Chapter 14

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Draco and Hermione spent the entire next day together. They went for a long walk around the castle, spent quiet time in the library, and even ventured out on the grounds. They only saw the others at mealtimes in the Great Hall, where they refrained from touching. This was all so new to them, that they decided to keep it to themselves for the time being. They did not know how exactly how their friends would take to the news that they were friends, let alone something more.

When they were alone, they found they couldn't keep their hands off each other. Little touches here and there, kisses, embraces. They felt an incredible pull to each other and delighted in exploring something so new and exciting. They were on patrol one night, when Draco pulled her into an empty classroom. His arms snaked around her as he leaned down and kissed her deeply.

As they kissed, their hands began to roam, and soon Draco had moved them over to the hearth near the back of the class. He had laid Hermione down on the fur rug before lighting the fire. He quickly joined her on the plush rug, kissing her passionately. Draco lay on top of her as they kissed. He was settled between her thighs, both of them were clothed.

"Oi. Get the fuck off her," screeched a loud male voice just before Draco was suddenly yanked off of her.

"Ron, what the hell," Hermione exclaimed as she sat bolt upright to see Ron throw a wild punch directly into a very stunned Draco's face. "Ron, no! Stop it!" She screamed as she launched herself up at them. "Ron stop!" Her hand moved to her wand, but she didn't dare use magic, for fear of accidentally hitting Draco.

Draco threw his arms up in defense, but made no move to retaliate. Hermione dashed to get between them just as Ron's arm swung forward. Ron was so blinded by rage that he was unable to stop himself. Pain exploded in Hermione's temple and then there was blackness.

"Hermione!" Draco yelled as he watched in horror as Ron's fist connected with the side of her head and she dropped. He caught her just before she hit the floor.

"What's going on in here?" Harry's voice sounded from across the room. He rushed in, with Ginny hot on his heels.

"What did you do to her?" Ginny demanded; her wand pointed directly at Draco.

Draco cradled Hermione's head in his lap, gently petting her hair. "Your git of a brother did this," he growled, his voice dripping with venom.

"Ron?" Harry said as he approached his friend who is standing stunned, staring down at Hermione.

"I...I didn't mean to," Ron stuttered.

"What happened?" Harry demanded as he turned to Ron.

"He...he was on top of her. He was kissing her." Ron said accusingly.

"Yes. I was kissing my girlfriend, and he stormed in here throwing punches," Draco said, putting emphasis on the word girlfriend.

"Girlfriend?" all three Gryffindors asked at once.

"We don't have time for this. Get him out of here," Draco demanded as he lifted Hermione up and cradled her against him.

"Give her to me. We need to get her to the infirmary," Harry said, reaching to take her from Draco.

"Don't you dare touch her. I will take care of her. You deal with him. He needs to stay out of my sight," Draco said in a deadly tone as he marched past the three Gryffindors and headed to the infirmary.

Harry, Ginny, and Ron stood stunned watching Draco carry Hermione out of the room. After a moment, Harry shook his head and then said, "Alright Ron, you need to go back to the Gryffindor common room. Stay there. Cool off. Put some ice on those," he pointed at Ron's busted knuckles, "Ginny and I will go check on Hermione. We'll see you in a little while."

Ron didn't argue, he stomped out of the room and away from his friends. Harry and Ginny rushed to the Infirmary and arrived as Madam Pomfrey was checking Hermione over. She was still out cold, a dark bruise was forming on the side of her head. Draco was holding her hand and looking down at her in concern.

"Shouldn't she have woken up by now?" Ginny asked the room in general, her voice shacking in fear for her best friend.

"There is swelling. Her body is trying to protect itself," Madam Pomfrey explained as she rushed around the room grabbing bottles from various shelves and cupboards, and then mixing a little of each together in a small vial. "We need to bring the swelling down quickly to avoid brain damage. Here, hold her mouth open for me please. I just need to get a little of this into her."

Draco moved quickly and carefully, getting up on the bed, and positioning himself behind Hermione with her leaning on his chest and her legs between his thighs. He tipped her head back gently and held her mouth open. "Like this?" he asked.

"That's perfect. Thank you, Mr. Malfoy," Madam Pomfrey said as she poured the vial of bright green liquid down Hermione's throat.

Harry and Ginny watched in open mouthed shock, both in overwhelming concern for their friend and shock that apparently Hermione was dating Draco. Harry kneeled by the bed and reached out and gripped Hermione's delicate hand. "It's gonna be okay 'Mione. You'll be okay," he said partly to reassure her if she could even hear him, and also to reassure himself. Ginny put her hand on his shoulder.

"What has happened?" Professor McGonagall demanded as she rushed into the room.

"Head injury," Madam Pomfrey answered.

"Will she be okay?" The new Headmaster asked, concern evident in her tone.

"She should be now. We were lucky that Mr. Malfoy got her here as quickly as he did."

Professor McGonagall's intelligent gaze took in the sight of Draco cradling Hermione, his arms wrapped around her possessively. If the sight startled her, she didn't let on. "Thank you, Draco," she says, "We're lucky you were there. Would you like to stay with her?"

Draco nodded his head, but his gaze never left the still unconscious girl in his arms.

"Okay then, very well. You two, follow me," she gestured to Harry and Ginny, "I trust you know what happened, and can explain this to me." She did not wait for an answer before storming out of the Infirmary and heading to her office in the tower.

Once they were gone, Madam Pomfrey said, "You're welcome to stay here with her if you'd like. She might be out for a while though. Hopefully she will wake by the morning."

"I'm not going anywhere," Draco said as his hand gently cupped the non-injured side of Hermione's head.

Madam Pomfrey nodded her understanding and then left, stating that she would be back to check on them periodically through the night.

"You stupid, brave, wonderful girl," Draco said quietly as he gently pet Hermione's hair, "I can't believe you did that. You're in so much trouble when you wake up. Please wake up."

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