Chapter 26

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"I'm sure. I want you Draco," she groaned.

"Okay, this is going to hurt, but I'll be quick, and it should get better soon," he promised.

Draco suddenly thrust forward, sinking himself down the rest of the way inside of her. She screamed and clutched onto his shoulders tightly as she felt the barrier tear. The strange ripping and tearing sensation was followed by a burning pain. Once fully seated, it took all of his willpower to hold himself still, allowing her a moment to adjust to the size of him. He leaned down and kissed away the tears that flowed down her cheeks.

Once she began relaxing and opened her eyes to look up at him, he smiled at her and said, "There's my girl. Okay, I'm going to start moving now. It might still hurt at first, but should start feeling better soon."

He began slowly, only moving an inch or so out before moving back in. He continued with these painfully shallow thrusts until he could see that she was relaxing. Then he began moving more. Soon he was pulling almost all of the way out before thrusting all of the way back in, and grinding his pelvis against her clit with every thrust.

Her cries of pain soon morphed into moans and then cries of pleasure. She never imagined sex could feel this good. Her hips began instinctually moving in time with his thrusts, meeting him in the middle and grinding against him.

"Oh fuck. Draco," She cried out. She was quickly building toward another climax.

"Hermione," he moaned, "You feel too fucking good."

"Oh Merlin, Draco. Don't stop. I'm so close," she moaned.

"Cum for me Hermione. Fuck yeah. Cum for me baby," Draco groaned as he reached between them and lightly pinched her clit.

Hermione immediately exploded. She screamed her pleasure into the night as her body tensed up a moment before she began writhing and convulsing beneath him. Draco groaned as her inner walls clamped down on his cock like a vice, causing him to quickly lose control over his own release. He soon followed her, and pumped his seed deep into her pussy as it milked him for all he was worth.

After a moment, they both came down from the heights of their shared orgasm, and Draco collapsed down onto her, careful to keep most of his body weight on his knees and elbows so he wouldn't crush her. He kissed her deeply as he remained inside of her, still thrusting slowly in and out, and rolling his hips. They kissed as they soaked up the aftershocks of bliss that rolled through them. Eventually he pulled out of her and rolled them so that she was on top.

"That was amazing," Hermione breathed.

"You're amazing," Draco said with a smile before pulling her down for a kiss.

After they broke the kiss, she lay down on top of him, resting her head on his chest. She then felt something poking at her thigh. "Again?" Hermione asked.

"With you, I don't think I'll ever have enough," Draco said as his arms tightened around her, "For now though. Rest. You'll be sore."

He then rolled them so she was laying on the couch again, and he got up. He returned with a warm wet cloth and cleaned them both up. Then he lifted her up and carried her bridal style into his room where he settled them both under the warm covers on his bed. Soon they were both sound asleep, with her tiny body tucked in his protective embrace.

The next morning, Draco awoke feeling warm and content. He felt the tiny body pressed up against him, and then the events of the prior night came rushing back to him. A smile graced his lips as he recalled the sight of Hermione coming undone beneath him as her warm sweet heat enveloped him.  

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