

"Ron. Please. Please stop. Please let me go," Hermione begged, "You're hurting me."

"Shhhhhh...It's okay baby. I'm gonna make you feel so good." Ron promised.

He nuzzled her hair away from her throat and started kissing her slender neck as his free hand moved up to cup her breast. He began massaging her perky breast, and pinching her nipple as Hermione tried valiantly to twist away from his touch. He was undeterred though.

"Ron. No. You need to stop," she said firmly, trying to hide the shaking in her voice.

Ron's hand moved south, down her toned flat tummy to her skirt and then his fingers slid their way up her creamy thighs to cup her sex. She cried out at the unwanted touch. Tears streamed down her cheeks. She'd never felt so afraid and helpless in her life. This was a man she'd once thought she loved, and thought of as one of her closest friends. The fact that he could be touching her like this against her will seemed completely unreal.

"Ron, please stop," she begged again.

Ron didn't stop. The more she wiggled and tried to escape him, the tighter he gripped her. His hand started moving over her panties, feeling her. He groaned in her ear as he continued to grind his erection into her backside. "Fuck Hermione. You feel so good baby. I need you. I need to be inside of you. I promise, I'll make you feel so good." Ron groaned into her ear.

His hand moved away from her sex, and then she heard the distinct sound of a zipper being pulled down and a rustling of fabric. She pulled and twisted, trying to get free as she continued to beg him to stop. Hoping that eventually the friend she knew would resurface and he'd let her go. His lips latched onto her neck as he began to lick and suck her throat. She felt his hand move once again to her panties. She yelled, "Stop Ron. Please. Don't do this. Stop!"

His fingers moved the thin silky fabric of her panties aside, and she thought that was it. He was going to fuck her and there was nothing she could do about it. This wasn't how her first time was supposed to be. It was meant to be magical and tender, and of her own choosing. Tears continued to stream down her cheeks as she still tried to fight him. Then just as she felt something warm and blunt press against her, there was a commotion and she heard a deep voice yell, "Get your filthy fucking hands off her," and then Ron was gone.

She spun around and the sight before her nearly made her heart stop. A seething Draco stood over Ron with his wand pointed at him. Blaise and Theo flanked Draco, also with their wands out and pointed at her attacker. Blaise was also holding Ron's wand. She'd never seen Draco as furious as he was in that moment. He looked like he was ready to tear Ron limb from limb.

"How dare you, you little fucking weasel. You'll pay for this," Draco yelled at Ron as he gave the ginger as swift kick in the side.

Ron looked up at Draco with an expression nearly as furious as Draco's. He was sitting up on the floor, a torn painting hanging crooked on the wall above him where he had obviously been tossed magically into it before falling into his current position. His pants were down around his knees, and his cock softening as he groaned in pain.

"You don't deserve her. She's mine. She was always supposed to be mine," Ron said with a cough.

"You're right. I don't deserve her. Maybe never will, but the difference between us is that I'll do my best to try and deserve her. I'll do everything in my power to make her happy, and I'd never ever touch her without her permission, you rapist fuck." Draco yelled as he gave Ron another swift kick.

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