Chapter 20

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Hermione leaned against the wall in shock as she watched the boys, and then suddenly her legs gave out as Draco's words registered, and the weight of what almost just happened hit her. Ron almost raped her. He was going to do it. If Draco and his friends hadn't stopped them, he really would have done it.

Draco saw her drop out of the corner of his eye, and rushed toward her as his concern for her overrode his fury at Ron. "Hey. Hey. I got you," he said as he lifted her up and cradled her against his chest. He kissed her forehead lightly and then turned toward his friends who still held the ginger at wandpoint.

"Take him to McGonagall," Draco commanded.

Hermione's eyes snapped to his. She knew what would happen if McGonagall found out what happened there that night. Ron would not have only been expelled, but he'd likely be brought up on sexual assault charges. He might have been guilty, but he'd also been her friend. Part of her still cared what happened to him, and she definitely cared what it would do to the rest of his family and friends. They had all been through so much in the last year. She couldn't imagine what this would do to them.

"No. Bring him somewhere to sleep it off," Hermione said softly.

"But, Hermione he tried to force himself on you. Are you sure?" Draco asked.

"Yes. I can't do that to his family." She said.

"Hermione. I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry. You know I'd never hurt you. I love you. It's always been you," Ron pleaded with her.

"Don't you dare fucking talk to her," Draco growled at Ron, "You're fucking lucky that she's got the kindest heart of any witch I've ever met. It's only through her wishes that you're not going to end up behind bars tonight or worse, but I swear to all that is holy, if you ever go near her again...if you ever fucking touch her...I will fucking end you."

Hermione didn't see what Ron's reaction was, as her face was buried in Draco's chest, but she heard his sharp intake of breath and a sniffle. "Get him out of here. Keep him out of sight til he sobers up," Draco ordered.

Then Draco walked out of that classroom and to the Head's dormitory. He carried a shaking Hermione to the bathroom. He drew her a warm bubble bath and then turned around as she got undressed in silence and slipped into the tub. He sat next to her as she soaked in the warm water and caressed her hair. "I'm so sorry Hermione," he said.

"It's not your fault Draco," she said quietly.

"I wasn't there to protect you."

"But you were. You stopped him," she said.

"I was almost too late. You should never have been left alone and vulnerable," he replied.

"Stop it. You saved me Draco. None of this is on you. Ron's actions were his own."

He nodded his understanding, even if he couldn't fully agree with her. He felt responsible in part. He'd allowed her to patrol on her own. He'd allowed her to be in that position. Yes, she's a formidable witch, and a badass, but she was also his to protect and he failed.

After her bath, he turned as she stepped out of the tub and dried off. She slipped the nightgown he'd brought her over her head and then Draco carried her to his room and laid her down in his bed. He covered her up and tucked her in. He kissed her sweetly on her forehead and then told her to rest.

He didn't join her in bed. He felt like after what she had just been through, that she needed to rest without a man touching her, even him. Also he was still so keyed up and furious, he knew that he wasn't going to be able to sit still or sleep. He felt like he needed to punch something. He needed to let out his rage, but he also didn't want to disturb her. He settled into a chair next to the bed, and sat watching over her the rest of the night while she managed a restless sleep.

The next morning, Hermione awoke to the smell of coffee and bacon. Draco sat next to her reading a book, and there was a tray of food on a small table next to her. "Good morning. Blaise brought you some breakfast. How are you feeling?" Draco asked when he saw her looking at him. He closed the book and set it down on the end table next to his bed.

"I'm okay," Hermione groaned as she sat up. She brought her arms out from under the covers and was just about to reach for the coffee when Draco let out a gasp. He was suddenly on the bed next to her with her arms held gently in his hands.

It was then that she noticed the marks. Bruises from Ron's hands gripping her so tightly marred her wrists and forearms. "That bastard," Draco cursed, "I'll kill him."

He brought one of her arms up to his mouth, and kissed the bruises lightly. He brought out his wand, and held it against the dark purple marks. He muttered, "Episkey" as he moved the wand up and down over her arms. The bruises faded, but didn't disappear entirely.

"I'm sorry. I'm not that great at healing spells yet," Draco apologized.

"It's fine. Thank you. I'm okay. Really," Hermione promised.

"None of this is okay."

"It will be," Hermione said confidently as her hand moved up to cup his face, "Thank you."

"Don't," Draco said, "Don't thank me."

"You saved me," Hermione said for what she felt was the fiftieth time.

"You shouldn't have needed saving."

"You can't keep taking on blame that isn't yours to hold. It's not healthy or helpful. You are not responsible for what happened. The only person to blame is Ronald. He will be dealt with, but it needs to be my way, okay?" Hermione asked.

"Okay," Draco answered, his fingers making light circles over the back of her hand, "whatever you need."

"What I need is for you to hold me for a little while, and then we need to get to class."

Draco chuckled at his little studious witch who would never dream of missing class. He didn't hesitate to join her in bed, and wrap her in his strong arms. She snuggled close to him and rested her cheek on his chest. She let out a contented sigh. She felt safe there in his arms. Oh, how things have changed. If she'd been told a year ago that it would be Ron she was afraid of, and Draco who made her feel protected, she would have said that was ludicrous. 

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