Chapter 32

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"Ron?" Harry said as he stared at his friend with wide eyes, "Tell me that's not true."

Ginny marched straight past Harry and got into Ron's face. She shoved her brother back with all her might. "You did what?! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I swear. I didn't mean it. I..."Ron stumbled, tears starting to build up in his eyes.

"You didn't mean to force yourself on her?" Ginny demanded, "How exactly does that work? You accidentally got your cock out and tried to shove it in her? What the fuck?"

Draco stood protectively in front of Hermione, but didn't try and interfere between the siblings. He knew Hermione didn't want the others to know about what happened that night, but the cat was out of the bag now. He looked back at his young witch, still motionless, and then looked back at Weasleys. Ginny looked positively livid, and Draco was grateful that he wasn't on that end of her wrath. Harry was staring at the two of them with horror in his expression.

"Tell me you didn't," Harry said again, "Tell me he's lying."

"I...I'm sorry...I didn't want to hurt her. I was drunk. I missed her. I couldn't stand to see her with fucking Malfoy," Ron said as he began crying. Harry looked like he hoped this was all some sort of bad dream. He sunk down onto one of the empty infirmary cots and put his face in his hands.

"Get the fuck out of here Ron," Ginny shouted.

Ron stared helplessly at Harry, like he was hoping that Harry would come to his rescue. Harry looked up at the boy who he had been through so much with in their young lives, and he didn't recognize his friend anymore. "Go. Just go," he said.

Ron didn't move. He just stood there staring at Harry. He couldn't believe that Harry wouldn't back him up. "Go!" Harry screamed.

Ron took off running out of the Infirmary with the three others watching his swift retreat. After he was gone the three looked at each other with exhausted expressions. "It's really true? He really did that?" Harry asked, needing confirmation.

Draco nodded. "I'm sorry you had to find out that way."

"When?" Harry asked. It was like he was drained of all the fight in him.

"About a week ago," Draco answered.

"That's why he's been acting so strange," Ginny said.

"Why didn't anyone tell us?" Harry asked.

"She didn't want anyone to know. She was trying to protect you. Believe me, I wanted to go straight to McGonagall," Draco said as he turned and intertwined his fingers with Hermione's unmoving hand.

"I'm gonna kill him." Ginny said, "I...I don't think there is any forgiving something like that."

Nothing more was said for the longest time, they all just huddled around the unconscious Hermione and were all quiet with their thoughts. Draco held one hand, Harry the other, and Ginny had her arms wrapped around Harry. Ginny left partway through the day and returned with a tray of food for them to share, but it was only picked at.

Eventually the sun set, and Harry sent Ginny to get a hot meal and get some sleep. He said he'd join her later. The boys sat in comfortable silence until sleep finally pulled Draco down into its dark depths. Harry sat there with Hermione's hand in his, his finger making small circles over the back it. "Please wake up 'Mione. I need my best friend. I can't do this without you."

He could swear he felt her hand twitch just then. "Come on. Wake up. Did you just move your hand? Do it again. Please."

Her hand moved for sure then. The fingers clasped his hand for a brief moment and then her eyes fluttered open partially. "Hey there," Harry said to her, relief flooding his entire body.

"Hey," she said with a hoarse and gravelly voice.

"Oh, here have some water," Harry said as he helped her sit up just enough to take a sip.

After she had a couple of sips, she sank back down into the mattress and then her gaze took in a sleeping Draco, his hand still intertwined with hers. "He has barely left your side this whole time," Harry said.

"How long?"

"Almost a week," Harry said. Concern filtered back into his expression, "How are you feeling?"

"Okay. I...Pansy? What happened? I..." Hermione asked, memories from the Astronomy tower beginning to flood back into her.

"Pansy tried to kill you and frame Ron for it," Harry answered, "Draco caught you as you fell from the tower, and I stopped Pansy before she could toss Ron off, or run away."

"Ron?" Hermione looked disoriented and overwhelmed by all of this news.

"He's fine," Harry said, "Why?...Why didn't you tell us Hermione? Why didn't you tell us what he did?"

Hermione's eyes filled with tears. The hurt that she had been trying to protect her friend from was obvious in his eyes. "I knew I'd never be able to look at him the same way again, and I didn't want that for you."

"I understand. I still wish you'd have told me. I..." Harry said.

"I'm sorry," Hermione said, tears overflowing down her cheeks.

"Don't you dare apologize to me. You have nothing to be sorry for. I just wish I could have protected you. I can't stand that you dealt with it all alone," Harry said as he gripped her hand tighter.

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