Chapter 13

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Her mouth opened to his, allowing his tongue to delve inward and dance with hers. Her heart rate picked up as they kissed passionately while stars continue to fall around them. She opened her eyes for a moment, to watch his handsome face as he enjoyed their moment of intimacy. His hands snuck down to her lower back and then felt their way down even lower to the top of her ass.

After another few moments of kissing, they parted and stared at each other as they caught their breaths. "Wow," she said under her breath as she gazed up deeply into his silver-grey eyes.

"Wow is right," Draco mused before spinning her around so that her back was pressed against his front. His arms snaked around her and pulled her flush against him.

"This is perfect," Hermione said quietly as they stood there watching the last remnants of the falling stars dart across the sky. "Thank you."

Draco didn't respond verbally, but she felt his warm breath on the side of her throat just before his soft lips placed gentle kisses from under her ear all the way down to her shoulder. She couldn't help the little moan that escaped her lips as the tender kisses nearly made her knees weak.

"I've wanted to do that for years," Draco admitted, his voice low and gravely.

"I thought you hated me," Hermione said softly, with no accusation in her tone.

"I thought I did too," Draco said between kisses on her neck, "but I always felt a pull to you. I always thought you were beautiful."

"Even when I punched you in the face?" She said jokingly.

"Especially then," he replied with a chuckle, tightening his arms around her.

A cold gust of wind blasted through the Astronomy tower, and Hermione shivered in Draco's arms. "Come, let's get you inside before you freeze to death." Draco said as he placed one last kiss on her neck and then took her by the hand and lead her back down into the castle.

They made their way quickly back to their shared common room, and Draco had her sit down in front of the fire. "I'll be right back," he said as he disappeared. He returned only a few minutes later with two steaming mugs. "Cocoa," he said as he handed her one of the mugs before settling down on the couch beside her.

"Thank you," Hermione said with a big smile, " even put extra marshmallows. It's just how I like it."

She blew on it a moment before taking a tentative sip. " good." She muttered appreciatively.

"You keep making noises like that, and you're not going to have a chance to finish it," Draco said as he looked at her with a heated gaze. His arm snuck around her shoulders and pulled her lightly into him.

Hermione looked up at his handsome face as she warmed her hands on the ceramic mug. "Thank you Draco. This was all very thoughtful."

"Well, it wasn't all charitable. I did get something out of it too you know," he said with a playful wink. His hand tightened around her shoulder.

They sat and sipped on their cocoas in comfortable silence, watching the flames dance in the fireplace, and enjoying each other's company. After their mugs were empty and set down on the coffee table, Draco pulled Hermione sideways up onto his lap, his arms wrapped possessively around her as his lips found hers once more.

He kissed her slowly, sensually. He took his time, enjoying the feeling of her soft lips, and sweet taste. He had thought about what it would be like kissing her since the first moment he laid eyes on her. Now that he finally had, he felt like his imagination was lacking. "You're perfect," he said between kisses.

Hermione broke the kiss to look at him in the eyes, trying to gauge how serious he was. She saw no hint of malice or humor in his expression. She only saw adoration and sincerity. "Draco," she said quietly.

"I love it when you say my first name," he growled, "Say it again."

"Draco," she said with a mischievous smile before saying it again, "Draco."

He growled again, and then lifted her up and repositioned her so she was straddling him. His hands snaked around her and gripped her ass, giving her cheeks an approving squeeze over the fabric of her skirt.

She leaned in and kissed him again. As their tongues tangled, and they devoured each other, Draco's hands roamed her backside, and pulled her down onto his hardening cock. Hermione's hips rolled of their own accord, as she reveled in the feeling of his erection pressing into her core.

"I can't wait to hear you moaning my name," Draco groaned.

Hermione froze for a beat.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked. His chest heaving.

"I've...I've never..." Hermione stuttered as she tried to get past the embarrassment. She wondered would he lose interest in her once he knew the truth?

"You've never what?" Draco asked, momentarily confused. Then suddenly he realized what it was she was trying to say. He recalled the conversation he'd overheard between her and Potter after Weasley had broken up with her. "You're a virgin." Draco said.

Hermione cheeks turned crimson, and she broke eye contact with him. "Ummmm...yeah. I'm sorry. I will understand if you don't want to see me anymore. I..."

She did not get a chance to finish her sentence before his fingers gently gripped her chin and turned her face to look at him. "Hermione look at me. There is nothing to be embarrassed about."

"You don't think it's a turn off that I'm a virgin?" She asked.

"For a genius, you can sometimes be rather daft," Draco chuckled, "No. It's not a turn off. In fact, I love that I'll get to be your first, but we will go at your pace. No rushing. I'll wait as long as you need."

"Really? So, you don't want to tonight?" Hermione said in absolute wonder. Who is this guy? She never would have expected Draco Malfoy of all people to be so kind and understanding.

"Oh believe me, I want to," Draco said. He rolled his hips up against her just to prove his point, grinding his erection into her, "but I think we should take our time. I don't think we need to rush things."

"Okay, thank you," she said, "You know tonight is the first time I've ever really kissed like this." Her cheeks heated crimson once more and she bit her lower lip.

"You've never made out before?" Draco asked in shock, "That ginger just didn't know what to do with you did he? What a waste. You're far too sexy to not be snogging with constantly." With that he pulled her to him and commenced with showing her exactly how much he enjoyed kissing her. 

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