Chapter 21

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Eventually they forced themselves out of bed, and each washed and dressed quickly before running to their potions class together. Blaise and Theo were in the same class and Hermione and Draco sat at the workstation next to them. "How are you doing Hermione?" Theo asked.

"I'm fine. Thank you," Hermione answered with a blush. It was a reminder to her that they'd both seen her in a very vulnerable position the night prior.

Draco reached out and gripped her hand.

"The ginger git was brought to the dungeons last night. We cast Incarcerous to tie him to a chair and he had to sleep it off locked up in a broom closet. It was better than he deserved," Blaise told them, "We let him go this morning, and warned him to keep away from Hermione."

Hermione then noticed the scabby knuckles both Theo and Blaise were sporting. She wondered for a moment what kind of "warning" they'd given, but then decided that a little bit of a beating was maybe what Ron needed to smarten the fuck up. She also remembered that Ron was normally in potions with them, and she looked around. His seat was conspicuously empty. That was for the best she decided. She was fairly certain she couldn't stomach looking at him right then. She wasn't sure how she'd ever stomach looking at him again actually. His actions might very well have put the proverbial last nail in the coffin of their friendship.

At supper that night, she sat with the other Gryffindors, and Draco sat with the Slytherins. He watched her like a hawk the entire time, fearful of an incident with Ron, but Ron never showed. He was grateful, but also worried. Where was he? He wasn't worried for Ron's welfare. No as far as Draco was concerned that asshole could go drown himself in the Black Lake and do everyone a favor. He was concerned for Hermione.

Ron had already attacked her once. Who is to say he wouldn't try it again. The guy was obviously off his rocker. Draco told Hermione that she was never to be alone again. If she wasn't with him, then she needed to be with her friends or with someone Draco trusted. He'd rearranged the patrol schedule so that she was always with either himself, Blaise, or Theo.

Hermione had been nervous about seeing Ron at dinner that night, but he never showed. Apparently he was taking the warnings the Slytherin boys had given seriously. She couldn't help but be a little worried though. Where was he? He might have come close to hurting her in terrible ways the previous night, but he'd been her friend for years. She couldn't just stop caring about what happened to him.

"Where's Ron?" She finally asked after poking around her food with a fork, and not really eating anything.

"I don't know what's going on with him. He stormed into the common room this morning and then ran upstairs and now he won't come out of his bedroom. He won't talk to anyone, not even Harry," Ginny answered.

"Maybe he got into a fight with Lavender?" Harry asked. He was concerned for his friend. Something definitely happened. He just wished that Ron would open up.

"Give him time. I'm sure he'll be fine," Hermione said. At least now she knew where Ron was. If he wanted to lock himself away for a while, then that was fine. So long as he's safe, then her mind was at ease.

She wished she could tell Ginny and Harry what happened, so they could understand why he was acting the way he was, but she couldn't. She couldn't do that to them. They'd never be able to look at Ron the same way again. As angry as she was with Ron in that moment, she couldn't destroy all their friendships. 

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