Chapter 9

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Hermione looked up at him in shock. Draco stood there, unmoving as he looked down at her with two sandwiches in his hand. "Come on. Let's go downstairs. We'll eat and I'll make tea."

"Why do you care?"

"That's a very good question. I honestly don't know how to answer it. I just don't want to see you crying anymore over that dumb git." Draco answered honestly.

Hermione's shoulders dropped. Some of the tension and fight leaving her. Draco took that as her acquiesce. He gently pushed her ahead of him out into the hallway, and then followed her down the stairs to the common room. She settled herself at the table while he made a pot of tea. Then they sat quietly and ate. He watched her intently as they said in comfortable silence, and she stared down at her now empty plate.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked after a while.



"Thank you," she said looking up at him from her plate.

"Don't thank me Granger." Draco said quietly. He didn't feel worthy of her thanks, "Me being decent one time doesn't erase all the times I've been terrible to you."

"No. It doesn't. People can change though. I think maybe you are different than you were. You don't seem to despise me like you did. You don't call me mudblood anymore," she said absentmindedly pulling at the sleeve covering the word carved into her forearm.

Draco flinched at hearing her say the word he'd so often used. He hated himself in that moment for all of the times he had spat that word at her in hate. "I was an asshole. I let my father poison my mind with his prejudices. I'm sorry."

"You don't feel that way anymore? You don't hate mudbloods?"

"Don't say that word," Draco said, "and no. I don't feel that way anymore."

"What changed?" She asked.

"During the war, I saw pure blood wizards turn on their friends and family. I saw pure blood wizards act cowardly and cruelly. I also saw people like you, who I used to think were below me, act selflessly. I saw you act with more bravery and courage than I saw in the people that my father had always taught me were superior. I saw you being tortured by my aunt, and you still stayed so strong. I just stood by and did nothing. I...You didn't give up. You were stronger than I would have been." Draco answered.

"There was nothing you could have done Draco. They would have killed you." Hermione said.

The sound of his first name on her lips made him hold his breath. He loved the sound of it rolling off her tongue. "That wouldn't have stopped you though. If our roles were reversed, you would have tried. You wouldn't have just stood by and watched." Draco said with shame coursing through him.

"And I probably would have gotten us all killed," Hermione said, "Sometimes being brave isn't the smart play. Sometimes just surviving through is the best you can do. You also helped us. You and your mother are the reason we got out of there alive."

"I should have done more," Draco insisted. His voice cracking mid-sentence.

"Draco," Hermione said as she reached out and laid her hand over his in a comforting gesture, "Thank you for dinner. Thank you for getting me out of my room. I needed that."

"So you're going to stop moping around about the unworthy ginger?"

Hermione chuckled darkly. "Yes. Yes I suppose I am. He made his choice. Crying over it isn't going to change anything."

She stood up and took their dishes to the kitchen where she quickly washed them and then turned to see Draco watching her from where he sat at the table. "I guess it's time for bed," she said.

Draco nodded and they both walked up the stairs. "You can wash up first," he offered, pointing to the bathroom.

"There are two sinks. It's fine. Come on," Hermione said as she playfully shoved him toward the open bathroom door. She wasn't strong enough to actually move him, but he didn't fight her and nodded as he entered the room.

They didn't say a word as they both set about their evening routines, washing their faces, and brushing their teeth. Draco couldn't help but watch her as Hermione applied some cream to her face that smelled of lilac and vanilla. It was a smell that always lingered around her. Now he knew the source. There was something pleasant and comforting about seeing her with her guard down like that.

After they were done, they both left the room and each headed toward their respective bedrooms. "Night," Draco said.

"Night," Hermione replied.

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