Chapter 15

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Hermione woke in stages. At first she was aware of being quite warm. Then she was aware that she was unable to move, something was holding her fast. Then her eyes slowly opened, and saw early morning sunlight streaming through the windows. She tried turning her head to look around, and pain shot through her causing her to groan.

"Oooo...don't try to move just yet," a deep velvety voice sounded behind her, and rumbled under her. Draco. So, that's why she was so warm and can't move, he had her wrapped up in a tight embrace. "Stay still. I have some healing draught Madam Pomfrey left for you, and some water."

Hermione sipped from both as Draco held them up to her lips. "Thank you," she managed as she lay her head back against his chest, "How are you feeling?"

"How am I feeling? Are you serious?" He asked incredulously.

Hermione managed to turn in his arms enough that she could see his face. She saw the darkening bruises around one of his eyes, and reached up to gently ghost her fingers over it, fearful of hurting him with her touch. "I can't believe Ron," she grumbled angrily.

"I'm fine," Draco said, "It's you who are not fine. You really gave me a scare. Don't you ever do anything like that again. You don't sacrifice yourself for me, ever. If anything had happened to you..."

"Draco, I'm fine. I swear. I couldn't stand watching him hit you. I had to try and stop him. I've never seen him like that before. I don't even understand what it was all about," Hermione said.

Draco was quiet then, and just wrapped his arms around her tighter, letting out a contented sigh as she snuggled closer to him. He leaned forward and kissed her hair as they fell back to sleep for a little while longer. Not wanting to leave their little bubble of happiness.

An hour later, Madam Pomfrey came to check on them, and after looking Hermione over, said she was free to go back to their common room. She gave her more of the healing draught and instructions to take it easy over the next day or two, but said she would make a full recovery soon.

Draco walked with her to the Great Hall in time for breakfast, and they sat down alone at a table. She wondered where her friends were at. Had they missed them? Just as she was taking her first bite of toast, a squeal came from the entrance. Ginny ran at them as fast as she could manage, with Harry hot on her heels, and threw her arms around Hermione.

"You're awake," the red-head squeaked, "How are you feeling? What happened? Ron still won't talk about it. He's been locked up in his room all night. Even Lavender couldn't get him to open the door. Professor McGonagall wanted to know what happened, but Harry and I really didn't know what started it all. We just saw you hurt."

"I'm fine," Hermione reassured as Ginny backed up, and was quickly replaced by a concerned looking Harry.

"You're sure you're okay 'Mione?" Harry asked as he gave her a quick, but affectionate hug.

"I promise. Madam Pomfrey said I'll be right as rain in a day or so. See, the bruise is already going away thanks to the draught she made up for me."

"I still can't believe Ron did that," Harry said as his hand came up to gently touch the dark bruises that still stained her skin.

"How did you find us that night? What were you and Ginny doing up there?" Hermione asked. She'd been told about how after she'd been knocked out, Harry and Ginny had run into the room.

"We were following Ron. He had been acting weird. He had given us the slip though, so we were wandering around trying to find him when we heard the yelling," Ginny answered from behind them.

As Harry released his hold on Hermione, she looked over and saw Draco starring daggers at him. The moment Harry was no longer touching her Draco's expression softened. She wondered what that was all about. Did he still hate Harry that much? She vowed to herself to talk to him about it later. She couldn't stand it if Draco and one of her very best friends couldn't get along.

She reached over and rested her hand on Draco's knee under the table. His eyes met hers and softened even more. His hand found hers and their fingers interwove. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze and then as Ginny and Harry settled down at the table and they tucked into their plate, a bang sounded out behind them causing all four to look over in the direction of the noise.

Ron stood a few feet away, a large stack of books on the floor in front of him. "What the fuck is going on here? Why the hell is he here?" Ron yelled, pointing at Draco. 

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